The Nestling (Public: in honor of the one-year anniversary of community projects) šŸ¦

Iā€™ve been wearing this NFT pretty much all the time since buying it, and to my experience, it is also working very well for protection, to the point that Iā€™m not wearing warrior monk anymore for now but ā€œjustā€ Dragon Bone Armor and an original A.P.E. along with it.

I rely on dowsing and intuition to know about abilities since they are not being specified further and I must say it seems to work amazingly well also for protection, but your experience might varyā€¦ Bear in mind though that Caladrius also has strong protection skills (and I am sure The Firebird does as well), consequently also this one should have them, maybe not the same or as developed as the aforementioned (yetā€¦ as this being can also learn so it has incredible potential); also makes sense since to be healthy you have to be cleared and protected from external negativityā€¦

In any case, if your priority is protection I wouldnā€™t rely on this alone, as there are most probably stronger choices these days.



of course

connection, and respect, the desire to develop him - the key to progress

this is how he becomes when he is forgotten lol

ps. plumage color may vary :)


:joy: thatā€™s funny.


Thank you @Ugninis for your great advice and suggestions. Greatly appreciated !!!


so as far as i understand this is mostly healing field , does anyone knows how this differ from the eternal nft field? or they do the same purpose but with other concept ?


Wu Wizard NFT: Testimonials, The Divine Ingredients [Private Group], Taoist Negentropic Academy: Private Project, Egyptian Magic and Medicine - Community NFT, Bee-Shamanism NFT, Conquering Heaven (Automated Cultivator NFT: Collab Project) these are different paths and traditions toward one goal: your health and well-being.

we have several other projects that reveal other cultures and their approachā€¦ Itā€™s really darn interesting, not just for the purpose of grabbing the NFT, but also in terms of research


Hello, I have this NFT as well. According to the description, it has the healing power of the Caladrius, and this seems to be one of the best Sapien NFTā€™s for healing currently.

Even if it does not have the complete healing power of Caladrius, I would imagine that since itā€™s designed for healing, it includes Virus Disruption ability as well, but I could be wrong.

It would be nice if Captain or someone in the know can chime in approximately on how much of Caladrius healing power is accessed through The Nestling or how long it would take for The Nestling to get ā€œthereā€ and whether or not it includes The Plasma Flaunt field fully or not.


Fire will burn the virus is the power of the Firebird :)

Hybridization is the crossing of individuals who differ in one or more inherited traits. It can be natural (spontaneous), but in this case it is artificial or experimental hybridization

hybridization cannot be seen as a simple arithmetic summation of the traits and properties of the parents. Although such individuals will possess certain properties of the parents lol

According to the theory of biology, parental organisms pass on to offspring not traits, but genes, on the basis of which the traits controlled by those genes develop again in the new generation. Hybridization belongs to the category of combinative breeding, because the main goal in this case is to obtain offspring with a new set of traits and properties (but the best qualities of the parents are also included in the basis). And these new valuable traits and properties are fixed and strengthened.

I do not think that someone will tell you the exact answer to this question in percentage terms
try to answer your own question

My personal opinion is that at the moment the most ideal publicly available combination for the entire forum, is Nestling + The Plasma Flaunt

Plasma Flaunt is a clear multi-complex multifunctional medical field aimed at the whole organismā€¦ And It is the perfect didactic material for Nestling


It feels so beautiful and powerful :flushed:

Chances are it will be on the buying list


Silly request, is there a complete image of the Nestling???

since its hard to see in imagination the whole bird base on the NFT image alone

edit: also, thank you always for your replies and explanations


No, unfortunately I donā€™t have a full image of Nestling.

only a publicly available image

And you take your time. Sooner or later you will see (can imagine)
Just donā€™t set a deadline for when it happens :grin:


Thanks for your explanation UgniS! Certainly an interesting hybrid. Do I misinterpret that The Nestling is a bit better for healing purposes than the Caladrius, because it has learned from itā€™s parents? :slight_smile:

So is it correct that this is one energy being for all of the NFT owners? If so then if someone teaches The Nestling for instance the full Plasma Flaunt field, it will be included for all The Nestling NFT owners?

Without owning the Plasma Flaunt myself, I can tune to itā€™s existence and flow it into a space for The Nestling to learn from? I was mostly interested in The Nestling for The Plasma Flaunt mentioning in description and then not needing an audio.


I know as much as you do. My conclusions are only my personal experience with the Captainā€™s products

even if it is one creature - there is a principle of individualization.
use together with Plasma Flaunt audio will benefit you personally to the maximum extent possible.

I wish to individualize and maximize your personal experience :)


May someone share about their feeling after having this nft? Like, when you donā€™t use it for meditation, does that energy still linger in you? And why?

Since it is not a servitor and it is an alive spiritual animals, do their energy infuse with you, so the person becomes partial human and partial spiritual animal? (Like you eat dog meat, and dog will bark at you as you carry those smell in the body) Sorry I donā€™t have psychic so I want to ask for people who may sense it or know it.

There are temples that invite spiritual animals as guardian for the area, but it is my first time to hear that a spiritual animal will voluntary heal people without giving things in return. In temple, they got the chi when people chant or meditate. I donā€™t think our money will have any usage to them

Thank you!

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Lol hi
So the reason we say its not a servitor is because
Whatever it is its more than that- sure we could use the term servitor as the building blockā€™s framework- but thereā€™s not like a dictionary term to explain what it isā€¦ yet. Maybe one day but not today.

Its not a spirit animal. You do not become partial spirit animal from this.
If you read negentropic dragon thread, it explains it far far better than my meager attempt here lol

I donā€™t have this nft however,
I suggest you read his parentā€™s threads haha; Firebird and Caladrius!
All I know though is that big bird over here is a darling; best of luck :hatching_chick:


Just hit me this is probably mythologyā€™s newest edition.
I cannot wait for meeting big bird (my name for him lol) btw @UgniS

This is my ā€œanimal ā€œservitorā€ collection so far (I might be excluding a few because not sure if they fall into the category ie Black Panther, Lionā€™s Gate, Chiron, Coyote, etc.)



It feels like to me they will all get along. I think he holds (idk feelā€™s more he than she but of course I may be wrong) a very regal, uplifting energy.
Great for those in the midst of battling depression

Also I have to say
Iā€™m impressed with how nice a job the merging was done. Perfectly executed. V nice v nice


I called ā€˜mineā€™ big birdie/bird as well, but I guess they are all one anyway? :)

:fire: :yum: :+1: :clinking_glasses:

I abandoned that terminology when talking about animals and magical creatures lol

the word ā€œservitorā€ is still included in some future projects, but specifically in those where we havenā€™t given shape and form, and where its role is to support or automate certain project functions


Itā€™s just for fun lol
I guess like how we humans have names but technically, technically we are all part of a much more complex interconnected web aka one and allā€¦. lol
So yeh. Just for fun :slight_smile:

Big birdie for the win! :muscle:t2::heart:


thank you @Violet

it is a new concept to me but i think this combo has many reviews. inthis case i willlook into the negentropic dragon to have a better idea of what i am being with.

by the way, hehe you have some many that you can star a zoo, hehe

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