The Divine Ingredients [Private Group]


This NFT is designed to charge your food or drink with the following benefits.

To use it, simply play the audio 1-3 times around food/drink (audio is 1:52) or place mandala near food/drink for a couple of minutes.

The charger will infuse your food/drink with energies of the following:


Ambrosia was the most prized food of the Greek Gods. When a divine being ate the delicious ambrosia, their skin was cleansed of any defilement, making them appear younger and more desirable. Some scholars believe that both nectar and ambrosia were kinds of honey, prepared differently for consumption. It is said these foods have a healing and cleansing power, often used as an anti-septic. It was also believed that ambrosia could bestow immortality if eaten regularly.


The nectar of the gods was a divine brew that could be used as a drink or an ointment. It was said to bestow youth and beauty upon anyone who used it. The goddess Aphrodite was said to have worn the nectar as perfume, while Apollo used nectar to preserve a corpse due to its incredible properties which could stop the decomposition of a body almost indefinitely.


Amrita is a divine food from ancient India, often mentioned in the mythical stories of the Rigveda. It was described as a drink that confers immortality upon the gods. Amrita features in the “ocean-churning” legend of Hindu mythology which describes how the devas, because of a curse from a crazed sage, lose their immortality. Assisted by their mortal enemies, the asuras, they churned a great ocean to create the wondrous amrita, the nectar of immortality. Those who drank it literally could not die.


In Chinese mythology, the peaches of immortality were consumed by the gods due to their virtue of conferring longevity on all who eat them. The sacred peach tree put forth its leaves once every thousand years and it required another three thousand years for the fruit to ripen. It was said the gods would wait for four thousand years before gathering the divine peaches and feasting on them for a day and a night.


In Norse mythology, Idunn was a goddess who was known as the keeper of golden apples. Her name means “ever young”, or “the rejuvenating one”. The Norse gods depended upon Idunn’s constant supply of these golden apples for their immortality. In the Prose Edda, there is a tale of how Loki was once forced by a giant to lure Idunn out of Asgard and into a wood, where she was then snatched away to his home. In Idunn’s absence, the gods grew old and gray. Once they realised that Loki was responsible for her disappearance, they made him find the goddess and steal her back from the giant. Only then did they regain their immortality and youth.


The elixir of life is a mythical potion that, when drunk from a certain cup at a certain time, grants the drinker with immortality and eternal youth. It was based on the alchemical teachings of Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus, both of whom in various tales are said to have drunk “the white drops” of liquid gold, and thus achieved immortality. Alchemists throughout the ages have tried to recreate this incredible formula, but to no avail. In the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang sent a Taoist alchemist to the eastern seas to find the elixir, but he never came back.


In the Book of Genesis, the tree of life is (found in the Garden of Eden) is said to be guarded by Cherubim to prevent mortals from stealing its precious nectar. The tree is described in the Book of Revelation as bearing “twelve crops of fruit”, said to possess curing properties. Saint Bonaventure taught that the medicinal fruit of the Tree of Life is contains the healing power of Christ himself. Thomas Aquinas (a Catholic priest from the medieval era) argued that the fruit of the tree served to maintain Adam’s longevity beyond that of an earthly animal life.


Soma was a sacred drink mentioned in Vedic and Persian texts that was said to bestow immortality on anyone who consumed it. The nectar is said to come from a plant which is described as possessing a long green stem with bright, shining yellow petals. It is said that when drinking this potent brew, a person’s body “roars” with the qualities of a god. The effects include greater speed and strength to warriors, strong, robust children to those giving birth, and spiritual power to those who apply themselves to the study of the philosophy.


A mythical beverage that whoever “drinks becomes a skald or scholar” able to recite any information and solve any question

Incorporates all benefits of the ‘Food Charger and Enhancer’ found on Dream Seeds

Incorporates all benefits of ‘Infared and Plasma Light Drink Charger’ found on Patreon

This charger will also infuse your food/drink with the following energies:

  • Plasma
  • Divine Love
  • Life Force


Digestion is important for breaking down food into nutrients, which the body uses for energy, growth, and cell repair. Anti-Nutrients are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with nutrient absorption, this field will detect them in your food and remove them allowing for a smoother and faster digestion process.

The field understands when and what the user is about to eat. Through this understanding, the field intelligently promotes population of specific enzymes within the body according to what he/she will be eating. For example, if the user is about to have some milk within 30 minutes, the field promotes population of lactase ahead of time in preparation of consuming said milk.

The charger scans the food that’s being charged and promotes population of enzymes according to what’s being charged. After charging commences it will intelligently know when you will truly (not when you “say”) eat the food and prepare your body accordingly).

Gut microbiota are the microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses that live in the digestive tracts of animals. This NFT will promote a healthy balance of gut flora which will help:

  • Supplying and synthesizing essential nutrients
  • Breaking down toxins
  • Defend against infection
  • Aid the immune system
    & much more


How it works:

Place mandala (whether it be digital or paper) near item you want to charge and place it for 3-5 minutes and the item will be charged
Play audio 1-3 times in order to charge your desired items

You can charge plates, cups, beverage holders, etc…

This will give the food or drink that touches them the benefits of this charger



Very well, I was just at bar and was thinking of what would it be like if bartenders were open to charging their drinks with some special energies.


had the same thought when I was out for Dinner with family last night.


Clients wouldn’t have a hangover the next morning lol



This project sounds wonderful, congratulations!


Just an interesting thought came in ….would the audio field might charge us internally with all the elixirs, ambrosia and Amritas like an internal alchemy as per say when we listen to it :thinking:……? Cause , technically, internally in our bodies we have water , food , nutrients and blood flowing……it makes an exciting notion just thinking about if there’s a possibility for that to happen , that’ll be awesome :star_struck:


Oh and by the way, the music track for this audio field is amazing. Super soothing , tranquil, very calming


perhaps in part.
But still, I think this project is aimed at our daily diet, saturating food with healing properties and optimizing our digestion


Man, I’m so grateful this was made… Charging food/water is a huge layer of my life, i don’t eat or drink anything unless it’s charged in some way so this means a lot to me

Everything I’ve eaten and drank has been a-maz-ing haha

Yesterday when i found out this was being released I bought one of these mugs to create an item for my drinks (it got her the same day too! :heart_eyes:), 100% of all the sips I’ve taken have tasted wonderous and amazing haha it’s sweet, best tasting water I’ve ever had

I had a sofritas burrito yesterday from chipotle charger, man, it was the best sofritas burrito I’ve ever had (i get this a lot, and always charged)

The yogurt and banana i had yesterday was amazing too… Right now I’m having a smoothie from smoothieking and man, it literally tastes like it’s blended with divine ingredients… It’s something else man, while i drink if feel more and more alive ( the pinnacle of being alive is immortality, and this smoothie is like an ultimate smoothie of immortality haha)

I had charged my water i had in the gym last night with this and i had a ridiculous work out, but i feel like that’s due to divine physique too



This was the main focus of our project, the aide in digestion is secondary :slight_smile:

“The Divine Ingredients” :)


I did prioritize differently, based on private conversations and seeing the basis of the project at the top
but so be it.
although external processes are connected with internal
it is a holistic basis



Me and Josh did too, idk what you mean


satiation of food and drink, which then satiates the owner

it seemed to me that the question was related to the saturation of the internal space, bypassing the saturation of food. But there may be inaccuracies in the translation :)


Hi Guys , just a query . Is there a special command to say while the audio is playing , in order to activate the charging of the water and food and utensils with All the Food of the Gods


Or it charges automatically when the audio is played near the food and water without any command?


I think it happens automatically.
the only “command” is your desire / intent to be healthy and productive :wink:


Thanks man , that sounds awesome :+1:t5::blush:


And infact, this NFT is invoking in me other ideas as well . For example playing it on loop while in the shower :shower: , I gotta experiment that real soon ,:blush:


a huge area for experimentation
I think it is also possible to play this audio in the summer, in the garden, saturating fruits and vegetables with energy
if you have an aquarium, perhaps the fish will also appreciate the energy of the divine gifts :laughing:

This baby might be a great addition to the research process :bird:


I always ask the audio what to charge (all the ingredients are included, no need to specify which)

Id assume charging everything including foods of others might be intrusive, so this is why specifying which foods to charge may be necessary. (I also have different foods charged with different energies, i wouldn’t like them colliding)

Long story short, give simple directions lol. (Conceptual directions is good too)


How long will the item being charged have the properties of this NFT?