Xtrememind audios

shared your experiencie please.

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They have free monthly spell on patreon for 30 bucks. Has anyone tried them?

There is a thread for other channels. This is Sapien Medicine forum please stick to that other thread.


ok sorry

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One of their product is already discussed on the below thread

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I am a Patreon subscriber. Big fan. Think outside the box. I used the Solomonic Life Force Essence Cloning Transfer Spell (or whatever) with the O.G. King Solomon himself as the donor. Suggestion for the rest…


Good idea

I will try some of their spell from libary

please tell me more about your results…

What is the point of being a subscriber if there is almost nothing interesting there? Also no updates, the last one was in September. Yes, and they rarely answer, it will take a very long time to wait for the spell, they slipped to the bottom completely.

Really? Thats pity, try to their fb group to contact admins… Honestly only thing thats interest me are their monthly spell, have you tried it?

The group is pretty much dead really. I left a message to Joseph back in April and he still hasn’t seen it :sleeping: Maybe try emailing them.

I want to buy, but there is no guarantee that the request will be answered and accepted.

You are on their patreon, if i join for 30$ i can request one spell per month right? They still do it?

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I have nothing to say to that at all.

If that’s your attitude I sincerely hope they never have to deal with you.

Yep, definitely.


This is perfectly adequate behavior if they treat their clients this way.

Can you share with me how you contact them? I have not gotten a reply

Inb4 this topic gets merged into my thread

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