Your emotions are toxic & other New Age lies

i dont think the graph is all bad, despite it’s two dimensionality or linearity

it helps to see where an emotion lies so you can know what range is best to tick and what to reduce. or it helps just to identify emotions. emotional intelligence tings

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Just think positive and your life will be good.

^^ new age.

Very toxic af


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While she is right that all emotions have their validity and need to be paid attention to, she is another (mainstream and materialist) pseudo-psychologist who completely ignores the power of the Subconscious Mind.

You are not your emotions. Emotions are just energy that follows the pattern of your subconscious beliefs.

She is debunking one lie and replacing it with another lie.
Moving people from one state of victimhood into another state of victimhood.

Typical NPC content, where she isn’t aware (yet) that she is indeed manifesting her own reality and life is a mirror.


(But to be fair here, most New Age folks do not get those concepts either.)


Internet gave voice to those who shouldn’t be heard and YT made it worse, every one is an expert on everything.

I wonder what kind of content these people would create if YT changes overnight the payment formula by a million fold like x views in a month - $10 becomes 1Mx views in a month - $10, then it would be sheer negative shit.



I open YouTube and 10 people are telling me that we are all god and another 10 talking about ALL the stages of spiritual awakening and kundalini :sweat_smile:


But we are all god, aren’t we?

Now, would you like to purchase my courses on kundalini and spiritual awakening for 99,97 ? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


she is a doctor of psychology, not at all a pseudo psychologist.

if you watched the video you’d know she referred to jung’s shadow, and she isn’t ignoring the subconscious, merely she factors it in alongside the various other important aspects that contribute to a person’s psyche.

what lie?

reducing someone down to an NPC is hardly compassionate. if you keep using that analogy, you are no better than the egotistical new agers.
if you understand eastern thought, you’d know that the absence of knowledge is not ignorance, merely a state of not knowing. as long as one remains humble and open, they are doing all they need to. an animal does not know things, not due to ignorance, but because of they live in a state of initiative, experiential state. knowledge adds no meaning to their life. so do they deserve to be treated as a npc?

she raises this point from her unique standpoint as a trained and experienced psychologist


Not reducing most just call it unconscious or asleep it’s your perspective on the word that has made you see it as bad here.

He’s not beating her up or making her life harder nothing wrong with saying NPC lol.

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i tend to push back against the analogy because it is definitely reductive. people say it when they can’t be bothered to talk about the nuance of an entire human psyche.


Based on your perspective of the word yes.

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if i called you ugly and said my interpretation of the word is ‘biologically unharmonious’,is that ok? the word carries, inherently, a reductive connotation

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Yes I wouldn’t care I’m beautiful don’t need you to tell me what I am.

Gotta find it from inside don’t need it from outside.

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i’m trying to make a point. this analogy is better: if i called you a ‘subhuman’, is that okay to say if my definition of subhuman is ‘ not being academically trained in psychology’?

We all see things differently i suppose.

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What they learn at University and acadamia is mostly BS and outdated stuff.
How do I know?
Because people who follow their models and methods are almost never able to heal anyone in the first place.
Most of it is completely usesless knowledge because it does not create results.
These people are circle jerking for the most time.
While there are many half-esoteric techniques and methods and models that actually do heal and help people. But you won’t find these in the arrogant and ignorant acadamia bubble.

The Subconscious Mind is the most important piece of “you”. It is not enough to just mention it on the side via the shadow… Just proofs that she has no clue because she doesn’t realize what is really important and how things are interconnected.

Her whole presentation and her whole world model that she tries to sell to the viewer. As mentioned, guiding people from one version of victimhood mindset to another version of victimhood mindset.

You should look up my definition of an “NPC” here on the forum. This has been discussed many times already.

Yeah, most people are not humble and open. Hence why they are "NPC"s.
The day they start to actually become humble and open minded they start going from NPCs to Player.

Her experience is the consequence of life mirroring back to her what her Subconscious Mind believes to be true (including all her patients).

Also speaking about “her experience”, she was literally suggesting solutions from the Age of Sigmund Freud… this stuff is 100 years old!

Nothing reductive here. The terms describes a state of consciousness and awareness of souls within the great simulator/game.

People who are still in NPC state are “played” by their Higher Selves (the real top level player).

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the ‘subconscious’ that you use so frequently came from sigmund frued, and his concepts are taught at university. is that useless stuff’?

A good university reviews and updates their content every 5-7 years according to the most recent scientific findings.

are you seriously calling the entire realm of academia ignorant and arrogant? you are writing off many people who are actively shaping our future for the better. of course many are bad and self serving, but many are moving us forward more than any of us will.

its clear you are rigid in your way of thinking, to the degree that you barely hear the actual meaning and intentions behind her words. The victim mindset is a fundamental concept within narcassistic psychology, of which she is highly knowledgeable about. take a look at any of her other vids about narcassism


again, funnily enough, he first formalised the idea of the subconscious mind. obviously buddha and others intuited the subconscious before sigmund, but he introduced it to the modern world. Also, aren’t the esoteric techniques you preach not 2000+ years old ?

quick thought about this: don’t you think creating a duality between you and your higher self is ultimately stopping you from actualising it into your self, fully? is it not your higher self? i see the higher self more as a potential state than an actual seperated, intelligent entity. idk, food for thought

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It is usless if you ignore the 100+ years of discoveries and research that has been done since then (especially outside of academia).

There was so much progress in these areas over the last 100 years made outside of acadamia, with many techniques and methods that actually work and actually help people to heal. But acadamia is ingoring almost all of it.

We can take the area of “Energy Psychology” for example, something that has been out there for 45 years and has helped Millions of people to self-therapy. Yet, it is completely ignored by the mainstream and by acadamia.

Same with Radionics (something that has been there for 100 years).
Or Near Death & Astral Projection Research (something that has been there for 50+ years)
Etc., the list goes on and on.

Hence why e.g. most of these people will also never discover things like energy work and morphic fields too.
They are just stuck in 19th Century materialist mindsets.

Even basics like “LoA”, that have been around forever since mankind existed. But academia cannot grasp it because for LoA to understand, they need to first understand consciousness and the Subconscious Mind…
Most of these acadamia people are so close minded that their level of consciousness simply does not allow them to even consider alternative ideas outside of the materialist narrative.

Lol, they don’t. That’s why they are still teaching 100 years old stuff.

Because their definition “scientific” is mostly BS and hence why they are not going after “what actually works” and after actual performance.

In a free market (outside of the academia bubble) these people would stand no chance if they don’t go after “what works”. Especialy, in the realms of psychology and psychotherapy.


95%+ of the people in there are in NPC mode.
Not really open-minded.
Rather “expert idiots”, who have studied one particular thing a little bit more in depth but ignored the rest of existence.
And when it comes to psychology, they haven’t even studied that one properly.
Like, at all.

Just because you don’t like my analysis and feedback on this topic, does not mean that I am not open minded. I am giving you my feedback from a POV of “been there, done that, many many times”. I am saving you a lot of time by pointing out which pathes on the spiritual journey are dead-ends or wastes of time. Also, saying this as someone who comes from a family of scientists.

No need to waste my time on her further. She is in full on victim mode, refusing to understand that several major key factors: consciousness, subconscious mind, manifestation, personal realities etc.

Some are, some are not.

My point of critizing her is rather that we now have books available for everyone (for 80+ years) and the internet (for 20+ years), so they are NO excuses to not do proper research before spitting out another video with completely outdated content and knowledge. She wastes other’s people’s time instead of doing her homework first.
This is like a first grader who just learned to read, trying to publish books on writing lyrics. For the people who really want to understand lyrics, such a publishing would be a complete waste of their time.
“Never follow the investment advice of a broke person.”

The Higher Self is an entity and “you” are part of it.
It is not some vague abstract concept.
It is a real entity made up of energy, consciousness, mrophic fields etc.
In fact, it is much more “real” than you as a “game character” on Earth here.

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she talks about new-age spirituality lies but those are just general lies
Nothing to do with spirituality itself
It’s just she got introduced to such and such misconceptions and tries to debunk them now
Whereas it’s pretty obvious that it’s a common misconception and has nothing to do with spirituality itself


You know best, honey

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You mean thereapies also?
I’m curious, which concepts in therapy you’d find absolutely useless?

I used to watch some of psychologists’ videos, and I found their insights very useful and eye-opening (not in terms of victim mindset). It felt like everything just fell into place, and if everyone lived by these concepts, no one would suffer actually.

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