Your favorite subliminal of all time

Yes, professionally made subliminals work very fast, often starting even from the first day on just by listening 1-2 houes per day.
That’s why I believe that the offer of Indigo MindLabs (500 $ for something that a free YouTube subliminal can also achieve if you listen to it for 2 months 8 hours a day) make no sense at all and is almost on the treshold of deception.


I create my subliminals in modules much like a computer program. Then I create a core script with parameters which dictates how to execute the modules etc. I have about twenty some tracks Multiplexed going at the same time so your mind can understand everything. And other techniques that i keep to myself.

Indigo on the other hand uses between two to three tracks.

Try the beast mode confidence one i made and let me know how you like it.


I tried your Hybrid Attraction package for a few days during last year, however I have used like 20 other subliminals and Sapien fields in parallel related to attraction, so cannot say what effect here came from what :sweat_smile:

I have bookmarked and will try the Beast Mode Confidence one as well, however not sure how I will feel the effect as I am wearing the Lion tag and use other subliminals that include the confidence as well :thinking:


PS: Thanks for offering a lot of your work for free on the internet. Are your subliminals supposed to be listened with headphones? Because I used them with speakers.

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Cool thanks. Speakers or headphones work fine. Listen to the hybrid versions and doesn’t have to be loud.

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As a subliminal producer, what do you think of the guys at Subliminal Club?


They say that if there subs dont work then you can get your money back in 30 days. So i might give them a go i dont know :man_shrugging:

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Can you tell me the name of your subliminal channel please?

Hey @MUSICMUSICMUSIC please reach out to me :)

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I think his account was deleted, “music music music” was a place holder name instead of the usual “anon1048593”

Why is his acc deleted?

Can you please tell me where I can find this persons youtube channel, website etc? I really would like to know where I can try his subliminal’s.

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I think the creator (Frequency Devision) of this channel has deleted his stuff and channel. But you can try and google…


There is a channel with that name though.

And let’s say I have a feeling this creator is among us.


That is his channel, he already confirmed it. He came back and subs are stronger than ever now


He sometimes posts in this topic 🎧 Crafting a Subliminal Masterpiece Howto:
New stuff he makes


Okay, to stay on topic with the thread— I’ve had good luck with an app called Power Subliminals

Since you have so much experience with subliminals I’d love to pick your brain on what you think is going on/goes on with people who seem to be “on the fritz” after listening to subliminals? I’ve seen on comment sections on YouTube as well as threads here where people are just going downhill and no Morphic field or flush helps them.

I did well with subliminals for about a month; I decided to make my own mental health and trauma healing one and was knocked on my butt for 10 days— headache the whole time. I was so afraid I was going to end up like the stories I kept seeing.

I never knew if it was a healing crisis or if I Just over listened…
Either way, I’ve been cautious since then, but I’m cautiously optimistic about getting back into them