Your favorite subliminal of all time

I’ve listened to a lot of subliminals from many sources over the years. It dawned on me that one in particular stood out to me as being the most useful.

If members would share 1 sub that they feel has been the best out of many, we all might discover some things we never even thought were out there.


Good question. Hmm I’ll have to go with Indigo Mindlabs: Anxiety Relief Aid (5.75G) It has what he calls an “Instant On Feature” . within 5 minutes of listening you feel your whole body completely relaxing. It’s strong.


This is indeed something I never knew was out there. :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for sharing. I’m browsing his catalog now.


Your welcome. They are the best subliminals I’ve came across. He has some full length ones for free of his older technology. There is one called stress relief that works pretty good but it’s nothing like the one i posted in my opinion. He is a little pricey. But it is quality. :+1:


Talmadge Harper is pretty good.


I never got much traction with subliminals, they always felt slow, clunky, and ineffective. Like, I knew they weren’t working because I was full of trauma-induced blockages, and they didn’t do much to remove those blockages either.

The Intention Repeater however…that thing WORKS.


What I’ve been focusing on for most of this week is trying to find the best subliminal scripts I can for ideas on really effective language/word choice, so I can build my own scripts and run them through the Intention Repeater.

It’s been an interesting and fun journey. Just yetersday I stumbled upon the body of work at Some of his stuff is really interesting, but I’m also finding some of his statements to be low vibe stuff that I don’t want in my head.

I also found his idea of 256 voices all telling you the same affirmations really interesting (256 Voices). Like, how hard would it be to resist 256 people all telling you the same thing about yourself. Clever.

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Eldon Taylor is very careful about how he words his subliminals. You can view most of his scripts without buying the programs.


This is my current template I’m using with all my scripts (followed by whatever I’m looking for in present tense with positive terminology only):

I’m so happy and grateful now that I deserve, expect, attract, and experience…

What do you think?

This was my thinking behind why I built it this way:
I want all of it to be understood in a posititive mindset, with gratitude
I want to feel like I deserve to have it
I want my expectations to match the new reality
I want to attract it into my life
I want it to be something I actually experience in life.

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Yes Not-Frank, that looks like a truly great script.

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Hutton is good. He’s very educated in NLP. I got quite a few of his books. His scripting of his subliminals is decent but they way they are compiled don’t hit me hard at all. The audio tracks need to be on seperate Frequency bands so your mind can differentiate the voice tracks. So they need to be Multiplexed. But your mind will understand some of them. For some people they work great.

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Hmm, that’s interesting. I’d imagine the mix of all the different male and female voices would account for some degree of frequency differentiation, no? Maybe not on 256 levels, but still enough that your subconscious reads it like a crowd of people all telling you the same thing?

I haven’t listened to any of his tracks yet, as I usually try to understand something first before I work with it. Well, partially that, and partially because I’ve been mining his scripts for ideas, and I definitely found some interesting ones.

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They were too strong for me. Alpha Male = Inhuman Beast Man


Oh, also thought I should mention this, as I always have this as the first line in my scripts. It’s my failsafe to ensure I’m not putting unnecessary limitations on receiving blessings from above.

I’m so happy and grateful now that I deserve, expect, attract, and experience receiving all my specified intentions, affirmations, and desired manifestations, or better.


In my opinion im thinking your mind can differentiate about 4 of the voices on there maybe a little more. The thing is that the crowd of people are those two exact same voices but multiplied. But if he took them and was able to say multiplex 16 voice tracks your mind would be able to understand all 16 perfectly. They aren’t bad but i don’t get much out of them. I do get a little though.

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Okay, thanks for the explanations, I appreciate it. There’s always more to learn about! :smiley:


No worries, your welcome. but for some people that’s all they need and it works. For stubborn minds it won’t lol. Or it will take a long time to notice results. :grinning:

Cool script. What is it for?

It’s my template for all intentions/affirmations I write. I’ve currently got around 215 lines or so using this format, which I run through the Intention Repeater.