Your Hero/Heroine Story

I think everybody has done something heroic at least once in their lives.

Share you story here, it would be cool to read what all of you gals and guys have accomplished. I want to know about the lives you’ve saved.

It does not has to be jumping from a building in fire to save a baby, then lend directly on a motocycle to bring the baby back to their Mom and have you both falling in love, making her leaving (at last!) an abusive realtionship with a troll.

It does not has to be that. :roll_eyes::joy:

Recovering from a long term illness is heroic, supporting people dear to you is heroic, getting yourself out of a risquy situation is heroic, leaving an abuser or a parasite as I like to think about them, it’s heroic as well.

Leaving somewhere, or going somewhere, could both be heroic things to do.

The heroic thing I have done is saving someone from choking. The person couldn’t breath, I did the choking gesture I had learned as a teenager :nerd_face: and the thing that was stucked got out.

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Medal to me :medal_sports::dove::joy:

Days are taugh.
So come get your trophees and medals :trophy::star:



I don’t know if this is heroic but just helping a lady cross the street. It was obvious she was foreign and didn’t understand the concept of lights and the signs, so I guided her. We couldn’t understand each other but she understood the assignment haha. Thinking how she’s doing these days.


Acts of kindness are Great, with a capital G. Thanks for sharing that story. Crossing cultural and langage barrier sounds good to me.

But I won’t be the one giving medals and trophees :trophy::trophy::medal_sports::medal_sports: you’ll have to give it to yoursleves. :muscle::milky_way::crescent_moon::gem:

That’s how it works.

Still, congrats to you :two_hearts::sparkles:


At a sunday morning, we took the train back home from partying in the neighbor city.

2 others guys got off at our destination. They were both still tripping balls.
One of them moved towards a little concrete wall, that closed off a stairwell, a few meters lower.

I’ve had a bad feeling and kept him in my pov.

The moment he was about to fall over the wall, I’ve jumped forward to pull him back. Turns out a friend of mine had the same thought and grabbed him from the other side, without us coordinating it with each other.

He didn’t even realized what happened and walked off in a different direction.


Omg I wonder if I have ever been saved without knowing. Not that I am often high on ecstasy per say, but some times people are quiet when saving someone. :star::dove:

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I paid for my sister’s University.


I once saw a lady helping her father up the stairs. He was in a wheelchair and it was a hot day. First iwalked past the scene, then I stopped, went back and told her if she needs help. So I just carried the wheelchair up the stairs while she was helping her father up the stairs. In the end, they said thanks and the father was very delighted too.

I think with these little kind acts, you can really make people’s days and it will stay etched in memory


During the pandemic, a friend of mine who is a doctor organised a charity drive at his hospital. I sponsored for a family’s groceries for a month… :pray:🙇‍♂


Twice strangers have bought me coffee when they noticed I was having panic attack. Thankyou kind strangers.


I think most of the things I have done I either cannot talk about publicly or are too wild even for most here to believe.

But I feel like a hero every time I pick up a hitchhiker or do Reiki.