Your Music Taste as a Reflection of the Vibration of your Soul?

This is a really interesting question.

My answer is, maybe.

But I think there are about a thousand other factors too.

Music is such an emotional thing for me, although I’m grateful for my other senses don’t get me wrong, there’s something about sound that is the most influential for me.

I’ve gravitated toward every type of music.

I feel that music, like the sense of smell, is strongly tied to memory. Maybe you like some music because you heard it as a kid. Maybe you like it because your family listened to it. Maybe you don’t like it for that reason. Maybe you like it because you heard it over and over on that trip once. Maybe you don’t like it because something happened that you didn’t like while it was playing.

I feel like music can be like that, for this life and maybe, some music we respond to from some other lives, or from an experience in the collective that resonates with us.

I feel like music doesn’t really say so much about the person so much as educates the person or reminds the person about an emotional experience that can’t be put into words.

People change, sometimes quickly. What you like one minute, maybe you don’t like five years later. Maybe you still love it 50 years later.

I think it has more to do with the experience tied to it.

For me, anyway


So true.


I love female singers that can hit the high notes with ease like Patti Labelle, Dionne Warwick but also singers like Trey Songz, Ne-yo, Dean Martin
It’s mainly the falsetto I like. Burt bacharach makes great music.

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I think our music tastes are related to the affirmations that we need in our life and the different events. Heartbreak leads to sad rhythm and blues music. Anger turns to metal and hip hop.
We look for the lyrics to relate to and give us comfort


I like Beethoven and Mozart because their music is accessible but takes the listener to mental states not easily accessible by other means. I suppose I’m seeking those states.


Was actually thinking about this for a few days now.

Exactly the reason I can´t listen to at least half of the songs I enjoyed in the past. I just don´t want to asscociate with the (self)hate,shame,lack…-suggestions that are omnipresent in a lot of songs anymore.
In the past those songs got me really going, sometimes served as an amplifier of my hate or sadness, but now is another time…

Absolutely! The more I release my past and the conditioned selfhate against my heritage the more I feel connected with norse and celtic music. Really feels familiar
The same goes with some mantras.

Depending on the situation it differs ofc. Music is not only selfexpression but amplifies your current state so its a powerful tool especially combined with rituals like dancing

I am sure it is a combination


I love techno.

I think it first started with me finding my country`s pop music shallow/distasteful. Then I discovered EDM and when I was about, dunno 20, personal limitations/shame I put on myself subconsciosuly left me, I started exploring faster paced music.

That was Tech House genre. Again as I let go even more, the greater the BPM of music I liked was.
Amelie Lens, Nina Kraviz, Marikka Rossa etc.

Still if artist resonates with me as a person, I will like their music. Good example are Giolli and Assia :star_struck:.

Also I love Handpans and plan to purchase one in the future.

Classical music from time to time as well.

Then one time, which wasnt that long ago, I went to private techno party, expecting something like Amelie Lens. What I entered was like some underground depth of hell itself with 160+ BPM sound that isnt even that much layered, people out there as u can guess, danced like in appropriate manner and I was left baffled.

5 minutes later I am dancing to that music like I have been my whole life. I was in first row by the end of the night and ever since, been more involved with that culture.

Last rave I went to I didnt even smoke weed, cuz I wanted to truly see if this is what I like or it is just an occasion that gives me excuse to get high and vibe.

My stoned friend merged with the couch that was there (dont ask why there are couches and pillows on a rave I DONT KNOW) and I went to front row to dance and was approached by people asking me to give them what I consumed :rofl: or to sell whatever I have. They were baffled when I said, nope sober af.

Ofc there was some anxiety at the beginning and all the way to the end, I am surrounded by junkies that are well versed with this and have insane moves and mine are mediocre, but that didnt stop me from having a blast and being the faaaaaaastest guy there :sunglasses: I also managed to meet few people I vibe with and now get in touch from time to time, especcialy if there is a rave happening

It is like techno awakens something primal in me, and the body moves on its own.
I love that there are no lyrics, everyone is free to interpret it however they feel at the moment and that is it. In any other place, someone would judge u for how u react to music(dance) in case it is too much weird, but on a rave, everyone is weird and no one cares, if anything, the more unique u are, the more u will be liked (personal experience).

Still, I do listen to other genre from time to time, what I mentioned above.


If you’re not into Metal you are not my friend.


…and this statement provides exactly what value to the discussion?

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These kinds of music I’ve always been drawn to even before knowing a bit of the spiritual side.

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Thanks for sharing. So what would be your theory of why you resonate with these particular melodies?

I’m the only one in my family that likes this kind of music. Oddball. Not a surprise.

I was never a big fan of mainstream music. Only like this? Why? Because I’ve always been different. I actually want to be free from the norm of working 8 hours a day.

Been trying to figure out all my life how to stay away from that. When I listen to music like this, it reminds me in a way that we aren’t here to work, we are here to enjoy.



I like this song, Mongolian music is combined with current pop music, the meaning of the song: let everything flow to peace in the heart


““Whoever said money can’t solve your problems,
Must not have had enough money to solve 'em””

Ariana was so f right…money is all the way to happiness… would sold everything for money…money is everything and all… you have it and you are all like GOD of everything

This is lyrics of my SOUL

@anon25711007 @Dr_Manhattan
What have these songs to do with the thread’s topic?
If you simply want to share the music that you like with others, then there is a separate music thread for that.

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:joy::sweat_smile: sorry. Just kinda forget where to post

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Nowadays I barely listen to music, but if I do, I prefer the 70s-90’s and even early 2000s and after 2000’s, mostly country music (but before 2000’s I like these love songs, romantic songs, etc.); sometimes I listen to Classical music; these kind of songs I feel that resonate with my soul, they have passion, love, beauty, a call for something higher, Idk, that’s how I feel these songs are/that’s what they evoke/transmit but Why these and not others? Why do I find these songs to be attractive to my soul/taste (although I can enjoy all sorts of musical genres and many many songs actually, I’m not disliking something necessarily, perhaps only very vulgar rap or very heavy metal, too noisy :joy:) I don’t have the answer to that … (or the answer is in what I wrote already?)
These are all my preferences and I’m not judging anyone who likes other genres more or who finds that other songs are better, although I think these type of songs that I like are better (… hmmm, I find them more appealing …), but again, so do others …

Sometimes I listen to some old bollywood songs, again personal preferences (I find a sort of innocence and beauty there as well) …

I also like jazz, blues, Jesus, I like many genres …

Perhaps my answer is not really helpful …


I’m more eclectic. I dislike heavy metal, acid, and rap. I prefer 80s music, bluegrass country music, 80s country, Anime music, RPG game music, etc.

My favorite singer is Origa. Her music is very beautiful, and so are the lyrics.

I also listen to songs in Hymmnos (from the Ar Tonelico series). Often, I’ll use Hymmnos songs with my singing.

Personally I’m quite the fan of alternative or rap-rock. Well… when it was a thing back in the day. Music like this…

If you don’t pay too much attention to this music video (which most viewers do) and actually listen to him, you’ll hear that he’s got some pretty good rhymes. I just think the video ruins it a bit because it’s actually a good song if you like this kind of music.

These two videos below were also one-hit wonders back in the 2000’s when alternative was popular but nowadays you don’t hear much of this anymore.

There’s obviously more out there that I could list but these are few of the best ones.

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