But even just 10 years ago, a good chunk of “popular” shows calibrated at least 200+.
Like the music industry before it, there’s been a concerted effort to “dumb down” the level of consciousness of all entertainment.
But there’s always some good gems out there. (see our TV Shows thread for ideas)
Not all tv, music, movies, etc is below 200.
It can feel like it if you’re sitting solidly in the 350s+…then sometimes anything below 300 feels like “ugh…below 200 crap” too.
But this is a GREAT way to start practicing your muscle testing… and find a friend to compare notes…
It’s a pretty simple muscle test.
“Is this show/music/movie above 200?”
check it again.
Ask the question another way
"Does this show/music/movie calibrate below 200 on the Levels of Consciousness Map?
check it again…