17 Level of Consciousness (Hawkins)


yes, this is why i asked above if it was possible to test oneself with this method… It was a while ago that I read his books, but I seem to remember him explicitly stating that you need 2 people for the test.
I was naturally always curious where i would test (of course khm… ego), but this is why I have not tried to calibrate it.

re-reading the descriptions, i think i would put myself around 250 somewhere… between 200 and 300, not at the 310 point yet.


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@_OM or @Maoshan_Wanderer if you’ll humour me for a moment here… I’d appreciate you view on this question.

How does this tie to the Ascension tag and the Vibration fields?
I do experience a stronger sense of detachment because of the vibes (I was trying to explain to someone how it is the feeling of sort of… “the shoe”, “the room” and not “my shoe”, “my room” etc but it’s a bit hard to explain). I think anything that removes blockages would slowly move you “up” on the Hawkins scale (?).
Does the Ascension tag do the same? And if yes… how? I sort of feel there is a link but I am not sure how.


Might want to see this thread for more clarification. Nice synchroncity as someone’s currently posting there :smiley:

Most definitely. And some things are better at removing those blockages than others :wink:

Back when I and others were doing massive muscle testing (notice, for those reading along, I said muscle testing not pendulum testing…ahem ) on just about everything, I (and others) did muscle testing on the Ascension field.

Without getting into specific details, it passed the “this will make you grow as it claims it will” test. (as all Dale’s and DW stuff did at the time)

Yes, completely understood.
“My” “anything” is complete ego identification.
So you can see the ego losing it’s grasp on that basic pronoun ego identification.

That said, it’s a normal part of “speaking” so that others understand what you are talking about.
So, you can’t be like that person that’s constantly whingeing because people are using the “my” pronoun :wink:


Some website …


None of those programs are inherently ‘positive’ which is why I didn’t say anything when first posted…but I can tell those numbers are “off”

Way lower than what similar testing of similar programs would be.

Again, NOT saying those programs are over 200, but… we get into the earlier problem addressed above about learning to test yourself, learning to test the people who test, discernment of the testor, not being attached to the outcomes, etc etc etc.


Someone’s been listening to a lot of superhuman genius field huh

Oh well

I stopped watching tv shows a while ago and don’t plan on watching them again.

But I do like to know the shit they programme into us.

I know you just mentioned about all the things about testing but still what’s your take on these tv shows

And don’t tiptoe on eggshells, lol.


Like I said, I sense most of them do calibrate under 200 but it’s usually in the 125-200 range.
No one’s watching a show long term the solidly calibrates in the Apathy/Grief ranges… they wouldn’t have enough energy to keep watching…lol…literally.

A few I have issues with - kids movies like Shrek 2 usually calibrate slightly above 200, but I’m not going to fight a battle over that movie, you know what I mean?

Also, Hawkins calibrated Football as actually calibrating above 200 (this was a surprise to me at the time)… as it taps into the fields of personal excellence and the positive parts of competition.

Here’s his list from the wiki site posted above


I find that it also depends on my mood because i had different thoughts and emotions when watching the same things

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If one’s calibrating at Apathy at the time when watching those shows then one’s gonna feel the apathetic parts of the show more.

There’s was a perfectly good above 200LoC show that my spiritual friend recommended I watch more. I had seen a few episodes already, so I knew it was above 200 as well.

Well, I was going thru some shit at the time, and the newest episode was “triggering” me.
It would not have been surprising if I had calibrated that show right then, it would have been in the 100s, because I was “unclear” and, in that moment and in that space also below 200.


Thank you!
I remember that thread, I read through them recently. I ordered my first round of tags a ~3 weeks ago, and I was trying to decide which one to buy. In the end I didnt get the Ascension, but
I’m pretty sure I found a winning ticket on the pavement yesterday (i still need to take it to the shop to be sure, there is a small chance i cant cash it in) that would cover another round of tags though so maybe this is my queue :smiley:

I think what I dont fully understand is how having more energy in your system (from the Ascension tag) raises the level of your consciousness as per Hawkins.
Now that I am trying to figure it out, maybe it is like a river having more water: whatever distracted the flow before is now destroyed/dissolved, so that’s why there is blockage release, and as a consequence, ascension / rising level of consciousness?


yes, exactly.


What is the show called?

That’s so true!
I cant recall the title but I’m pretty sure there are some very low-calibrating ones out there on Netflix. There was one both a friend and myself were watching for a bit during quarantine and we both “had to stop” basically, it just felt so draining somehow.


had to look it up…

The Good Place.


I gotta say @_OM , you provide some good explanations around and I’m enjoying them. Even concepts I already grasp but sometimes lack a better word. Thanks for that.

As for the TV I too don’t usually watch tv, sometimes I have “urges” to watch a very specific movie, or episode, but it is quite rare. Usually on a follow up to dreams or the plantation of an idea.
Sometimes I feel it is delivered from the subconscious as there’s a feeling of certainty that the message is there, even though I don’t know what exactly :man_shrugging:

I have heard “voices” for so long, whether was someone helping me, or my higher self, and liked to speak through songs, movies, etc…

Do you guys believe there are high level shows? I find it difficult…tbh… But I have turned off from it, a as it usually pulls me down… I can’t feel good about it. .


But even just 10 years ago, a good chunk of “popular” shows calibrated at least 200+.
Like the music industry before it, there’s been a concerted effort to “dumb down” the level of consciousness of all entertainment.
But there’s always some good gems out there. (see our TV Shows thread for ideas)
Not all tv, music, movies, etc is below 200.

It can feel like it if you’re sitting solidly in the 350s+…then sometimes anything below 300 feels like “ugh…below 200 crap” too.

But this is a GREAT way to start practicing your muscle testing… and find a friend to compare notes…

It’s a pretty simple muscle test.
“Is this show/music/movie above 200?”
check it again.
Ask the question another way
"Does this show/music/movie calibrate below 200 on the Levels of Consciousness Map?
check it again…



Don’t know much about shows, but if you want to watch something. Any studio ghibli movie, they are awesome IMO