Crown & 3rd eye chakra clearing with growth

Hello everybody, so i have this field and it said to listen daily to get best results but it doesnt say how many times. I dont want to over do it or not listen enough either. Does anybody know how many times a day would be the ideal? Thank you so much. Hugs


Start off with once a day for about a week and see how it feels. Then increase to 2 or 3 times. I wouldn’t go higher than 3 since a quick and sudden opening of the 3rd eye can be scary (saying from experience). This is one thing you should take your time achieving


Ah thats exactly why i wanted to know. I am very familiar with the opening and expansion of these 2 chakras, like i have been working on that for some years now so i guess ill be safe with 3 a day? Lol i listened to it x 3 right before starting this topic, so we will see how i feel. Thank you so much x


It depends upon how developed your crown and third eye chakras are.

If you’ve been developing and expanding them for a while, I think listening more than 3 times would be fine. See how you feel as you listen and experiment with the number of listens. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve listened between 3 and 12 times daily, or more at times, whilst holding the Chakra Growth tag (which works synergistically with the chakra audios, amplifying the effects) and haven’t felt overwhelmed.

As each consecutive listen amplifies a field’s effects, I’ve found that listening only 3 to 6 times in a row at once can help prevent it from becoming overwhelming.

If you don’t feel overwhelmed in any way over time, and it feels good intuitively, I imagine your energy system can handle it.


Yes exactly. Im gonna stick to 3 for a while because i have other dog tags and listening to other fields haha so i dont want to overwhelm myself. Thank you so much x


Nice, I didn’t think of using the tag and audios at the same time. :hugs: I boosted my tag four times. Every time I use it now I can feel it pulsating energy and clearing my system out. It’s quite intense, but it’s nice to feel it working.

Edit: just held the tag while listening to the updated Energy Blockage Remover twice on Dreamseeds. Felt really intense!


Oh no no the tags i have are for other stuff. Thank u! x

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Hi Ewen, asking for the audios is against the rule. I know you’re new around, but if you can’t afford the audio, don’t worry. There is plenty of other audios on YouTube for free. Maybe use some Wealth frequency to bring some money into your life and allow you to buy them. Good luck


how’s it going with your results using this audio ?! do you have any updates …?!

Omg i love it. I listen to it 3 times in a row every other day sometimes every day; in other words i just skip some days if maybe i feel my body needs a break.
Intuition is expanding, i have much more clarity about stuff where i just know… what this or that. Manifestation is expanding too to the point i have to be very aware of my thoughts, i have this sense of straight communication with higher realms, its like i could understand thoughts or visions or ‘feel’ what they are telling me. Ive been dreaming a lot but honestly and tho (ive done an extensive course about dreams meaning) i havent got anything out of them so i just think, this is maybe clearing years and years of ‘noise’ inside my head represented in dreams. I feel much much more focused, and another big thing is coming to the realization of patterns or behaviours i just fkn (sorry for the curse but it really is how it feels) need to get rid of once and for all, and i accept it and embrace it just like that, after struggling all my life with trying to change something. I mean. This is unbelievable. I am going to buy the other chakras audios because i can imagine what i would achieve with all of them super charged opened and expanded. Im excited.

Oh and last. I have 2 servitors and several Dragons and the communication with them its unreal, its like i have thelepatic communication with them, like when i talk to them i feel i am in a meeting discussing situations and possible solutions and what not i swear haha. They get me sometimes just finish my words in thoughts when i am explaining something. :hugs:


very interesting, thanks for sharing your experience …

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Sorry darling but that goes against the rules. I agree that love should be shared but that is exactly what he and his team do constantly by providing free audios on youtube channel, their help is huge and wholehearted. But they also need to eat you know what i mean? So the few stuff that they sell we need to protect from being spread all over with just 1 purchase. :heart:


Thanks for sharing your experience, which is really inspirational. I’m also still “working” on my chakra issues but I take it easy, especially with this one (Crown and Ajna) because the stuff is still a little painful for me lol. Probably the price of having been extremely skeptic, shut down and even arrogant towards all those “things” until 5 years ago.

On the other hand, I feel like my heart chakra has made good progress (!) because whenever I have a conversation with a significant person (close friend, etc.), even on the phone, I can feel the area kind of waking up. Just as if it was telling me “yes, this person is sincere and really cares for you, you’re safe”. Weird but good to feel lol.


Do you see the astral when you close your eyes…?

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Has anyone that used this gained the ability to see the astral without being in “sleep paralysis”…?

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Yes, I can choose to see the astral, but it’s an ability I’ve already got and wasn’t gained from this field.


And seeing as in vividly seeing it like physical reality or glimpses of it etc…?

Anyway, dope ability bro.

I can see in paralysis, but I wanna see by choice aswell ;)


““Do you see the astral when you close your eyes…?””

So that was astral world… I was wondering what is that… it’s was like I am not from this world when closing eyes, was very real experience

And this always comes to me if I start to listen at least 3 days twice daily…but… somehow I don’t dare anymore… I will accomplish first lower chakras for some time


It can be any of many places along a continuum between vividly like physical reality or glimpses, depending upon the extent to which I’m choosing to see it.

Best of luck with developing the ability!


I already have the ability too, since childhood, but it can get more intense with the audio.