Crown & 3rd eye chakra clearing with growth

can you work for me for free? if yes that kind of love you refering to in post, treat others as you treat yourself.


Excuse me? I dont understand lol

thats the point

I have no idea what you are talking about but okay.

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if one buy a field and share it with 1000 person for the sake of spreading love, it means that creator have worked for free to 1000 person. so my question to her was if she is able to work for free for me? i guess the answer it would be no, so imagine she works free for 1000 person.

there are many videos and audios are free and some are paid. some must understand paid stuff are meant for survival sapien med (free videos and audios)


my answer was clear you just wanted to get into depth talk

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No. I dont play those silly games. Dont think for me. Whatever your intention was with those comments i could def see had a criticism and sarcastic tone i just didnt and still dont understand what exactly you wanna convey with your words? Buts its all good whatever you think or say it does not affect me. Specially when it comes to defend Sapienā€™s work. šŸ’ have a good day.

I just bought the chakra audios 3 days ago.

Been looping each for about an hour. Everyday.

Donā€™t feel any overwhelm.

(Listening to the above one while writing this)


Everytime i play this audio i feel slight tingling in forehead and sometimes a little spacey.


Can 3rd eye audio help inflamed upper sinus?



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Bully Maguire Opens His Eye - YouTube

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What are you experiencing?

Hmmā€¦ I think you should create a different thread with the question in ask for advice so more people can see it.

These could be of help:

Also I remember someone saying something about calcifying their pineal gland on purpose but I think it was a user who wrote some unreliable thingsā€¦ fluoride calcifies it but it is also VERY poisonous in small amounts (lethal dose being 5-10 grams for an adult) soā€¦ I wouldnā€™t try.
Sounds like rather you have an energetic imbalance which needs correcting (most likely grounding). If you have ESS servitor, or any other, ask them to help balance the energy.


Wow, you know Astral World too. :star:

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Yeah. Hes a powerful psychic lol


Hey man. I suggest considering Shielding v2.0 from thesapienshop and ESS servitors.
They will helo you a lot :)
Also michael mandala and emphatic shielding from Sapien Medicine instagram can be immediate help.

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I dont know, sorry.

You canā€™t close per se, you need to correct the imbalance (which is probably an energetic overload in that area), which is why you feel like shit.

Anxiety can lock the energies in the upper part of the body.
Focus on the soles of the feet and breathe out through the feet.