3rd PARTY Verification For NFT Purchases

Blueprint of Life is not an NFT


Phantom is now mutichain and venly polygon nfts can be sent to phantom I know i have one in my phantom wallet


He isn’t trustworthy. Good that you are saved.
He seem to have got many warnings from Sammy already for pestering people to give premium fields etc.
Now looks like he switched to selling nft’s that he don’t possess.


My mistake…I actually meant " Blueprint of LEARNING "…I have made corrections in My Original POST Also.

Thank You very much for Pointing it out.


Even if that is true, this Guy should still at least send a screenshot of the Blueprint of Learning NFT and the Silent Mind NFT in his Phantom wallet, especially since he CLAIMS to possess Both of them and because I also sent him a screenshot of My Phantom wallet to show that the screenshot facility is available in the wallet.


Happened here too

I understand this person received Mental Health for free, after this post:

a community member bought him a copy (the person who bought him a copy deleted his posts)

And some time later mauvaisgars tried to sell this copy…?

incredibly fast healing…

To be honest, I always thought such tools are for life, especially if there are deep problems

Of course we have to be compassionate, but I think some people were/are brazenly using this…

I’m still leaning towards this opinion:


I’ll answer these accusations later. I’m busy right now.

Okay. First question. Do you know me? How do you know that I don’t own this NFT?

I’m not trustworthy. Okay. No worries about that. Even tho I propose to use an intermediate to the persons interested in my NFTs. But that’s only my concern.

Yep, I flagged u in my PMs when asking for soul core and Sammy did warn you. Do you want me to post here the proofs ?

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Feel free man. Come on, we’re in 2023.

It is 2023 so you are entitled to possibly dupe people again?


@SammyG @Divine_Lotus, Alert!, Alert! :bangbang::bangbang:

The last time that I sent a msg to Divine, he mentioned about a new way to help us by the validation of the person that it’s offering the NFT or willing to buy it, a sort of rank, I don’t know yet, but sounds good, aleast give us a bit of safety.


He ask me to before couple months ago to buy for him soul restoration one of them .
I have that message to .
I couldn’t gift it, was low on $


Why bother even if you had cash lol. Cuz money definitely isn’t free is it.
(Unless you fully trust the person).


Also it’s nice to be helpful and generous but doesn’t mean every person deserves to be helped. And just cuz we can help someone doesn’t mean we always should.
(Not indicating any person but rather my personal opinion).


My Point Exactly…My Primary Purpose for Revealing All This is to Make @Dreamweaver , @SammyG and @Divine_Lotus Realize the “SeriousNess” of the DANGERS & DECEPTION Faced By New and Inexperienced Forum Members like ME While Purchasing NFT’s from Other Forum Members.

Also I wished to INSPIRE them to Come Out With Some Sort of A “MECHANISM” to ENSURE that these NFT Trading Scams Do Not Occur. The development of an NFT Trading Thread is a Welcome Step in that direction…but Clearly there is a Lot More that needs to be done. Here are a few humble suggestions from My Side —

  1. Make the “MINTING ADDRESS” of Each Sapien Medicine NFT available to Forum Members either On Request via PM or through some other way. The NFT Buyers should Always CHECK for this “MINTING ADDRESS” before purchasing any NFT from 3rd Party Sellers.

  2. Establish some kind of a “Ranking System” for Sellers and Buyers. Devise a method for New Forum Members to Gain Ranks like for example by Purchasing NFT’s from Trusted members etc. or by some other mechanism.

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True. But All of Us Face this DILEMMA in our Lives at some point or other. And so the Million Dollar Question is How to Decide Whether Someone Deserves to be Helped or Not :sweat_smile: ? Perhaps a “Field” should be made on this “Concept” too :wink:

There have been Legendary Figures in the Past Timelines like Emperor VikramAditya, King Solomon, Queen Sheba etc etc who were Renowned For Their “WISDOM” and their Immaculate and Impeccable JUDGEMENT.

Please read this and related discussions in #site-feedback such as the scam feedback thread

And share related suggestions there or in Forum Ideas/Feedback/Suggestions such as the following…

And as a reminder relating to that