Project Mental Health (Public) šŸ§ 


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Guys. Iā€™ve decided to let this know for the public. Iā€™ve been kicked out from my father house by him and my stepmother. My father is a drunk narcissist and sheā€™s a two faced woman who told him to kick me.

I found a neighbor that give me a rent for free for a few days until I found a job. The PROBLEM (in majuscule, yes) is my mental health. Iā€™m dealing with dissociation, dissociative amnesia, anxiety and depression and all the symptoms it comes within. All I need is this need field.

Can a helpful soul contact me to help me get this one if possible?

Thanks in advance to all of you guys. I know that Iā€™ll figure it out.


Did you mean you wanted someone to buy this field for you brother?


If his financial situation permits it.

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At the moment, how about you listen to the alchemical revision fields that are free on YouTube? Along with parental love, if your financial budget cannot permit you to get this that doesnā€™t mean you are missing out on healing.

FYI, paid fields and free fields are equally powerful, thereā€™s no discrimination.


Iā€™m using the free ones in alternative but my situation need a deep clean. This is just one of the traumatic event I lived in my 23 years old. Thereā€™s some who canā€™t even be remembered to my dissociative amneasia due to early childhood trauma.

Send a PM to Captain @Dreamweaver, sometimes just telling him helps ā€¦


@Ugninis this part of the field PERSONALITY CORRECTOR

Was it based on some kind of ā€œideal personalityā€ template like knight mindset, or is it a smart corrector that shapes our personality to our subcons desired personality and removes traits we have but wish we didnā€™t have? Or is my interpretation wrong?


This scheme was provided by someone from another resource. And it was included in the project. I really donā€™t know how it would work in your personal case.

I will give a very very abbreviated version so that you understand the idea of this block

Some Info

An energy construct designed to change character, temperament, established patterns of behavior, habitual reactions, subjective value judgments, food preferences, and other elements that form the basis of personality. There is a perception that it is almost impossible to change the character and, even more so, the temperament. Changing oneā€™s character on oneā€™s own is quite difficult and requires considerable effort, knowledge and time - which is why this function can be useful.

The most obvious uses are as follows:

  • Modification of value judgments.

Our attitude towards something is always subjective. Like or dislike, boring or interesting, beautiful or ugly - is determined solely by subconscious attitudes. Change the attitude and your attitude will change. Do you want to like reading, going for a morning run, your job, or anything else?

  • Changing your food preferences

Tasty or disgusting, want or donā€™t want - again, these are determined by the attitudes in your subconscious. By adjusting your attitudes, you adjust your attitudes as well. For example, you can like the taste of healthy products, and make the taste of unhealthy products less appealing to you;

  • Correction of habitual reactions

Our character is how we are used to react in certain situations. For example, the husband can not remain calm when his wife is angry at him and vice versa. As a result, there are constant scandals in the family because the spouses activate each otherā€™s attacks of aggression. Changing subconscious attitudes, you can remain completely calm and not react to the annoying behavior of the opponent;

  • Replacement of established patterns of behavior

In many situations, we do not think about how best to act, and act in a familiar pattern. It also happens that the pattern of behavior is stronger than logic. For example, instead of proceeding immediately to the important thing, we open a favorite website or do other unimportant things (procrastination). By correcting internal attitudes, you can replace unwanted behavior patterns with more acceptable and effective ones.

Correction of complexes:

(a lot of them)
and so onā€¦

But this is what I have to highlight.

A victim complex is a set of properties of the personality, which consists of a subconscious predisposition to be a victim of circumstances or the effects of other people. A person has certain personality traits, due to which he/she finds himself/herself in the position of a victim and unconsciously attracts troubles, problems, and people: tyrants, tormentors, and manipulators. People with a complex of victims tend to underestimate their own importance, to feel constant pressure of circumstances and ingratitude of others. Corrector is designed to form in the subconsciousness a series of powerful settings to overcome the victim complex, improve self-esteem and the formation of new behaviors that lead to success in business and personal life. The ultimate goal of such correction: refusal of the addiction to blame everything on circumstances and other people; acceptance of oneself as a person and development of objective self-esteem; growth of confidence in own abilities and capabilities; refusal of the desire to please and tolerate contrary to their interests; formation of a stable system of adequate interpersonal relations; development of the ability to defend oneā€™s position and protect oneā€™s interests; active opposition to attempts to manipulate (including hidden).


Thank you for the very detailed answer. It seems the project draft is way bigger then I imagined, just based on your answer for a single block in the description.
I am curious how this will play out, since the conscious mind can want one thing, but the subcon keeps itself on the old habit because of itā€™s own mechanism.

EDIT: Okay I wrote this before I saw your victim complex edit

:laughing: :scroll: :boom:

just share your experience in working with this NFT without dwelling on the details


Weā€™ll see, apparently I have some spirit/entity attachment that interferes with field integration. I have been doing negative energy/entity removal/vibration raising fields last 2 days.


I did. Hopefully heā€™ll answer me.


Really? Thanks a lot!


@Ugninis - with several NFTs not having much explanation, details, etc., (I donā€™t really know the details of some of the unsold NFTs I acquired and I donā€™t want to start sending PMs to random folks asking for basic details) - I want to convey my deep thanks to you for clearly (and fantastically) articulating details, not withholding information, and answering questions patiently. :heart:

Its sheer joy reading your posts about this GOAT NFT.


You got some great karma coming your way my friend for helping others


you know
I just recently learned the meaning of this word :grin:
in one of the groups, after the NFT release one person called the Captain - GOAT :muscle:
my mind for some reason projected an association (you know what) lol
(English is not my native language)

I made a remark to this person.

the whole band patiently explained to me the true meaning of the word lol
I felt so bad for this person, he was sincere and later I understood his deep appreciation for the Captain

Iā€™m sorry @Benny :laughing:


good night guys :slightly_smiling_face:


Goat = greatest of all time

:nerd_face::wink: for anyone who didnā€™t know


now I donā€™t doubt it :laughing: :boom:


this nft is doing something, something big. i donā€™t know exactly how to tell and i am sure itā€™s a different thing for everyone. it puts pieces back together in the right order for me. i am even tempted to say there is a time before and and time after this nft. i know itā€™s a long way but this is life (and this is what a life is for).