A attention call to all field authors

Even if you use a virtual card, the purchased audio is still linked to that bank account

Please read this carefully. I live in a country where the use of foreign cards and any services for payment abroad is completely blocked. But with the introduction of these sanctions, services appeared that allow you to bypass the blockade. They don’t charge cheap, and the main reason I’m writing this is that each such payment is a new card, with new data on it, and a new Google account to use it. The first time I did this was at the end of February, paying for a Patreon subscription, as I remember now, with the data on the card of some woman from the USA. The payment went through, the files downloaded, and worked great. The first thing I turned on was Radiate Positivty, and the apartment was literally filled with positivity and joy. At the end of March the subscription ended - the fields were still working. At the end of April, I paid for a new one, again from a new account, and with a completely different card, with the data of some American whom I don’t know and haven’t seen. And a month ago, I did all this for the third time. If the energy of the fields tracked all this information, as you convinced yourself of, it would have cursed the day I appeared. But it works, alive, bringing joy, without questions or doubts.


The thing is that the bank account I used is my mom’s lol
And it all works fine lol

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Yes, as long as you have not removed that payment information it will continue to work without problems. I think you still don’t understand what I mean.

That information, like the accounts, is no longer there. There is me, who legally bought the fields. For energy, it doesn’t matter in what way and with what data I became the owner of the field - I am the legal owner, and only this matters


Did you delete your account? What page are you referring to?

¿Hablas español?, para entendernos mejor

Нет. Я русский

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This is what we are talking about. Those accounts don’t exist, and a lot of people probably used those cards after me. And next time there will be no account with which I currently use Patreon. But I use it, and I use it successfully. Get it all out of your head. And taking this opportunity - Thank you, Cap, for your creations, truly effective, bringing hope and joy.

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Given how difficult the payment is for many jurisdictions around the world, many people outside of EU and the anglosphere have to use creative ways to buy these thigns. It’s hard for me to image that the anti stealing measure would hinge on cell phone numbers…

But nevertheless, how the anti stealing was achieved is a mystery to us.

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I think people need to understand how the protection works before people start building up unnecessary paranoia. In the same sense you can program an audio with fields that can affect the mind, that same field can catch onto information in the mind. That information is ‘I got this field illegally. i downloaded it from someone who sent it to me or i bought it from some other seller who sold it for cheaper, ext…’

That information is already known. All information is known in the quantum backdrop of reality. So all the field does is pick up on that. And if you personally acquired a field illegally and you know you did, then the field… will not work for you. That’s it. That’s the only protection. There isn’t any attacks or any defense mechanism. That’s ridiculous. We don’t make fields to hurt people.

And other people hearing your field even if you got your field illegally is also not going to do anything at all to them. No negative effect or whatnot. If people did buy a field and others listen to it, then they’ll get effects from it as well. And yes, you can share your field with the people amongst you in your house. Or there’s some accident and you want to help heal a friend, you can play it for them.

It really comes down to subconscious intention. If you know you stole a field, it’s just not going to work for you. That’s all there is to it. If others hear it, there is nothing there to affect them.

So if other negative things start happening to you and your mind starts trying to find a reason as to why and think ‘oh it has to be cause I did something illegal with the fields,’ then you are completely mistaken because that is not at all how fields are designed. That is you having bad things happen to you and then blaming the first thing that comes to mind. Trying to find a reason for it. And then when you create that reason and really start believing it, you create a self fulfilling prophecy that spirals into more negativity happening to you. You start creating the negativity that happens in your life.

Don’t ever forget that. Beyond all fields and all things in the world, you create your reality first and foremost. Not our fields, not your next door neighbor, not some diety called Goku Sensei from the astral, no YOU do. Always remember that.


Thanks for replying Sammy, I was waiting for someone from the Sapien team to reply, it’s been over a month since I posted what was happening to me and since then I’ve discovered a lot of things, I repeat what I said, I did not buy any audio illegally and what I said about the attacks is true, only now I think I discovered who is behind it, I created the post without specifically addressing an author because at that time I didn’t know who could be behind it, over the years I have bought audios from Sapien, Maitreya, Sigh, and MEF Dynamics, so that’s why I put a title that was addressed to all authors, whoever was responsible. The point is that since I published the post I have been validating every purchase I have made and my problem has been improving a lot, in the end I was able to validate all the audios except one, so that it is understood, when I talk about validating the purchase, I mean having the bank accounts, Gumroad, email, etc., tuned with the same cell phone number, same email, etc. Because I know it sounds ridiculous, but this problem is real. Well, it turns out that there is only one MEF Dynamics audio that I couldn’t leave tuned well in this way because my own bank didn’t allow me to, just two nights ago I decided to check if this problem still persisted after everything I did, so I simply deleted the bank application with which I paid for that MEF Dynamics audio, and instantly that thing started attacking me again, for hours I was feeling like that thing was sucking my energy, it was trying to give me sleep paralysis and even between being half awake and half asleep I could hear like a kind of machine that did all this, it was a horrible sensation that never stopped until I reinstalled that bank application and logged into that account, so I deduced that this problem I’ve had is the fault of MEF Dynamics and whatever that thing is that their audios have. Now I think this doesn’t happen to all authors, but it’s something you can check for yourself if you buy an audio from Gumroad from that author and then uninstall the bank application they used for example. Since I realized all this I have told the author, I told him what was happening to me and he answered me, he doesn’t deny it or confirm it, but he said that he was going to send me some files several days ago, and he hasn’t answered my emails even though he keeps sending him more, I have been asking him to help me with this because it is his fault after all, but I don’t know if he will answer me again, the last thing he told me was that he was going to go to his laboratory in Switzerland and they were going to send me something, and he hasn’t done it.

And to clarify, this is not psychological at all, I have always known that I am the owner of the audios I have bought and that I have done everything correctly. I never looked for this, it started without me realizing it in June of last year, and for a year I didn’t even understand the reason, until now. When it started I simply noticed something on my cell phone due to my energetic sensitivity, I don’t really remember what started it, due to how technical it is it could have been several things, like removing an account or bank card from the system, since I do remember that I did that back then. I’m not trying to scare anyone or be paranoid, I simply want to be free again.

Hey, dude.

Say this out loud to yourself. Say it with intention until you really feel it.

I’m safe.

I’m well.

I apologize to any field creators in which I unknowingly or accidentally overstepped boundaries to your fields. I ask for forgiveness. And I forgive myself.

I ask to return to my peace of mind, and that all disturbances be released from me now, from here on forth. Thank you.

When you say this with intent, you’re really saying it to yourself.

You really need to address the subconscious Guilt, that’s what’s deeply affecting you here.

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Hi @Cristhianm1996!

Welcome Gold KY

I am glad you didn’t take offense from my comment, as I did not mean to offend.

It’s been stated in this forum that Sapien’s audios operate from the subconscious in knowing whether or not you are the rightful owner. I personally would not suspect SM audios as a potential reason for your experience.

After reading your comments, to me, it reflects a subconscious feeling that is perpetuating this experience.

For example, if one has legitimate allergies, and they become fearful of an allergic attack, it can actually move the body into experiencing the allergic attack.

I hope this makes sense.

Calming the body of anxiety ends the attack that likely wouldn’t have occurred otherwise. It was a similar notion that I was referring to when I mentioned subconscious guilt. In either way, I do hope your experience has been resolved by this time. :star2:

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Oye bro dame tu correo electrónico para hablar por ahí sobre el tema que estábamos hablando no se por que se ah ocultado mis repuesta a tu publicacion, han puesto que es spam mientras que veo a todos hablando de otros autores y campos aquí mismo

Claro hermano, es eduardologht@gmail.com, creo que movieron algo a otro hilo, vi que era otra conversación en general sobre otros autores