A Blueprint of Power (Major) Testimonials

I went back to looping this field for 1 hour every day.

I think the scaling effects with this one are unlimited and one can go on forever and the field will improve one further and further…

So grateful to have this :pray: :heart:


This is probably the ONLY audio that energizes me to the point I cannot sleep, if I do it more than 3-4 times. Packs a big punch.


What is NFT, how do i buy this ,why it say it cost 2,888 ? Is this give you superpowers or something in the end result ?

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You have joined this forum 2 years ago. If you still don’t know what a NFT is, then I fear I cannot help you…


Thanks for nothing…


Check out this post from SammyG

There’s a few others as well that have good discussions try searching “NFT”


I feel so blessed to have finally got this NFT back after selling mine almost a year ago now. :pray:t3::pray:t3:



:mechanical_arm: :partying_face:


Do i have to make ah account in the sapien NFt page and add money $ so i can buy this field ?

Or this is only for millionaries and bitcoin/crypto worker ? Only criptomoney not $ah dollar?

My main languaje is spanish ,i dont undesntand alot of what Sam s description about NFT ,i search for direct short answers ,i just one to know if NFT fields i can get it by doing an account of NFT sapien page and add money to my account or wallet ?


Hola Yamil Cómo estás ! Mira :

Los NFT se venden directamente en teespring , la sapien shop . Pero se guardan en las cuentas Venly o Phantom recientemente . Necesitas una de esas para guardar el “NFT” .

De ahí posteriormente puedes enviar o recibir NFTS en caso de que hagas intercambios , lo vendas o simplemente ahí recibirás todos los NFT futuro que compres mientras esté tu wallet vinculada a tu cuenta.

Los NFT dependiendo en que mercado se estén vendiendo necesitas una cuenta o cartera ( Wallet)

Existen 3 Venly , Crypto y Phantom recientemente .

Los NFTS son colecccionables y son únicos … osea que no hay otro igual pues tienen una identidad y son imposibles de copiar . ( Algo así como un código completo , su ID )

Existe solo una cantidad disponible limitada de NFTS dependiendo del FIELD en algunos casos 100 , puede que 1000 en otros , en este fueron 36 nada más , por eso lo raro y valioso que es .

Una persona puede tener más copias de un mismo nft.

Los NFTS son una prueba de que tú eres el dueño de el audio o mandala.

Los puedes cambiar por otros NFTS.

El valor varía según muchas cosas , rareza , efectos, lo que sea que el usuario le atribuya , esto … lo hace divertido :grin:

En Sapien Medicine un NFT es un mundo completo , en lugar de tener un audio , me gusta pensar que tengo una habilidad. Esto ya es opinión mía … pero te comparto para que tu vayas imaginándote de qué va .

Not a short answer Yamil , Espero te sirva Jajaja :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Ps claro que me sirvio ,thanks alot ,entonces ,de esas 3 paginas en el wallet puedo usar dinero de la targeta ? O es con cryptomones?


Si , la conectas y ahi cada uno tiene su “moneda” compras con dolares o tu moneda , la moneda del mercado , ya varia dependiendo de la app o página.

Cuando tu compras directo de la tienda en sapien , pagas en dolares . Ya en teespring o SoundWave o la Sapien Shop si es tu primera vez , con tu correo ellos te generan tu cuenta.

Cada página tiene su propio Wallet , si tu compras productos de las 3 tendrás 3 wallets.

Venly Wallet , Phantom Wallet , Crypto ( Dicen que Crypto es la más complicada porque parece tiene mucho bug. por si te pasa , ten paciencia Jajaja )


Y cuales es mas que usan los usuarios de aqui

Where can I find this? Venly?

So is this the Blueprint of Power (Major)? I was looking to buy it. I haven’t listened to this. I just came across it. I suspect it’s not supposed to be on YouTube? I can delete this comment, if so.

Yes it’s not supposed to be on YouTube - since it’s not SM team’s channel that uploaded it - though this audio can be accessed on OpenSea as well, so a user can get a taste of it I suppose? It’s programmed to work only for those who own the NFT


lol it won’t work for non-owners anyway. :man_shrugging: They can try all they want. They may think it does, but they’re only experiencing the outside of the field like an observer.


I meant to add the below in this thread, but doesn’t seem entirely right

I’m not sure if I’m mistaking
Seems like it’s at least letting me know - if not removing - blockages → which might as well be subconscious limits / programming. Like
I even went back to meet ‘the source of my karma’ so to speak
I was not expecting most of these
, with bodily releases – and/or… coming back to myself at the same time. Like. even… my first school teacher (granted, she traumatized me). ‘Nutrition’, shames,. etc…
Also while not giving much f’s about my feelings or how it looks to me – shooting straight to the topic. It’s one of the most intense (if not the most) and straight-shooter field I’ve ever perceived.


Oh yea. It still brings up stuff to the surface to this day and I’ve been using this field for a while. A good field to use afterwards to clear is The Internal Alchemical Crucible.