I’ll get straight to the point. Last 4-5 days I’ve been hearing ringing in my ears and a weird cricket-like sound. Sounds like very high frequencies. Sometimes it is quieter, sometimes louder, but very consistent. And I haven’t been having good sleep lately as well, can be related to the 24/7 ringing.
At first, I thought I’ve been listening to too many fields and maybe have field-fatigue or something. I made a short break - didn’t help. Then I read about tinnitus and listened to the hearing loss audio. I felt it working and my hearing got clearer, but didn’t help with the ringing. I researched further and saw that stimulating the vagus nerve helps with tinnitus. I listened to that and I felt it working on my body, was really good, but no results on the real matter.
So I researched even further and some dude in a forum said like, are you doing some Paranayama or yoga, as it may lead to that. So I was like, damn, maybe it’s one the following reasons:
I’ve been wearing the Chakra dog tag for about two months now, almost every day 1-3 hours;
and been wearing the Psychic Functioning tag for now maybe 2+ weeks, also almost daily 1-3h;
listening to the new “Higher Self Connection” video for an half an hour almost every day since it came out;
for two weeks or more been meditating almost every morning to the “Energy Blockage Removal with chakra growth and stimulation” vid on Youtube for an half an hour.
So I checked the web again to see that it may be true that it is related to spirituality. Not much is on the matter, but I dug up three possible reasons:
some divine being is trying to communicate me. Speaking in higher frequencies and especially the crickets sound;
my chakras are opening and I am ascending to a higher level of something. And I’ve been having trouble sleeping as well, which was a symptom for this point;
go see a doctor u nut.
Another thing. I’ve been seeing number 30 and 33 around. I think it was 4-5 days ago I saw a double 30 and it really took my attention. Like I see numbers all the time, but on the others I never pay attention to, but the 30 and 33 are something that just drew my attention. Since Dream said in some topic that angel numbers are the real deal, I checked it out and the numbers 30 & 33 mean that someone divine is trying to guide you or make contact.
Somewhere somebody said that try to communicate with the angels or w/e divine beings if you’re having the ringing, but haven’t had any response or luck with that.
So what do you guys think? Am I just losing my hearing and should go see a doc or is it something else? If it’s the latter, maybe any guidance on how to deal with my situation?
Funny, just yesterday I thought about the role of the brain.
He is my viewpoint:
The brain doesn’t “do” anything, like modern scientists like to believe, but it works as a receiver for signals. We all know the electromagnetic spectrum and that we only perceive about 0.003% of it, but it’s just 0.003% and the rest is still there. So what happens when you develop your consciousness is that you start to tune your brain like you would tune a radio and therefore be able to receive information in form of frequency outside the common spectrum.
I hope this makes sense.
Again, just my guess on the matter
You could try listening to Angelic Intercession and Devic Intercession on Dream’s Dream Seeds channel if you haven’t already. Try asking about your situation and communicating with the angels/spirits while listening to those audios.
Looking at the Archangel Michael image on Sapien’s Instagram might help too. If you have the Intercession tag, you can also ask for help via the tag.
If you’re receiving angel numbers it could be that as your chakras are opening, you are becoming more receptive and aware of energies, and more connected to new possibilities for your development.
It’s not uncommon for a person to receive angel numbers when new opportunities and changes begin to open up, and when you begin to open up and develop your chakras.
Tinnitus is also not uncommon with opening up and developing your chakras and developing new connections in your brain on these levels (to your higher self and via the Psychic Functioning tag), so it could be multiple things at once.
It’s possible you could be losing your hearing also. I hope that isn’t the case!
Thanks for the great points! I’ve been now trying to listen to them while meditating and even did a nighter with Angelic Intercession, but haven’t had any luck with any communication.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and I totally see it working like that. And the ego is somewhere in between there like a frequency filter, letting through only what it wants or somewhat.
Yes the ringing in the ears means spirit is listening to you. You can ask what ever you want. I had this while ago. I see angel numbers more frequently and i know something will happen like when i see 5:55 means a change will happens in my life and sure it happen like change a job or quit one, meet someone special… Trust the ringing and make a good feeling about what you want to change and wait for it you will see it. And other things it mean your energy is getting higher and you got the attention of your spirits guides they will want to guide you, like seeing 11:11 or 4:44 sometimes 3:33
@Samurai The thing is, I’m not asking for it. I’m not a religious person. I never turn to someone/thing divine to ask for guidance. So I don’t even have that mindset forced into me that I should trust them. I just want to know what they want from me
And I know that at least the physical existence is a “playground” for humans, you will live as how you will manifest your life to be.
What you don’t understand here is that you don’t have to do anything you will know when you will be able to communicate you will mostly feel it when you get more sensitive to energy. The communication will happens more mentally.
just go and see an ear doctor. You will need your hearing abilities for the rest of your life.
after ruling out an ear disease, lay down on your floor in a convenient position. take a blanket, because it can take a while… close your eyes and have your mind cleared off any babbling. Just listen or wait for any appearing pictures. If nothing happens, declare that you are open and happy to communicate. Just have fun and don’t let yourself be sterssed out. If someone really wants to communicate, the one will find its way as long as you agree.
(A friend of mine once went to a course in animal communication. she dived right into it … but her dog did, too. He was the one who had a lot to say… just think twice if you want to open the box. )
The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: “We can’t write our messages to you in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life especially in response to any questions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!”
Number Sequences
Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you’ll look up in time to notice the clock’s time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you’ll be aware that you’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.
The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, your own angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, “What are you trying to tell me?” and they’ll happily give you additional information to help decode their numeric meanings.
666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous “Sermon on the Mount,” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.
I am actually still hearing it and haven’t had any progress.
I guess the problem is that I haven’t had the time / the will to properly practice communicating with entities and other beings, and don’t really understand when the thoughts in my head are my conscious, my ego, my higher self or some entity.
I’m still listening to the fields daily, my spiritual development stack now consists of only Pietersite and animal telepathy + 3h or more of wearing the IPF and chakra tag.
I also wear the higher self mandala behind my phone case, so I have it most of the day with me, but I’m still not sure when I’m connecting and when I’m not. Even with meditating with the mandala. I guess I need more time and practice to get it and understand when my ego is talking and when my higher self.
I bought the VoT when it came out and it’s really been amazing. I’m now slowly learning when it is my ego wanting to take control and do the talking in my mind. I’m getting rid of some obsessions which have been bothering me really hard. With the VoT, I just don’t give a shit about those anymore, so the obsessions are dissipating.
Other progress I’ve had is:
I’ve gotten so much better in sensing energies, which is cool. I can now feel the energy differences and can tell the strength.
And holy shit the manifestation powers. Few examples: I just recently started with my own freelance biz and don’t know anything about accounting - boom - randomly I see an old friend yesterday who I haven’t seen in years and who just recently, just like that started learning accounting. Earlier in the week, I needed some extra cash for this month, boom - random freelance opportunity appears.
@noah Thanks for your reply, I’ll look into this “nada yoga” thing.
it’s nice to know that some of you think tinnitus is spiritual! in my personal experience i got too high one time and could somehow physically feel the high pitched sound in my head. i could also flex the sound like a muscle and it would change pitch like changing the dial on a radio.
it would be great to learn how to silence it as it’s been years since i remembered what silence sounded like. i tried hiking one time by myself and wow did it get really loud as if the lake on top of the mountain was a busy high school cafeteria.
i personally don’t think you are losing your hearing. in fact, i think you have the chance to heighten your hearing. i am able to pick up sounds my dog can hear like someone walking up to our house before my siblings notice. they would joke that my dog taught me how to tell when we have a visitor.
like the others have mentioned, sapien medicine’s hearing loss recovery is very helpful!
I felt chills reading this because I’ve been experiencing the same thing. I’m always seeing the number 33 everywhere and I have been hearing a strange ringing sound, it feels almost like it’s not in my ears but rather inside my head. It feels like a Television is on somewhere with the volume down and I can pick up a strange subtle frequency.
I have occasionally been listening to Angelic Intercession as well, this only started occuring after I started focusing on my spiritual growth rather than my material growth
If I do intense energy work, for the past about 1.5 years, I get innitus. Also listening to a lot of energy related audios does the same.
Now I’m wearing the Ascension tag - I have it. If I took it off it and stayed away from all practice, fields and meditation it would go away in a couple of hours.
It depends on the person and the situation though, I’m pretty sure it is energy related for me, not for everyone.
At the same time, look at how many of us have it on this forum :D