The energy items

Your guess is right. Wouldn’t work as effectively because you wouldn’t be getting full image and only a screenshot of it. If you’d like to do this, go ahead, you’re not hurting us or anyone else.

If you don’t want to purchase our items, that’s fine as well. We sell items because why not? They provide an easier alternative to listening to audios daily. We do have to make a living. We have lives and families too. But the items aren’t necessary to improve your health or spiritual growth. The dreamseeds and sapienmed youtube channel have dozens of free audios that can improve your health or spiritual growth. You don’t need eternity, ascension or intercession when we have free audios that do the same anyways.


Was there trauma involved in this process?

I hope I don’t bother you. May I ask you what the secret behind these numbers you see everywhere is? Do all these numbers mean the same or are there different meanings? How do you find out what they mean?
This is important to me, I hope you can help me with that

Which numbers? Not sure what you’re referring to.

I mean numbers people refer tto as angelic numbers like 111, 444, 911 etc

This is actually one of those things that most of the internet has accurate information on. Often this is a form of angels or other beings communicating with you through a spectrum that is different than ours. If you’re noticing them though, you are spiritually in tune in some way.

Doreen Virtue is actually rather spot on about number synchronicities. I suggest you read this article by her.


Thank you very much!
Something that is related to that: Do you know Neville Goddard and his revision technique? Do you consider making a field of it?

Again, thank you very much. You have helped me very much already

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That’s awesome to hear! Any idea how much weight you’ve dropped?

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I was fasting before. Yes, it is possible the weight loss could be only because of fasting, however, I noticed weight loss in the hips and stomach area after I started using the item.
In the item’s description, it says the item includes a stomach shrinking field.
I felt something the same day I started wearing the item.
It is still possible this is all a placebo effect.

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I’m not sure exactly because I didn’t weigh myself before I got the item and after a few weeks.
I’m measuring progress by looking at my body.

I was not obese before I started wearing the item, but had some fat in areas I wanted to get rid of.
Now I can see definition I could not see before.
Cellulite I had before is mostly gone.
Fat around the stomach, hips, glutes, chest etc. has decreased.
I feel more energy.

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Yes. I assumed you’d have some trauma storaged when you wrote
" I never had success with girls, just humiliations and yes I gave up trying."

I asked because I am in a position where I just healed and integrated my lifelong resentment and pain towards this topic. Actually, yesterday I was in a very bad mood and some of it came back and when I read your post I thought “I hate his brother” :smiley: Because that’s what I was like back then.
Now something inside me really is pushing me to date girls, maybe because of Corona there is a part of me that thinks “This is the least you have to do before you die”-thing.
Anyway, thank you very very much for your insight.


@Jonno Wow NG Revision technique, if they only could do this a little bit bluprint of this field, I would be so happy, but I guess Vishal is not yet enough experienced to do that. Once I asked him about that and he said, a year ago or so, it’s almost impossible for him cause he wouldn’t know how to create blueprint of that field, how to start, so he suggested me only trauma and release field :pensive:
I wonder how there isn’t at least any subliminal about this one :thinking: I guess people don’t know yet how powerful is revision


Always grateful for the generosity and kindness you and Dream have, and really appreciate reading your persepctives!

If the energy is tied to the image, would this make the tags less effective if the image is not visible? (e.g. if it is turned around with the image facing towards us or underneath layers of clothing) Are they still as effective inside a pocket?

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How many members of the collective are there?
Now I have heard of Sammy (Sapien?), Dreamweaver and Vishal. Are they all the same?

And yes, revision would be a very complex thing to program on auto-pilot as a field, but incredibly useful. I’d buy it even if it costs 1k, as soon as I got the money.


Very good question, especially wondering about this regarding the cards / mandalas

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Regarding the mandalas, I thought I had read a post on this forum that the mandalas should be visible rather than hidden, but I can’t seem to find it now. I’m wondering about the cards/mandalas too!

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@Jonno Vishal is same person as Dreamweaver, he is only one who makes field.
Samuel is second person in this team, he also can make fields, but he once stated his fields are not stabile as Dreams are, so Sam is all about websites, orders, emails, etc. So there are only two main persons in Sapien Medicine as far as I know.

Yes, revision is so powerful, cause it’s premise concept there’s no past and future, only now, and therefore everything is changable, something like that. I would pay also whatever it costs lol, cause it can change our past in our desirable way, and it would immediately affect our present.
I am even convinced, it so powerful that if only there’s some person on earth who is advanced as NG was, and if he would imagine and conceive himself that let say corona virus was immediately prevented in start of first case in Wuhan, it would be vanished just like that, or at least he wouldn’t never be infected, or something like that.


Great to hear about this, thank you and @Jonno for the discussion! I had never encountered the concept before and it looks very powerful.


I thought about how we can use Sapien’s current work to aid in revision at least and I came across Timelessness and subcoscious limits dissolver as being probably the most powerful and most suited fields for this, although limit dissolver would take more time to work than timelessness