Ladies and gentlemen,
I may update your quest now…
You all have done oh so well.
My brother spending time with me has received news from his wife yesterday. She went with Sally to the vet for a checkup. Now recall that the medicine given two weeks ago on a daily basis was intended for the tumor not to get any bigger. The vet measured and…
Drumroll please…
The vet measured a 5 millimeter REDUCTION in size. The tumor got much smaller, SIGNIFICANTLY smaller. The vet said she has never seen such a thing happening and called it a miracle already.
Sally is currently much more comfortable, going out for hours like before, breathing well again, etc
Now of course I’m celebrating. But i also want that tumor gone completely. In another two weeks roughly, there should be another checkup. Let’s see if it is gone by then
Thanks anyone for their healing sent. @Star among others. Btw what i have done was this…
First i thought i should send daily healing but decided against it. I did one session with the plan of doing another if one wasn’t enough. I used all my newly acquired knowledge and literally combined everything. This was sent in a concentrated beam straight to Sally.
And guess what? I haven’t even given my brother the beautiful Beasties album! @_OM which brings me to my question… Can the information in a morphic field be sent across space and / or time?
Thank you
To the entire forum
What beautiful people
Bows in deep respect