Then are we bringing up the issue of expectations vs reality or the hype around the skull?
While the hype is a very real sentiment around certain products, it deterres away from the reality of the actual power realized in the product.
The envisioned power of the Skull is also the reason of the birth of Firebird, and by contrast, all other projects that followed.
A skill set that is designed to match the products’ capabilities is the reason these projects are also still ongoing.
And the reason several products are still sought after, to this day.
The desire of an automated life is not a realistic expectation.
But the capability of certain products to realize matters that were far from achievable, to the human mind, becomes a greater possibility with certain products like the Skull.
To weave a consciousness of all that can exist and make a byproduct of all of them combined; that is the base concept of the being of power; the 13th Skull.
And who, by extension, revived the limitless possibilities that we have today.
In a hierarchical tower of Gods and specific beings, it becomes an evident observation how far the Skull can be esteemed for them, very specific products get this recognition from other worlds
The hype is simply an exaggerated realization, but it does not mean the unrealistic, to those who have experienced, isn’t within the closest reach :)