A Guide to Working with Multiple NFTs

I wonder what would happen if one tried BOL That what i first done when getting my first NFT.

@SammyG Is plasma Field in BOL?

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Meditation audio from Energy course if you have it as well


Done this yester day, It was amazing followed by EGO

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Blueprint of life will also work best. I know Mao connects to his NFTs through this one.

For me, I have this kind of association of plasma field to be like a green node or a tube, and if you think about it you will find it working in a similar fashion

So it’s more concentrated and focused

Blueprint of life will work very ideally, but just in a different way.

Blueprint of Life is a negentropic field but it does not act in the same way the original plasma does.


Love this one!! I follow Maoshan’s tip from time to time of using it as a recharging field during your night stack. I switch between this Meditation field and Deep brain magnetic stimulation for the beginning of my night stack or my “recalibrate and recharge” part of it :)

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You should comment on this man.

U been killing it recently with the Connections and how u connect to them on the higher self thread

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Hi! Is the Giraffe a servitor? @Jennyfire @SC448 @Beltloop (think you y’all were part of the og group)

The king himself slid in my dms and told me what to listen to, thank you @King_A


Oh, I would have trusted you without needing to see y’alls private pms :) I’m so sorry I made it appear that way. If it makes you feel any better yesterday when I asked a q on some other nft, I had it sounding like if I were asking them if they were - quite literally - an actual animal lmao.
But still I’m so sorry.

Long live NELLIE!! Haha

Do he mean all “servitors” for the NFTs or just the giraffe

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I’m sure it’s every ‘servitor’ we have now

All were designed and requested to match the unrestricted potential and since then all the design changed, the upgrades became the new norm :)


Bro share the sercets man lol.

need to know
king a been leveling up big time recently

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You know unrelated but this reminds me of the
Negentropic Dragon Thread on here

A no name or not yet invented vocab word for these “servitors”
Anyways on that thread
I loosley remember someone stating it was on another level,
And someone else responded have you not been in like other nfts (groups).
Meaning to say…
i think we are all, slowly but steadily, at least publicly, are realizing the profound implication of all these creations. These are inventions we are witnessing in real time; otherworldly meets the worldly.

There once was a nft being sold for a much lower price than upon the teespring purchase
Without disclosing who,
lets just say it was stupid because its very underrated (not by me but by one of the wise ones)

Remember the ones we see emphasized more are because the ones whom own them already have a fantastic rapport with working with these and they’ve been chill enough to express their personal encounters via their testimonies.

Leading me to say:
If you are someone who does not want to spend 19k on an nft (but no doubt its value is much more than that), get those. Its as highly rated as the others albeit in market terms its not-
Plus i feel like something is forgotten:
These were all created by the same dude lol. Hes not like deciding which group gets more benefits eh?
Most are not even told what exactly was added by him. Its user discretion

@repperfreak (id attach it to the cyotte thread but too much effort/ not tech-savy)


? Huh
What do you mean has changed
If you mean upgrades as in price, that was done because too much was being requested for it to be considered fair compensation
Unless im missing somethingidk

The design has changed from the earlier ESS or Fae servitors to the new ones that we have now,

And because of this unrestricted potential, we don’t necessarily have a word that carries on for it.

The upgrades, of the alive being carrying its most intelligent consciousness, became the new norm for all we have available now.

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Oh you mean new ones as in the group nfts / since the skull (right? :sweat_smile:lol)
Got it

Yeah, group or not really, like Lady dragon or Warrior Monk… Although these two feel kinda different, one could clearly tell the difference from the very earlier models.

Lady Dragon is also more like an independent being than not

We recently had the Environmental servitor on Patreon publicly available also.



Is there a maximal distance from where I can look at the nft with still getting all the benefits?

I’ve printed some of my nfts (A4 paper) and consider putting a mandala on the wall from where I can look at it while laying on my bed. The distance from my head to the wall is roughly 3 meters… Will I still get all the benefits of the fields through that distance?

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I would share my array of print outs taped to the wall, to the sides of my desk, and to my nightstand :smiley:

They do work of course.

I have noticed however that the ones taped to my wall generally work for teaching the mind of the nft abilities and getting more acquainted to it

Whereas wearing them closer to your body helps more with instant action and application of the techniques present through the NFTs or residing in the mind as a result of the exposure.

But also, it doesn’t require much skill to activate features or more presence on demand when they are taped across the room where you at.

A glance is really all it takes