A Minor Blueprint of Power

I bet you will enjoy the ride :innocent:





No; I feel you misunderstand.

You purchased a field , not a one-way ticket to a Broadway show that promises to leave its guests entertained.

The reality is when we do not know how to deal with the affairs of the world, we end up shutting down /building walls, any mechanism of action that will keep us going, but not in the way we did once originally-
And sometimes that means going numb, shoving down emotions …… yes this includes anger.

Have we forgotten we are double edged swords, encompassed by both light and dark? If not, then
what’s wrong with anger @Pihkal ? Because it doesn’t illicit Broadway ticket type of experience?

because what you feel is anger, you feel this field is no good. As if anger is an invalid emotion

But what I see is
An unfulfilled void of yours that (for the time being)
that this field humbly has brought to your attention.
What a blessing. Is it not?

Observe, do not react, so you may learn where you are in your body when said emotions are evoked. Observe, do not react, when said emotions had you writing such comments. Observe, do not react, so you may better describe where this hurt is stemming from- chances like these don’t keep appearing time and time again

Blessed you are Creation has presented you with such an opportunity.
If this human form doesn’t keep coming time in and time again, very less these healing opportunities , I hope then, you choose wisely :slight_smile:

Thank you




I can’t really write a review…

I will just say for now that I have been using neg Jing for when I feel like I need more “energy” and feel tired because of the fields or in general.
I’ll keep that one in my stack for the benefits, but for this particular purpose the (minor) blueprint of power is a much better field to use.

I’ve listened 2x2 so far and I feel “full” and ready (for spiritual work) :smirk:


That’s a very comprehensive description!!! Thank you for your insight, my friend!!! I was wondering about the potential effects of this field, but now It seems very clear to me :slight_smile:


Is it a bad idea to use this before bed?

I play it to sleep when:

I am super full before bed and no time to digest, (this field is not exactly for that) but since after gathering, harnessing, bringing up huge amounts of energy from the core of the Earth (at least its how I feel it partially) to then focus it and work with it in the plexus chakra and dantien, it enhances metabolism and use all of it for further works.

And when i had a crappy day:

I do not allow myself going to bed with negative thoughts or meh feelings from the day, to me resting in harmony, acceptance, surrendering is so important, it assures me waking up confident for a new day, and again since i feel this field hugely empowering the plexus chakra (where your confidence and inner power resides) it helps me right exactly where I need it.

Not that its the only time i play it, i actually use it more early in the morning, however since you asked… i am sharing my experience.

And no it does not interrupts my sleep, it may happens for others tho since it energizes you as well but not my experience


I haven’t tried before bed.
I will experiment more with using it before healing today. :blush:


Any updates?

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It’s difficult to write anything, it’s complex :sweat_smile:

Basically yes it helps a lot.
But also it made a change in me that helped facilitate a connection to some entities (also with the help/through one of the galactic tags that I have) that I could also ask for assistance and they did (but I feel there it is not a given, they have free will so they help when they see fit)
One of the people gave the feedback that as soon as the session started, she felt completely pressed down to the bed with a weight, she felt things moving around in her body, she said she opened her eyes a few times to she “what I on earth I was doing” (I was not touching her physically) because of the sensations she felt even at areas different than where my hand was.

And we are not talking about somebody particularly energy sensitive at all.

The other session with someone else also went well, it was shorter and she felt relief from pain after.

So I would say yes it’s effective :sweat_smile:

Edit/update - got a phone call from person1 about how much better she is today Vs other days (she had stage4 sarcoma currently undergoing radiation/chemo), she slept, and some aches she has had for a long time seem to have dissolved (for the time being).
I can’t say what is would have been like without minor/the :alien:s, but it’s.good now, I’m very happy with this purchase :sweat_smile:


Im starting to enjoy this field alone x 3 loops then half hour later the other ones.

In my experience this is becoming the best and fastest detox, clearer, like a strong vacuum, swapper and then the best nurturer, energizer from exactly the core of earth a very different type of nurturing. And thats why i enjoy it alone first, its like the primer of my body mind and soul to start my day.

So pretty much these days i am waking up to

KQ x 1
MboP x 3

Then whatever else after half hour

Then acu-automaton :heart_eyes:

And at night

KQ x 1
BoL x 2
MboP x 2
MboP x 2
VoC x 2
VoL x 2
Imaginarium Divine x 1
Acu-accumaton x 2

And no it does not keep me awake, on the contrary it knocks me right down, i sleep fully deeply, really resting, and i can feel how is steadily starting to work in all debris left within Me at all levels.

Ive been waking up the past 3 days really honestly feeling different, newer.

These fields are transforming me, into a whole new “something” it evens feels short to just say into a new person it is way more than that.

Funny also at times ive felt triggers showing up here and there but i am loving all the process, seeing all that has made me thus far and how im blooming, i embrace it all, i accept it all but more than anything my self love is expanding too through my shadow :heartpulse:


More than anything, you embrace, accept and love me, your shadow :nerd_face:

Yes, I love to read your reviews :innocent:


Did you get help from galactic entities for this too or was it distance healing done by you? I would really like to make my healing more effective, so this would help?


It was not distance, we were in the same room.

Yes I felt the help, though assistance is a better word. This is how it’s connected to this field for me.

I think it would.
There are some other things you can do with sapien tools, for example use your servitors to assist you.
I haven’t spent a ton of time training my dragon (hehe), but I think it’s very easy to conceptually communicate to it to come and assist you in what you’re doing energetically. Your full focus and intention is on healing to begin with, and you can call on the servitor to at least strengthen your work, or help it integrate etc.
Or do its own thing :sweat_smile: (that’s maybe a step harder to communicate properly)


Thanks a lot. Yes I am using my dragon & light servitor. .sometimes I feel them, sometimes I don’t.
Maybe this will help as I will be filled with energy & then my healing will be more effective.
Will think this through & see if this feels good for my purpose.



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With a gamma isochronic tone?

Not sure if this is the best idea.

I loop that field overnight sometimes, no issues, I love it