A stream of sadness

Not at all. Don’t talk yourself out of the treat you have yourself. :slightly_smiling_face: :


i will treat myself to dr strange alone in the cinema


it may seem an insignificant thing… or just a detail,
but when you find the will to cook for yourself, and even more only for yourself,

You will start to feel better. I’m certain.

Not at first, but during the process etc
With the momentum and feeling of it.

Enjoying the food you made for yourself too.


I completely agree with you.
I love cooking.
It happens when things go extreme. That I lose interest in cooking and even eating.
At least, this time it isn’t that bad.
Detox/ ascension symptoms :unamused:.


Not to make too big a deal of this, but you have me wondering if you might have stumbled upon the “Why…?” you were wondering?

To what extent might this be your reaction (and it’s just fine if it might be your reaction) to the unfolding of COVID measures in your world? Sometimes, with some situations, our reactions change and develop as our situations unfold over a period of time.


yeah interesting synchronicity…somebody else told me this today. I always thought i dont give a damn about the covid rules, but perhaps its sneaking up on me.

Well whatever this is, i would say PONR revealed it.

i have numerous ideas on the why, and im gonna implement various changes over the following weeks and see where that leads me.

Overall i already feel much much better today.

oh and, i was able to release a bunch of the sadness yesterday


Stop Procrastination audio :point_up_2:

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nono its not about procrastination. oftentimes i feel as if i dont truly need them

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Excellent! You’ve got this!

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its very nice, i think lanos could use it too

Try this man. When I first started using PONR I had some crazy sadness and anxiety come to the front and this helped me out a lot.
I hope it helps you :pray:t3:

Also thank you @Maoshan_Wanderer for this, I’m not sure if I remembered to say thank you on the PONR thread for this, my head is very scattered, but it helped immensely, thank you

You got this @Nice2knowU :muscle:t3:


thank you sir :mechanical_arm:


I am happy for you. The sadness energy is just an overlay on top of what is always there - the joy of your beingness. I am happy that this energy showed itself to you (stopped hiding) and you are letting it go! In today’s world it can be easy to buy into the story and then think the reaction is part of us or who we are. I am so glad that we have forum friends to hold our hands and send us love and remind us that we are safe and whole and blessed. Thank you for sharing your situation and opening your heart to us. As I have said before it is truly nice to know you! :pray: :sparkling_heart: :hugs: :partying_face: :rose: Happy Dance


thank you dear :innocent: :heart:

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