A Taste Of Mana (Meditational and Energetic)

The Magician + this Mana field = unlimited magic. :sparkles:


So as I understand it, the polynesian concept of Mana is very similar to the daoist Shen and hinduist Ojas, when it is inside a living being and related to the being’s spiritual and mental powers. Since Shen and Ojas also increase your social charisma, mental clarity and magical powers (visualization etc.).

But also as daoist Jing when it comes to receiving and passing Mana on via birth and genealogy.

When Mana is related to a place, then it is seems to be similar to the concept of Orgone/Chi/a place with high Bovis units level.

Which means, and this is just my interpretation, Mana refers to all types of energies and in this regards this is a good thing because the field transfers the “concept of Mana” onto us. And when the concept embodies all those types of energies, it means the field will be beneficial for a ton of different applications but also as a universal energy providing field.


slow clapping, gradually increasing to applause

You just clarified a huge thing I’ve been trying to figure out when it comes to this kind of thing involving energies because there seems to be so many different forms of it

Thanks fam


People test this out and tell us the results

Oooh very excited to try this out

I loop this for 2 hours. I feel i get some new kind of energies that i don’t have before. It feels like soul/magical energy, whereas the Ojas for me is body/physical energy.

Now the thing is… I don’t know how to use or spent my mana since i’m not an experienced paranormal.


Guys loop this with child like wonder & magical abundance I have never felt this happy and blissed out in my life. Everything just feels alright like all my worries and stresses just disappeared and my fatigue is gone (I was so tired after working a 12 hour nursing shift) was about to play deep sleeper and vagus stimulation but saw this release and decided to try it and for some reason I feel like playing (like running around playing tag or something) which I have never felt like doing even as a kid. I am either bored most of the time, empty inside & or stressed out. I never review on this forum but something told me to recommend this stack I literally feel so happy almost high even lol I want this feeling to last forever sapien your the man :raised_hands:


Well you’ve convinced me to listen.


This is weird but if you could ever feel the color blue or turquoise, I feel like this is what it would feel like lol.


Listening to this right now.

Super loving and peaceful.

I wish i could post videos here, Miss Meow-Meows cat came into the room like trying to smell something in the air and kept jumping from the bed to the top of the closet like trying to reach something high and moving her head left and right as if she was seeing pixy dust or smelling flowers or something awe :blush:


Aww funny you said this.

I hadnt read any comments when i posted mine but the last thing i thought before i scrolled up to read was “this is making me feel like a child like what i posted yesterday on my instagram” then i read your comment :blush:

Thanks for sharing x


Energy is best spent on giving love and happiness and service to other people.:bouquet:


How can I make this to influence my corrupted, bureaucrat country?

This makes me calm and peaceful. Minimizes the mind chatter and helps me focus.

Great audio to listen while working.


What lovely and soothing music.


This is one cotton candy field. Yes, this is basically how it makes feel my environment and myself. Cotton candy in motion, to be more exact. I wish Angelgome could come up with one of his fancy gifs right now, to describe the situation.

I’ll try with words. Actually, this is the kind of field that I wouldn’t review. All the more because I really don’t like words but still play around with them to become friends with my “enemies”. And writing this review also to avoid any “this field is soooooooooo underrated” remark :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, it’s still too early to write anything conclusive but first of all, this one feels really harmonious with Plasma Flower. Unsurprisingly. As if this one was taking the Flower’s power to vaporize it all around.

Speaking of the “power” thing: my views on this word have dramatically changed over time. Same for the “influence, authority, and efficacy” parts that are encompassed by power anyway. The tranquil, subtle, naked kind of power.

The power to change and the power to accept stuff that can’t be changed (happens too). The power to apologize and the power to forgive, be it others or oneself, as expressed beautifully by Pia in response to Ray’s courageous post:

The power to acknowledge one’s own polarities/contradictions before milkshaking them for good. The power to soften the edges when necessary, without thinking of it as a weakness, failure, principle crusher nor self-betrayal. The power to stand still. The power to heal one’s own ego wounds without waiting for something/someone else’s intervention (say, not waiting for an apology that will never come). And I assume that those are the easiest ones to heal, since they’re mostly based on words and incredibly superficial causes.

“X said this and I replied that and then we started pulling each other’s hair but I was right and blabla.”

Hey! What the hell? Isn’t that a shame that we’re still stuck in this kind of mud? But like I said: “the power to accept what can’t be changed” applies here.

So yes, the immersion in this field has taken me in this kind of direction. Not because it’s its purpose, but rather because it’s allowing me to repel and purify all the artificial stuff listed in the previous paragraphs. Allowing me to see what I will leave behind before reaching the heart of the matter.

etc., etc., blablabla.


Watching itself looks so meditative…awesome dream


As I understand it, the Environmental Energy Accumulator works on the environment around you (which then works on you). So, when you are playing that field simultaneously with another “personal” field, those 2 fields are acting upon 2 different things–one acting on the environment, the other acting on your person (in this example). Your environment and your person have 2 different energy systems, which are each able to accommodate the information and changes from the 2 different fields playing at the same time.

To the extent that you’d like this A Taste of Mana field to work on your environment (and then have your transformed environment affect you), I can see the parallels that you’re describing. If you’re playing A Taste of Mana to affect you personally, then this field will be drawing on the same energy system that another “personal” field, playing at the same time, is affected. Because a lot of our issues are caused by limitations with our energy systems, it’s the 2-fields-affecting-1-energy-system-at-the-same-time which seems to give rise to the recommendation that we play 1 personal field at a time, so that we can maximize the potential benefit of our personal field, rather than setting up potential conflicts for ourselves.

So, the answer to your question really depends on what you’re hoping to accomplish by what you’re asking. Additionally, we’re talking guidelines, recommendations and general rules of thumb here. You are a unique energetic system, playing with experimental fields. Armed with this new information, you might choose to experiment and see what your actual experience is.

If you do choose to play and to experiment, give it a good and fair experiment. And then come back here and report your experience for others to learn from.


I know about Mana from video games. It is used to cast spells and other special abilities. So cool : )


Will this ever be uploaded to patreon to enjoy for offline use or can the mana circuits audio supplement this?