A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka

I absolutely do the same. I loop this field while reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam everyday. And also while reciting my mantra (my believed form of Vishnu is Nrisimha)…


You are such an inspiration, thats it, time for me to learn Sanskrit :grinning:


This field always overwhelm me. I feel kind of awe, and dread from it.
The idea of “place” or realm with nothing above it is just too much for my human mind it seems.


I feel the same thing bro


Bliss bliss blisss

Basic Info

In Hinduism, “Vaikuntha” is often described as the divine abode of Lord Vishnu or Narayana. It is considered a realm of spiritual bliss, harmony, and eternal existence. “Loka” means “world” or “realm,” so “Vaikuntha Loka” refers to the world or realm of Vaikuntha. In some belief systems, individuals aspire to experience or connect with Vaikuntha Loka’s energy for spiritual growth. While the concept is rooted in Hindu theology and spirituality, here are some potential interpretations of the benefits that might be associated with receiving an “energetic taste” of Vaikuntha Loka:

Spiritual Upliftment: An energetic connection with Vaikuntha Loka could lead to a heightened sense of spiritual well-being and inner peace.

Blissful States: The realm of Vaikuntha is often associated with a state of bliss. An energetic taste of this realm might provide glimpses of this blissful state, promoting a deeper sense of contentment and joy.

Inner Harmony: The energy of Vaikuntha Loka might help individuals achieve a state of inner harmony and balance, reducing stress and emotional turmoil.

Enhanced Devotion: For devotees of Lord Vishnu, an energetic connection with Vaikuntha Loka might strengthen their devotion and sense of divine connection.

Elevated Consciousness: Connecting with Vaikuntha’s energy might lead to an expansion of consciousness, allowing individuals to perceive reality from a broader perspective.

Purification: The energy of Vaikuntha Loka might be associated with purification on various levels—spiritual, emotional, and mental—leading to a sense of renewal.

Release of Attachments: An energetic taste of Vaikuntha Loka could potentially help individuals release attachments to material possessions and concerns, fostering detachment.

Divine Guidance: Some might believe that an energetic connection with Vaikuntha Loka opens channels for receiving divine guidance and insights on one’s spiritual path.

Increased Compassion: The energy associated with Vaikuntha Loka might cultivate feelings of universal love and compassion toward all beings.

Shifted Perspective: Encountering the energy of Vaikuntha Loka might shift an individual’s perspective on life, encouraging them to focus on higher spiritual values and purposes.

It’s important to remember that interpretations of these concepts can vary widely among different individuals, and these benefits are based on spiritual and metaphysical beliefs rather than empirical evidence. As with any spiritual practice, personal experiences and beliefs will play a significant role in how these concepts are understood and integrated into one’s spiritual journey.

A bit more in detail

The destination of those who have transcended aspects of Lightness/awareness, Activity and Stability/ inertia even while they are still alive.

Let’s break down the idea of transcending aspects of “Lightness/awareness,” “Activity,” and “Stability/inertia” even while alive:

1. Transcending Aspects of Lightness/Awareness: In many spiritual traditions, “lightness” can be understood as a quality of consciousness that is free from the burdens of attachments, worries, and limited perceptions. This lightness is often associated with expanded awareness and a sense of inner freedom. Individuals who have transcended this aspect of lightness have moved beyond the constraining influence of their ego and mundane concerns. They experience a heightened state of awareness that is not weighed down by the demands of the ego and the material world.

2. Transcending Activity: “Activity” in this context refers to the constant movement, desires, and restlessness of the mind. Transcending activity means that an individual has reached a state of inner stillness and tranquility. Their mind is no longer driven by incessant desires or racing thoughts. Instead, they have achieved a state of mental calmness and equanimity, allowing them to be fully present in each moment without being consumed by the constant fluctuations of the mind.

3. Transcending Stability/Inertia: “Stability” or “inertia” pertains to the tendency to remain stagnant, complacent, or resistant to change. Transcending this aspect means that an individual has overcome the inertia that can hinder personal growth and transformation. They are not held back by fear or resistance to change. Instead, they have embraced the dynamic nature of existence and are open to continuous evolution and spiritual advancement.

Living in Transcendence: Living in a state of transcendence according to these principles involves an elevated state of being. Individuals who have achieved this state of consciousness are often described as having a profound sense of inner peace, clarity, and connection with the divine. They have let go of the limitations of the ego, material attachments, and mental restlessness. This state allows them to experience life with a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and harmony.

It’s important to note that the descriptions provided are rooted in spiritual and philosophical perspectives, and interpretations may vary across different traditions. While the concepts may seem abstract, they serve as guiding principles for those seeking a path of spiritual awakening and self-realization. Transcending these aspects requires inner work, self-awareness, and often involves practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and cultivating virtues like compassion and mindfulness.

a bit more

Imagine this as a place riding on the crest of an outgoing explosion, surrounded by something akin to most intense heat, beyond what you can perceive or conceptualize, very much like the barrier of super-hot plasma that surrounds solar system, (including ours) and between galaxies.

“Imagine this as a place riding on the crest of an outgoing explosion”:
In this imagery, the idea of a “place riding on the crest of an outgoing explosion” could symbolize a realm or state of existence that emerges from a transformative and dynamic process. The “outgoing explosion” might represent a profound shift, a breaking free from limitations, and a release of energy. This explosion could signify a personal or spiritual transformation, where old paradigms and limitations are transcended, giving rise to new possibilities and dimensions of experience.

“Surrounded by something akin to the most intense heat”:
The intense heat that surrounds this place could symbolize the intensity of spiritual energy, illumination, and divine presence. Heat is often associated with purification and transformation. In this context, the intense heat might represent the burning away of impurities, attachments, and ego-driven desires. It could suggest a state of inner purification, where one’s essence is refined and aligned with higher principles.

“Beyond what you can perceive or conceptualize”:
This part of the description acknowledges the limitations of human perception and conceptual understanding. The imagery suggests that the nature of this place is beyond the scope of conventional awareness and intellectual comprehension. This invites a sense of humility and awe in the face of the divine and the mysteries of existence.

“Very much like the barrier of super-hot plasma that surrounds the solar system and galaxies”:
Drawing a parallel between the described place and the barrier of super-hot plasma surrounding the solar system and galaxies brings cosmic imagery into play. Just as the plasma represents a boundary between the known and the unknown in the universe, the described place represents a threshold between ordinary human experience and a higher state of consciousness. The plasma barrier might symbolize the transition between the material and the spiritual, and the notion that accessing this place requires transcending the limitations of the physical realm.

Symbolic Significance:
This imagery evokes a sense of transformation, purification, and transcendence. The symbolic elements suggest a process of breaking free from limitations, undergoing purification, and accessing a realm of heightened awareness and divine presence. It’s an invitation to consider the journey of spiritual evolution, where individuals move beyond the confines of the material world and connect with a higher reality that transcends human comprehension.

Possibilities abound

Be inspired, define a clear goal with a real experience ;) Possibilities abound."

  1. Be Inspired: Finding inspiration in the concept of Vaikuntha Loka can ignite a sense of wonder and curiosity about the higher realms and divine possibilities. This inspiration serves as a driving force that propels individuals toward deeper exploration and understanding.

  2. Define a Clear Goal: Setting a clear goal in the context of Vaikuntha Loka might involve aiming for spiritual transformation, liberation from the cycle of birth and death, or cultivating a deeper connection with the divine. Defining this goal provides focus and purpose on the spiritual journey.

  3. Real Experience: Emphasizing a “real experience” encourages practitioners to move beyond mere intellectual contemplation and engage in practices that enable them to connect with the energy, essence, or teachings of Vaikuntha Loka. It’s about making the concept tangible and applicable to one’s own life.

  4. Possibilities Abound: The phrase “possibilities abound” acknowledges the rich diversity of experiences and insights that individuals can potentially encounter on their journey toward Vaikuntha Loka. This realm is described as a place of divine perfection, and the journey to it can be transformative, offering numerous opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

  5. Multifaceted Exploration: Vaikuntha Loka is often described in multifaceted ways, encompassing qualities of bliss, harmony, and eternal existence. The concept invites practitioners to explore these facets through various practices, rituals, and inner contemplation, leading to a deeper understanding of its essence.

  6. Personal Evolution: Just as Vaikuntha Loka is described as a realm of higher existence, the journey toward it reflects personal evolution. The concept of abundant possibilities highlights the potential for individuals to progress spiritually, shedding limitations and aligning with divine qualities.

  7. Expanding Awareness: The phrase encourages individuals to expand their awareness beyond the confines of the material world. Exploring Vaikuntha Loka’s concept allows for a broader perspective on existence, inviting practitioners to glimpse a reality beyond the ordinary.

  8. Embracing Divine Essence: Practitioners can strive to embrace the essence of Vaikuntha Loka in their own lives, seeking to embody qualities of purity, love, and spiritual harmony. These qualities can guide their interactions, decisions, and intentions.

  9. Journey of Transformation: The idea of abundant possibilities underscores the transformative nature of the journey toward Vaikuntha Loka. It’s an invitation to undergo profound shifts in consciousness, shedding the limitations of the ego and aligning with divine consciousness.

  10. Openness to Revelation: The phrase encourages openness to revelations and insights that might arise through practices or contemplation related to Vaikuntha Loka. It suggests that the more one engages with the concept, the more potential there is for personal revelations and spiritual insights.




Meditated on it yesterday at 9 PM. Got out of the meditative trance at 1 AM after it was done playing.



AI generated based on the description

Now I’m gonna use this field :grin:


Vaikuntha Loka


Ascension naut

Playing both at night is so liberating.



Once I went to goa for a Goa Trance rave.
Naturally I took some Hoffman’s to get in sync with the universe, the music & the vibe of goa.

After a night of raving, went back to bed around sunrise. Deep in the bliss of afterglow while laying on my bed, I thought what better way to end this trip than visiting my favourite YouTube channel , Dream Seeds.

Saw this video and played it, switched on the loop option and closed my eyes.

A Taste of Vaikuntha Loga is an understatement for what this field can offer. It’s more like a 5 course meal, a feast, and a party…!


For the first time I heard some music (string instruments, can’t identify xD) within, when playing this field. After I asked it to calm my mind…but verbally, not with feeling/intention as I usually did.


The intensity of it never gets old.

My favorite part is when the huge lotus flowers open up to pocket temples with very large beings lying down on their sides… or sometimes seated in pairs on thrones in the distance.

Best vibration-raising protocol of the bunch, for sure.



But I don’t know if you can top this review xD:


On the second night of listening to this beautiful field, I got reminded of the very pleasant fragrance which I could taste in my mouth.


om namo bhagavate vasudevaya namah :pray:t2:


AUM :pray:t2:

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Well yesterday I felt a call to play it again. The stack was as follows:
The Singularity
Tapasya of Savitur
A taste of Vaikuntha Loka

The field within minutes enveloped me in a golden light and was refining aspects of my consciousness as I listened to it, I could also visualize how a giant lotus opened below me, it felt like being in a very high realm where the natural state is non-duality and infinite bliss, it is difficult for me to put it into words but I had never experienced this field at that level. The aspect of light in this field is very noticeable, it makes me want to go back to that state again

I would love to experience more Lokas! @Dreamweaver Thank you for this amazing experience :dizzy:


This!! I totally relate to this feeling :smiley:


Thanks to @Souline reminding me about this fields existence I decided to give it a play.

Nothing over the top but a nice feeling and I felt inclined to chant Hare Krishna mantra which made me dance when reciting it then I meditated for the final few minutes and was very relaxed and seeing some vision in my minds eye. Felt a nice chilled out feeling, a very ‘everything is ok’ feeling.

I’ll try combine this with Panchanga Yoga at some point may or may not report back how it goes…

Amazing that such a field is free as well don’t sleep on it.


So glad to read that man! It’s an amazing field, I’m looking forward to diving into it tonight, I’ll report back if anything crazy happens.
It’s a blessing to be able to have some access to energy from such higher realms.

Maybe I can recite some vishnu mantra before the attunement, thanks for the idea!


That makes perfect sense. Krishna (Vishnu’s avatar) does advocate neutrality. He’s my favorite divine character ever, next to Jesus. Perhaps the list will expand as I study more scriptures. :slight_smile:

I shall visit this field this weekend with good preparation.

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