A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka

Absolutely! Wonderful to have this beautifully inspired updated field! :pray:


Yessir. I’m in pure bliss and contentment right now after using it just now. Think I’ll fall asleep to this tonight.


Yes this is what ive felt in the two times ive played it.

The 1st time was when it was released i slept with it and then yesterday after work while in meditation.

The night on loop felt just like that, peace, calmness, not even thoughts just floating there protected, held like in clouds of fresh air and comfort, i didnt smell anything but i did hear music that was like a soft flute + some kind of coins falling and going up. Which helped me to sleep deeper, i didnt remember any dream or anything the next day just like i had woken up feeling light and happy and i did notice my face loking bright and younger and overall with more energy.

2nd time while meditating after work i felt like if i literally had to take a shower before listening i had to stop, take a shower, lit a candle then i felt i could be allowed to enjoy just the audio, zero worries up there but i felt like i had to consciously release whatever from my day before…

With what you said and my experience the second time one really has to offer respect and be up to the merit, because one thing is this place be so pure and peaceful without worries and a different one is trying to get there carrying garbage with us to be cleaned lol

Thats how it felt to Me.

Thank you Captain for allowing us to have a taste of it


Yeah I can see how you felt this. I feel the need to shower before starting my day with fields in general, but can definitely see feeling that way specifically with this one, being as it’s a taste of such a pure realm



Would Vaikuntha Loka score higher than Brahma Loka as well?

IIRC, Vishnu is more primordial than Brahma isn’t he?

Reference for picture @Lucky :


No. Brahma is Equivalent to “The Father” in Christian terms. Vishnu is equivalent to “The Son” of the Trinity. So, Brahma is more primordial. Brahma or Parabrahma (beyond Brahma/The Source of Brahma) in some contexts is also what The Source is called. So, technically in order from primordial to less primordial, it’s Parabrahma, Brahma, then Vishnu, then Shiva (Holy Spirit).

Edit: sometimes, our own individual Spirit/Father (Chesed on the Tree of Life), which is just below the Trinity, is also called Brahma, so I guess it depends on context.


I would not rate one as better or higher, etc. There are different realms, and aspirants aligned with those energies, when qualified, reside there. There is Rudraloka of Rudra, Kailasa of Sadashiva, Mahakaliasa of Mahasadashiva, Goloka of Krishna, Saketa-dhama of Narayana or Vishnu, Manidvipa of the Goddess, Durgaloka of Siddhas who are adept at Durga related practices, etc. There are such myriad worlds. In the West (today), there is no concept of polytheism, so everything is always mapped to one model where the aspirant ascends a universal model to get the One god. This is not true with Eastern metaphysics at all. We need to stop interpreting the Eastern mysticism through the simplisitic and linear lens of monotheistic framework.

Even before the Theosophists and New Agers driven by theosophical concepts came up with mappings aligend with mumbo-jumbo that made sense to linear Western-conditioned minds, sectarians in India had already attempted to do that - Shaiva Puranas define a hierarchy of realms, of course placing Shiva’s realms above other realms, and Vaishnavas did the same, battling with each other.

So I would not waste time with unnecessary mappings and comparisons of what is higher than what else as such thinking is precisely what will ensure that one never experiences any of these realms. We just need to appreciate that we have an opportunity to experience and benefit from these energies, be full of gratitude to these divine and compassionate entities as well Dream for making it available. All of these realms are ultimate ones depending on the person, or none of them if the goal is the formless, nameless pure Nothingness which the Veda describes as na tatra sūryo bhāti na candratārakaṃ - Neither does the sun shine there, nor the moon with all the stars, nor does this lightning shine.

There was a realized saint in India in the early part of this century who once witnessed a long debate of whether Shiva’s loka is higher than Vishnu’s or vice versa. He remarked - “you guys are not even traveling faster than a bullock cart on your spiritual journey, and you are debating which realm is higher than the other, as though you are anywhere closer to getting there… And moreover, wasted the last few hours debating that, while you could’ve gotten somewhere, at least in the material world. Reach one of them first, and if you do, then you can decide whether you are satisfied or want to go higher”…

So the debate is an old one and will continue :slight_smile:


Agreed. Labels don’t really matter and could hinder us. Just voicing my understanding. Plus, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are a 3 in one anyway. It’s 3 forces/realms that work together as one, broken down for our intellect to conceptually understand. Better yet, it’s One force with 3 modes of action.


Sounds familiar.

Back to work…


Does it matter if this field is at the beginning of a playlist or the last track?


Naw, listen wherever you feel it fits best for you… :slight_smile:


Gnosis which has made its way to the West, clarified all of this:

“Monotheism always leads to anthropomorphism (idolatry), which by reaction originates materialistic atheism. This is why we prefer polytheism.

We are not afraid to talk about the intelligent principles of the mechanical phenomena of nature, even if people classify us as pagans.

We are partisans of a modern polytheism founded on Psychotronics.

In final synthesis, monotheistic doctrines lead to idolatry. It is preferable to talk about intelligent principles, which never leads to materialism.

In turn, the abuse of polytheism, by reaction, leads to monotheism.

Modern monotheism emerged from the abuse of polytheism.

In this era of Aquarius, in this new phase of the revolution of the dialectic, polytheism must be psychologically and transcendentally sketched out. Besides, it must be put forward intelligently; we must set forth wisely with a vital and integral monistic polytheism.

Monistic Polytheism is the synthesis of polytheism and monotheism. Diversity is unity.”

From the same book, little lesson in the abstract ness of the path:

A master was asked, “What is the way?”

“What a magnificent mountain!” he said, referring to the mountain where he had his haven.

“I am not asking you about the mountain; instead, I am asking you about the path.”

“As long as you cannot go beyond the mountain, you will not be able to find the path,” answered the master.

Another monk asked the same question to that same master.

“There it is, right before your eyes,” the master answered him.

“Why can I not see it?”

“Because you have egotistical ideas.”

“Will I be able to see it, sir?”

“As long as you have dualistic vision and you say, ‘I cannot’ and so on, your eyes will be blinded by that relative vision.”

“When there is no I or you, can it be seen?”

“When there is no I or you, who wants to see it?”

The foundation of the “I” is the dualism of the mind. The “I” is sustained by the battle of the opposites.

Revolution of The Dialectic
-Samael Aun Weor


How does this pair with Light and Vibrational guidance?

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My personal sense is this is going to be a highly personal answer so, if you have LVG and are called to pair them, try it and see what your experience is for you.

In my mind and my own experience, those two fields are pretty different and my guidance for me is that this is not a pairing for me. YMMV.



And no I don’t have it lol. I was just wondering hypothetically for the future


Heaven is different
As per Hindu scriptures after death you stay in heaven according the virtues you have done when you were alive also you have to face punishments in hell for the sins you have done when you were alive.
The choice is being given to every soul if it wants to enjoy heaven first or the hell first. ( It is being asked by Chitragupt the auditor who keeps every record of every creature)
Post completing all the punishments in hell & the enjoyments in heaven again audit is done then it is being decided in which Yoni the soul will born again it is not necessary that it will born as a human again according to scripture there 8.4 million creatures (Yonis) are there on the earth. The soul is asked to take birth in particular yoni as per the virtues he has done in the past life.
This cycle runs again & again.
Manushya yoni (human being) is called greatest ever as being human we can break this cycle of life & death.
There are 2 supreme Lords. Lord Shiva & Lord Vishnu they have abilities to break the cycle of life & death. Once we start worshiping Lord Vishnu & when Lord Vishnu recognizes this soul is my true devotee then after death the soul resides in Vaikunth dham & thus the cycle of life & death ends.
By the way even we serve our parents still Lord Vishnu may please & may let us stay in Vaikunth


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Love your summation. Hinduism is so vast with… nearly 33crore (330 million) Gods.

Lord Vishnu is part of - Trideva(/trɪˈmʊərti/;[1] Sanskrit: त्रिमूर्ति trimūrti, “three forms” or “trinity”) is the triple deity of supreme divinity in Hinduism,[2][3][4][5] in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities, typically Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer,[6][7] though individual denominations may vary from that particular line-up.

Interestingly, they are also said to represent the proton, neutron and electron of Quantum Mechanics. We Know we are made up of atoms. According to the Indian Vedics every ‘Anu’ or atom in our body has elements of AUM.

Located right below the Navel is - A - that represents Brahma - the Creator (with consort Saraswati - representing Creativity, Intelligence & Knowledge needed for Creation) - is Proton

Located at the centre of the Chest Cavity is - U - that represents Vishnu - the Preserver (with consort Lakshmi - representing Wealth & Prosperity needed for Maintenance) - is Neutron

Located at the tip of the Nose is - M - that represents- Shiva - the Destoyer (with consort Shakti - representing Energy needed for Destruction) - is - Electron

So by extension we all have the element of the divine within and the potential of being the creator, preserver or the destroyer. There is no limit to our potential, irrespective of the direction we take. The direction is our choice - our free will.

Perhaps by extension we can also say…that Vaikunth Lok…here…is a state of being… of Satvam… the ultimate goodness… represented by the golden light.


:arrow_up: Yep. YOU know what you’re talking about. Thank you. What matters is what these represent within. We are constantly polarizing these forces with our Will.


At no two moments are we the same… :blush: :dizzy:


Vaikuntha is a place somewhere in the universe, where lord Vishnu stays. Vishnu, Shiva etc were the aliens who visited us before and taught us how life should be or how we can be fully grown human being ( englitened), at that age where people used to live in a cave. That’s my opinion. Ancient texts clearly says time and life span different between different places like vaikuntha, shivalok etc. And earth. Also mentioned Arjuna visiting indra’s place (indralok) in Mahabharata. Hindu gods were definitely aliens as they came to earth in their spaceship. Their vehicle, entrance etc everything mentioned in the ved,Purana etc.