A twist of Energy and Time 🕐

When you take a closer look at your life, you may notice that the most important resources you have are Time and Energy. You get everything else in the world through them, by transforming your Energy or Time, and usually both at the same time.

The process of creating a new thing or improving an existing thing is primarily determined by Energy. When you have strength (energy), you can invest it in something of value to you. By spending Time, you convert the Energy into labor, for which you will receive money or other resources. Or you can invest this Energy in relationships, in communication with loved ones, or in keeping the house cozy, getting new impressions (processing information also requires energy). Energy is needed for everything. In every cell of your body there are tiny “power stations” - mitochondria. Thanks to them, you can breathe, think, read and understand this text.

Time and Energy are inextricably linked - and to live a quality life, to feel joyful, fulfilled and invigorated, it is important to maintain a balance of energy and time.

…If a system grows old - there is an increase of chaos in it, there is a loss of organization, the density of Time inside decreases, and around it - increases.

N. Kozyrev

This field is based on Kozyrev’s concept, and its main purpose is to replenish, hold and increase your Energy-Time balance on a structural level, reducing entropy and increasing order in your biological system. This field will also help you to:

:clock1:Stretch the time of day, making it more productive;
:clock1:Fill the body with energy, and increase the resource state for the realization of goals;
:clock1:Harmonize the circulation of energies in the body;
:clock1:Replenish vitality;
:clock1:Increase your luck and catch luck by the tail;
:clock1:Rejuvenate the body at the cellular level;
:clock1:Accelerate the transformation of thinking and reduce internal resistance;
:clock1:Shift your brain to a qualitatively new level of functioning and move to new levels of perception of reality.

Give yourself more time for your favorite things to do, more energy to achieve your goals, youthfulness, clear mind and beauty for years to come.




Intro to the concept


Time is a strange substance. What do we measure it in? In seconds? Hours? Years? Yes and no. If we think about it, we measure it by information, or rather, by its novelty. We fall asleep, fall into oblivion, and time stops, disappears, shrinks for us. And vice versa. We get into a stressful, for example, emergency situation - and time stretches like a rubber…. Someone at such moments is able to see how slowly, as if in slow motion, an artillery shell explodes: how its body begins to split, how fire starts to burst out of the cracks… And someone, almost falling into the abyss, managed to see and remember in all details a pebble flying into the gaping gorge, which flew out from under his feet…. I am sure that many people can remember something similar in their lives.

There are weeks, even days in our lives that we can recall in great detail even after many years. How full of new information were they? And there are years that we can’t remember anything about, it’s as if they’ve been erased from our lives…. There was very little novelty in them.

Time is one of the fundamental concepts of physics and, at the same time, still remains one of the greatest mysteries of nature. Back in the 30s, Academician V.I. Vernadsky wrote: “The science of the twentieth century is at a stage when the moment has come to study Time in the same way as matter and energy filling space are studied”.

So what is Time? A certain abstraction arising only in our consciousness, a way of our perception of the world or something that really exists?

Modern science operates mainly only with the quantitative property of Time - duration. And for the convenience of calculations for centuries scientists have been following Newton’s postulate that Time flows linearly and uniformly. Of course, such an approach is convenient for calculations and for relatively short stretches of time is quite justified. But even at the everyday level we realize that to speak only about the linearity and uniformity of time is to oversimplify the picture. We feel very well that Time is not only duration. It is a much more complex concept than the simple running of the second hand.

We know very well that time never flows evenly for us: it can “fly by imperceptibly”, “flash by” or “skip by” without us noticing it. Or it can “slowly flow” or “agonizingly stretch”…. As we grow older, we notice another strange property of time: the years become shorter and run faster….

And the value of Time for us is not an empty sound. More often than not, it is not how much chronological time we spent on something, but how useful we spent it. Besides, people with well-developed intuition are good at sensing the right moment - when to wait (“the time is not right”) and when to act immediately (“procrastination is like death”).

However, these are not only today’s observations. The fact that Time has not only quantitative, but also qualitative character, was well known in antiquity. For example, in Ancient Greece, it was believed that not one, but two deities of Time ruled our lives: Chronos and Kairos.

Chronos (Greek Χρόνος - time) is a stern Greek god who counts down hours and events consistently and inexorably. Every second to him is worth no more or less than any other second. To put it in modern terms, Chronos is time linear, uniform, measurable, related to duration, and having a quantitative nature. Hence such terms as chronology - the science of measuring time, chronological, chronometer, timekeeping, ect.

And quite different qualities were in another deity of Time - Kairos (Greek Καιρός - “favorable moment”). He was especially honored by the ancient Greeks. After all, he was the patron saint of favorable moments, happy occasions, chances for success, the elusive moment of good fortune. This is not the formal and impersonal time, which is Chronos, but time is genuine - filled with meaning, non-linear and immeasurable… In other words, Kairos is the qualitative side of time. Unlike the old man Chronos, Kairos was usually depicted as a rather young naked deity who is in constant silent movement. He was distinguished by his original hairstyle - the back of his head was shaved naked, but a single long strand fell on his forehead. It was considered to be a special luck to catch him by this strand: it was possible only at the moment when he was rushing towards you. If you hesitate, pause in indecision and reflection, the swift Kairos will rush past, and you will only see his smooth bald head receding.

The rulers of ancient China were concerned with the art of choosing good moments thousands of years ago. They were convinced that by skillfully choosing moments for certain affairs, one could avoid failures and seriously increase the chances of success. It is foolish to break in a closed door, - they said, - you just have to wait for the Universe itself will open the door. However, the secrets of the correct choice of dates in China possessed only a few people and they relied more not on intuition, but on accurate calculations. Their method was based on the metaphysical idea of spiral cyclicity of the energy of life (qi). For them, history is repeating cycles, and knowledge of the peculiarities of each of them is the key to success in all endeavors.

The ancient Greeks knew about such a property of Time as cyclicity (“kyklos”, from Greek κύκλος - cycle, circle, wheel). And no wonder: the repetition of certain stages, and thus the repeated influence of the same external factors, can be observed at all levels of reality. We can observe cycles everywhere where oscillations or rotations occur - in the movement of the wheel and in the blood circulation in the body, in the change of seasons and days, in the most different vortex and oscillating structures…. Cycles exist in less obvious, but also repetitive processes - in the circulation of water in nature and in the schedule of the store, in the breathing of living beings and in the spiral twist of DNA molecules, in periodic heartbeats and the periodic system of chemical elements of Mendeleev, in the periodicity of the approach of the planets, in the sea surf, the phases of the moon …. At the same time, cyclicity is not just the repetition of processes, it is also a complex system of nested cycles. We can say that the whole history is the sum of waves of different periods…

Kozyrev’s major discovery


On charges of attempting to overthrow Soviet power and establishing a fascist regime in the USSR, N.A. Kozyrev was arrested on November 6, 1936. The young, talented scientist was barely 28 years old at the time. He served his sentence in Siberia. Only 10 years after his arrest his case was reviewed, and in December 1946 he was released. Of the 10 astronomers arrested then in the Pulkovo Observatory, only he got out of the camps alive.

Surprisingly, but three and a bit months after his release, in March 1947, N. Kozyrev brilliantly defended his doctoral thesis “Sources of stellar energy and the theory of the internal structure of stars” at the Leningrad University. In his dissertation Kozyrev proved that thermonuclear reactions inside a star cannot be the main source of stellar energy. The star, the scientist argued, is not a reactor, but a machine that recycles some unknown kind of energy. No, Kozyrev did not deny the possibility of thermonuclear reactions inside the Sun. He said only that they do not determine the essence of the deep processes in our luminary. After 20 years, in 1967, Kozyrev’s foresight was confirmed by the experiments of American physicist Raymond Davis (1914-2006). It turned out that the tiny number of neutrinos detected by special detectors on Earth was six times less than predicted by the Standard (thermonuclear) Model of the Sun.

“The accuracy of the experiments of R. Davis,” Kozyrev wrote on this occasion, “allows us to say that thermonuclear fusion compensates no more than 10% of the energy emitted by the Sun.

But the fact remains that, contrary to the Second Principle of Thermodynamics, the Sun does not cool down, there is a constant self-heating. But then where does the star get the energy it radiates?

“Based on the data of astrophysical observations, I came to the idea that not nuclear reactions determine the balance of stellar energy, they are not the first violins in the orchestra. What then is the source of stellar energy? I answer this in the following way: (…) a star draws energy from the Passage of Time”. (N.A.Kozyrev)

According to Kozyrev, the source of energy of the Sun and stars is Time. Energy scattered in space, - the scientist believed, - due to active properties of Time, “bypassing” the Second Principle of Thermodynamics is able to concentrate in some compact area, for example, inside a star, to be transformed into other types of energy and further radiated into space by means of understandable physical mechanisms. Thus, stars are peculiar “machines converting the flow of Time into heat and light”. Such concentration of energy occurs contrary to the Second Principle of Thermodynamics, according to which entropy (chaos) can only increase.

“Time is a continuous supplier of energy to the Universe” - this discovery Kozyrev considered one of the main ones in his life. After all, it disproves the inevitable heat death of the Universe. The scientist was sure that Energy and Time are two sides of some single, not yet studied by us whole. As for the Second Principle of Thermodynamics, it’s only true for closed systems. And there are no such systems in the Universe. “The real world,” wrote N.A. Kozyrev in his “Causal Mechanics”, “(…) can fight death by opposite processes, which can be called processes of life, if we use this word in its broadest sense”.

Kozyrev was engaged in practical, experimental study of the properties of Time for several decades. What properties of Time did the scientist manage to reveal? First of all, it is Time’s ability to resist the domination of Chaos. Mankind is accustomed to the destructive image of Time, to the fact that increasing chaos is the curse of our material world. Because of the growth of entropy, everything in the world wears out, ages, destroys, dies…. The law of non-increasing, and in fact, inexorable increase of entropy, about which the Second Beginning of Thermodynamics speaks, does not add optimism - it dooms our world to destruction, and the Universe - to thermal death.

N.A.Kozyrev countered this dubious postulate with his revolutionary ideas.

Kozyrev’s main ideas


So, the main obstacle to the heat death of the Universe N.Kozyrev considered a certain substance. It so happened that N.Kozyrev called this substance discovered by him Time (sometimes with a capital letter). By capitalizing it, he seemed to indicate that we are not talking about the usual metric property of time, but about the substance - a kind of all-permeating flow, which maintains the balance of everything.

For Kozyrev, Time is the creative and organizing fundamental component of the Universe, an infinite source of energy. With the help of Time, two opposing processes - creation and destruction - are going on simultaneously in the Universe (it is Time that is their cause). N. Kozyrev called these properties of Time physical or active, and the theory describing them - causal mechanics.

Figuratively speaking, for Kozyrev, Time is the most important “tool” of the Creator of all Existence. It not only destroys, but also constantly creates, organizes new natural systems and thus opposes the growth of Chaos and the “heat death” of the Universe. According to Kozyrev, Time as a source of “negative entropy” (negentropy) is not only the creative beginning of the Universe, but also that which constantly controls the processes occurring in Nature and actively “interferes” in them. It is the influence of Time that explains the effects of self-organization of matter, when a certain order is established in chaos as if “by itself” (these effects are studied today by a new direction in science - synergetics).

According to causal mechanics, “self-developing system” does not quite work out the purpose of its development by itself. It turns out that the cause of such development can be outside the system itself, and the purpose of development can be introduced “from above”. It is Time that organizes what we consider as accidents, manages them in accordance with some unknown purpose. It organizes the chain of accidents and uncertainties in such a way that the event necessary for this purpose can happen. At the same time, Time manifests its active properties only at the “right moment and in the right place”.

There are several fundamentally different approaches to the concept of time in modern science:

According to one of them (the relational view), there is no time in nature, and what we take for time is just an abstraction - a system of relations between physical events. This approach is associated with names such as Aristotle, Leibniz, and Einstein.

Another concept - on the contrary, assumes that time, like space, matter and physical fields, is quite an independent phenomenon of nature, a special kind of substance (independent essence), which does not depend on material objects or on the processes occurring in them. Thus by means of its physical properties time actively influences the events of the material world. Democritus and Newton were the most vivid expressors of this concept of time. Approximately the same views adhered to N. Kozyrev.

But if Newton spoke only about the presence of time substance in the world, then N.Kozyrev in his causal mechanics already indicates the active participation of Time in natural processes. “Physicist, - wrote N.Kozyrev, - knows how to measure only the duration of time, so for him time is a completely passive concept… We have come to the conclusion that time has other, active properties”. And these active properties, believed N. Kozyrev, must necessarily be studied by science, not only theoretically: “Time is a whole world of mysterious phenomena, and they can not be traced by logical reasoning. The properties of time must be constantly clarified by physical experiments”.

One of the main affairs of his life N. Kozyrev considered the search for external sources of stellar energy. N.Kozyrev devoted several decades to experiments that were to prove his theory. He perfectly understood the complexity of the experimental study of Time and the impossibility of its direct study. But the scientist was convinced that the properties of Time can be studied indirectly - “through the study of various physical systems and processes occurring in them”. At the same time, Kozyrev exceptionally appreciated the role of practical experiments. Fortunately, N.Kozyrev’s creative thinking was in order. He created a number of simple but witty devices and developed unique techniques that allowed him to discover unexpected properties of the substance that he called Time….

If we summarize the main views of N. Kozyrev on Time, they are expressed, first of all, in the Active Properties of Time, which are manifested in the fact that:

  • Time spreads instantaneously;
  • Time possesses flow and directionality of course;
  • Time possesses density (intensity). The density of Time depends on the distance to its source;
  • Time has pressure and torque, it is able to mechanically influence matter;
  • Time is able to be absorbed (accumulated, memorized) by matter;
  • Time is capable of being released (emitted) by matter;
  • Time is able to be reflected from surfaces, shielded by matter;
  • Time is able to change physical properties of matter, influence its structure;
  • Time is a carrier of influence in parapsychological phenomena.

What in the long term can the Kozyrev’s Theory of Time give to mankind? Much, including in practical terms. These are inexhaustible sources of energy, and the technical possibility of instantaneous communication at any distance, and much more, of which we have not even guessed.

Time and consciousness


One important fact was repeatedly registered by N.Kozyrev while conducting laboratory tests: strong emotional energy of those present and sudden changes in human consciousness are able to influence the course of the experiment. And although this issue was not specifically studied in Kozyrev’s research, the impact of consciousness on the course and results of experiments was perceived by him as a reality and was taken into account in the organization of tests. N.Kozyrev quite admitted that physical processes in the Universe can be directly controlled and guided by consciousness, including human consciousness.

Today some scientists believe that the carrier of remote influence in Kozyrev’s effects and the carrier of influence in parapsychological phenomena is one and the same physical agent - the one that Kozyrev called Time. However, Kozyrev expressed the idea about it as early as in 1971: “It is not excluded that some phenomena of human psyche are explained by the possibility of communication through time. For example, instinctive knowledge and telepathy” (Kozyrev, 1971).

Sankhya Cosmology


The central place in the philosophy of Sankhya is occupied by the doctrine of two eternal world beginnings - Purusha and Pradhana, emanating from the Supreme Being, the Absolute, the Primordial Cause of the cosmos.

Purusha - lit. “man”, “personality” (Sanskrit) - is pure spirit, in Sankhya philosophy - Light. Purusha is passive, but possesses consciousness - this is its essence. He includes the individual spirits (monads, higher selves) of all beings of the Cosmos. In other words, Purusha is the Universal Consciousness, the Divine Spirit, the Meaning, the World of Ideas (according to Plato). Today, most likely, it would be called the World of Information.

The Divine consciousness - Purusha or Light - is eternally accompanied by another cosmic beginning - Darkness, or unmanifested matter - Pradhana (translated as “main”, “most important”, “primary”), completely devoid of consciousness. It is sometimes compared to the womb of an unfertilized woman, and is called prime matter - Mulaprákriti (literally, “root of matter”). This is the Energetic World, Chaos, the basis of all objects of the future material Cosmos. In Mulaprákriti, i.e., in the root cause of the entire material world in an undisclosed state, all possible consequences are laid down - mental and material objects of the future hierarchy of substances: higher beings, human beings, animals, plants, beings of the mineral kingdom, elementary particles… They have yet to manifest.

During the period of rest, Purusha and Pradhana are inactive and do not interact with each other. The impetus for their manifestation is, figuratively speaking, Purusha’s “interest” in Pradhana. Purusha fertilizes Pradhana with his ideas, Purusha’s meanings begin to structure the unperceived energy of Pradhana, and matter begins to manifest. Order begins to appear in the energetic Chaos. Gradually the Material World - Prákriti, the world of structured energy (manifested matter) appears.

In its transformation, Prákriti passes through a series of successive stages of mental and material order. At these stages individual Purushas (information clusters) begin to manifest themselves, connecting their consciousness to the emerging structures of Prákriti (energy-information clusters). Purusha begins to illuminate the Darkness, and the Prákriti uses its Light (ideas) to create objects of nature. In the course of evolution, all manifested matter breaks up into layers with different degrees of density. Vedic philosophy distinguishes twenty-four such layers or levels of matter - from the subtlest to the coarsest (physical).

The Vedas consider ether, air, fire, water and earth to be the coarsest, densest (material) elements. If we look at the place and role of modern materialistic science from this angle, it is concerned only with these material elements. And not even all five, but only four. It abandoned the ether at the beginning of the twentieth century. That is why, as many scientists believe, its development has been very slowed down.

Time in the Vedas


The doctrine of Sankhya considers the concept of the root cause of the origin and life of all things and phenomena of the material world to be extremely important. In doing so, it proceeds from two main positions:

  • First, the first cause cannot be produced by any cause preceding it. That’s why it is the first cause;
  • and secondly, the first cause must be so subtle and all-pervasive that even the most subtle causes, including psychic phenomena, such as feelings, emotions, thoughts…, can be generated by it.

In the Vedic texts such a root cause is called the main attribute of God - Time (Kala). It is the main aspect and instrument of the Supreme God. The waves of Time that emanate from the supreme being (the Absolute) are the waves of his intention and will. They arise when he, the creator, preserver and destroyer of the entire universe, wants to create or destroy something in the material world.

Here is what is said about Time in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata: “Whatever it is called, it is one and exists under the name of kala. Everything in this world is in its power” (Mahabharata, “Kala-vada (12.224.50-56)). Everything existing in the material world is subject to the powerful and irresistible force of Time. “Everything that exists in this world is under the control of inescapable time. Time controls all living entities on every planet of this world” (“Srimad Bhagavatam” (1.9.14)).

No one and nothing can escape the pressure of the energy of time - Kala-Shakti. It is under its influence that the material world is created, maintained and destroyed at different levels (and as it has already been said, the Vedic tradition counts twenty-four such levels of material energy).

Modernly speaking, Time is a gigantic, continuous flow of meanings of the Creator of the Universe, due to which the material world unfolds in accordance with His will. Time transmits the meanings, which are not only the reason for the appearance of all objects in the Universe, but also continuously influence their life, determining the sequence and continuous course of the stages of the material world’s existence. Also, Time, according to the Vedas, is an independent substance: it influences all kinds of activities of matter, but it never falls under their influence. Besides, starting from the moment of the origin of the Universe and up to the end of its life, Time plays the role of a connecting link for all its elements and processes: “The connecting factor (for all 24 primordial kinds of matter) is Time, which is considered to be the twenty-fifth element of creation” (Srimad Bhagavatam (3.26.15)).

Material Time, i.e. Time that governs the material world, is called Karya-Kala in the Vedas. It starts its activity at the moment of origin of the material universe and finishes its activity after its destruction. The peculiarity of material time is its cyclic nature. Everything in all universes - from elementary particles, living beings to planets and galaxy superscales - lives subject to the cycles of material time. Everything is born, develops, matures, grows old, ages, and eventually is destroyed to be born again, but in a renewed form: “He who is born will surely die someday, and after death he will be born again. Therefore you still have to perform your duty, and in doing so you should not indulge in sorrow” (Bhagavad-gita (2.27)).

Besides material time, Vedic culture asserts the existence of eternal Spiritual Time (Ananda-Kala). Its activity is manifested only in the spiritual world, and differently from the activity of material time. The spiritual world resides as if outside time. There is no past, present and future there. Spiritual time is not cyclical. In it nothing is being destroyed. Conscious souls (monads, spirits), having spiritual nature, progress in their development quite differently from material objects: not cyclically, but strictly in one direction. They do not age and never die.

Vedas say that for each event and each activity there is a time allotted (time to study, time to conceive children, time to create a family, time to go to bed, time to be awake…). Also, Time is heterogeneous, it is flexible: “Everything in this world orbits the eternal Time, and everything that exists has its own orbit of Time” (Srimad Bhagavatam (3.11.13]). Every object has from birth to death “its own time”. For example, the lifespan allotted to a human being is about one hundred years; for a planet, the lifespan is billions of years. But elementary particles like mesons live for fractions of nanoseconds. Each object of the Universe lives in its own time field, time flows for it in its own way, and therefore it needs a personal scale of time intervals. In different places of the Universe, the Vedas tell us, time also flows differently. One day on other planets can be equal in duration to several months or even years on Earth.

Kozyrev and the Vedas


“Time and distance are accessories of the corporeal world, for they are changes to which the spiritual world is not subject. In the spiritual world, everything possible is always present… Eternity has neither time nor space, neither beginning nor end.”

Carl Eckartshausen (1752-1803), The Key to the Mysteries of Nature. - St. Petersburg, 1804.

It is surprising how close to Vedic were Kozyrev’s views on the nature of Time. Whether he was familiar with Sankhya philosophy is not known. Most likely, he was not. In any case, his close relatives believe so. For one thing, he simply did not have the opportunity. Practically complete intellectual isolation in the Gulag camps, lack of access even to elementary literature, not to mention such specific literature as ancient Indian philosophy.

Secondly, one should take into account that the Vedas are a vivid example of texts, when translating which the deep essence of the things described is lost due to multiple meanings and multi-level nesting of terms. Therefore, according to experts, there can be no full-fledged translations of such texts from Sanskrit in principle. These sources should be read in the original. As already mentioned, it is for this purpose that such scientific geniuses as Tesla, Einstein and Oppenheimer specially studied Sanskrit. But N. Kozyrev did not have such an opportunity either.

Despite his religiosity, which was an integral part of his spirit (the fact that he believes in God, N. Kozyrev did not hide even during interrogations in the camp), he for a number of objective reasons did not involve theology in his theoretical constructions and cosmological ideas. He as if took it out of the brackets. One can understand him. Physical science would not tolerate a religious approach in its ranks.

Taking all this into account, we can say with a high degree of confidence that N. Kozyrev came to his theory of Time quite independently, independently of the ancient Indian sources. It is not excluded that it was an intuitive epiphany of a great thinker, penetration of his mind into other spheres, into the Information world, connection to the Intelligent core of the Universe, as Nikola Tesla called it. It’s possible. And it once again speaks about genius of the Russian astrophysicist. And we can only speculate how Kozyrev’s Theory of Time could look like, if he had the opportunity to immerse himself in the wisdom of ancient Vedic concepts. And how ancient and modern teachings could enrich each other…

If we try to combine the concepts of N. Kozyrev and ancient Vedic philosophy with modern views on the Information Space, we can see a fairly consistent picture of the Universe. A special place in it is given to such fundamental categories as Information and Energy.

Some analysis was carried out by Russian scientists, perhaps it will be of interest to someone, and this paragraph will complete the project.


Information (meaning, consciousness…) is not material, i.e. not energetic and not physical. The amount of transmitted information and, moreover, the effect of its influence on the recipient are not determined by the amount of energy spent on its transmission. Therefore, one of the most important features of information is its non-energetic character. Information fundamentally differs from Energy and Matter by the fact that when it is given away, its source does not become less…. In his time, the idea of non-decreasing information was very figuratively expressed by Bernard Shaw (1856-1950): “If you and I have one apple each, and we exchange them, we will be left with one apple each. But if you and I have an idea each, and we exchange them, we will have two ideas each”.

That is, when information is exchanged, its quantity at senders does not decrease. In fact, we are talking about the indestructibility of information (indestructibility is a special and unique property of Information). Hence the natural logical conclusion: since during the exchange of information its quantity at senders does not decrease, the quantity (ammount) of information in the Universe can only increase.

As for Matter and Energy, Matter is annihilable. Energy is not destructible, but, as a number of scientists believe, its quantity in the Universe is constant. And although there is probably no pure, information-free energy, Energy is still not information. It is only a carrier of information, a way of its transfer from one object to another. At the same time, energy is always modulated by some information. For example, the energy emitted by the Sun carries information about the processes on our luminary.

The same is true for matter. This densest state of energy can perceive, store and transmit information, but it is not information itself. The same information can be recorded on a variety of material carriers: paper, magnetic media, photographic film, stone, and so on. Like Energy, Matter does not exist in pure form either: it always stores some information.

There are different opinions about what the “Universal Library” is. Some believe that it is an absolutely homogeneous, unstructured space in which the monad (soul) dissolves and completely loses its individuality. Others do not agree with this and believe that this space is filled with a kind of meaning-clots. And someone compares the Information Field to the air ocean or water ocean - with currents like the Gulf Stream, whirlpools and storms. Some people imagine the Information Field in the form of absorbent cotton or dense felt with tightly woven fibers. Others believe that it has a crystalline structure with nodes (meanings) and edges (links between meanings) - a kind of Universal Internet - with a network hierarchy, nodes of information storage and data transmission lines. It is believed that these very Meanings (Senses) are the basis of the Universe, they are omnipresent and exist from the beginning. It is in the Semantic Universe that laws and programs are hidden, according to which the material world is created and develops (evolves).

All views depend on the angle of view and the tasks set. Any approaches have the right to exist and will give their results.

In this context, the Information Field is considered as an infinite set of interconnected information objects (clusters), i.e. it is a kind of network fractal hierarchy of meanings. At that, each Information cluster (Spirit, Monad, Higher Self, conscious soul…) is a unique information storage. It also has a network fractal structure (like a neural network) with nodes (neurons, subclusters) and connections between them.

For the gathering of new information, the Information cluster creates personal tools for itself in the Energy World - Energy-Information Clusters (souls, minds…). There can be many such energy-information clusters (like leaves on a tree) - in different worlds and dimensions.

In their turn, these energy-information clusters (souls) for interaction with the dense physical world form dense (material) bodies in it, possessing organs of influence on the surrounding world and organs for perception of information from it (sense organs). As it is said, “God has no other hands but yours”.

It is thought that the interaction of information clusters, energy-information clusters and dense-material objects is somewhat similar to the information interaction of DNA-RNA-protein chain. As DNA serves as a matrix (blueprint) for RNA synthesis and later for creation of protein body, so the information cluster (Spirit) is a matrix for formation of energy-informational cluster (Soul) and dense-material bodies. Apparently, the principles of information packing in DNA (fractal globule) and Information cluster are similar.

According to Vedic sources, the Spiritual (Information) World is the creative and organizing beginning of the universe. It is it that with the help of Time forms and animates the material world. N.A.Kozyrev also spoke about it. From the causal mechanics of N. Kozyrev it follows that there is a certain material substance in the Universe, which is an all-penetrating and all-encompassing giant stream, possessing the direction - from the past to the future. N. Kozyrev called this material flow - Time.

“Time is a continuous stream enters our world and, if it has active properties, it will be the only phenomenon of nature, going against the course of all events …. The normal course of events leads to an increase in the entropy of the system. Therefore, the reverse action of active properties of time should bring into the world a vital beginning counteracting the usual tendency of destruction and death”. (N.A.Kozyrev).

However, Time is not energy in the usual sense of science, not material energy. Yes, initially N.Kozyrev called Time “the energy”, preventing the growth of entropy in the Universe. But later (after the discovery of Time’s absolutely unique properties) Kozyrev apparently fearing terminological confusion, spoke less and less often about Time as energy, and more and more often he spoke about “active properties” of Time. At the same time, speaking about “energy of Time”, the scientist, judging by the context, meant the creative energy of Time. More precisely, that Time possesses creative energy! It is this property of Time that Kozyrev considered the most important.
In other words, Time is a Program, a Scenario of life of material objects and processes. But it is not a common and impersonal program for everyone, it is purely individual for each energy-information cluster, i.e. for each object or process of the Material World, and is a product of the corresponding Information cluster (individual purusha) belonging to the Information World.

The task of objects created in the Material World is to enrich the Information (Spiritual) World with new information and metacognition, thus contributing to its evolution. In essence, material objects are tools and sensors of the Spirit. Functioning under the control of its personal monad (individual purusha, information cluster), each material object extracts new information from the environment, acquiring new experience and knowledge and thus helping the infinite evolution of its monad. In turn, the knowledge received from the Material World of many individual information clusters (purushas of different levels) enrich the unified Information World (Purusha), helping it to acquire new systemic qualities and increase its information power.


Any object or process of the Material World, be it an elementary particle, a crystal, a bio-object, a human being, an ethnos, a planet or a galaxy, is subject to the uniform laws of the Information World. In particular, the Law of cyclic development, i.e. the periods regularly repeating in the process of life (each object or process during its life passes certain stages - from birth to death and the beginning of the next cycle of its existence). Large, long-term cycles, in their turn, according to the principle of fractality, include smaller cycles and are dominant for them. Another characteristic feature of cyclicity, as a form of development, is the movement not in a circle, but in a spiral - until the possibilities of further accumulation of information in a given structure are exhausted.

According to Kozyrev’s theory of Time, the phases of rise (growth) and decline (aging) of objects and processes of the Material World are caused by the interaction of two counter flows of Time: Material and Spiritual.

The Material flow, which is formed in the Energy World and, as Kozyrev believed, has a left rotation, is directed from the past to the future. It is he who leads to increasing chaos, increasing entropy, to destruction and death…. Kozyrev called it “the ordinary course of events”. And vice versa, the Spiritual flow, which is formed in the Information World, has the right rotation and is directed from the future to the past. This programming flow has active properties and, according to Kozyrev, is the only phenomenon of nature that carries organization, brings a vital beginning into the world and counteracts the usual tendency of destruction and death.

If we use Kozyrev’s terminology, then at different stages of the life cycle we see a different ratio of right and left flows of time. If the spiritual flow from the Information World, carrying the vital beginning into the world, prevails over the material one, the formation and intensive growth of a process or object takes place. If vice versa, there is a gradual increase of chaos, increase of entropy, decomposition and death. This is characteristic of the second half of life.

N. Kozyrev’s experiments with torsion weights


Studying the origin of stellar energy, the professor designed special devices (torsion scales, electronic bridges…), allowing to measure the properties of Time, emitted and absorbed by objects at different stages of their life cycle.

The experiments revealed an interesting regularity: healthy, developing objects emit streams of structuring energy-information - increasing organization and order. Conditionally, it can be called “positive”. And vice versa, when an object is destroyed, dying, there is an increase of chaos, entropy or, as Kozyrev said, “loss of organization” in it. At the same time, the Energy emitted by the object carries information of decay, decomposition. Again, we can conditionally call it “negative”. Why “conditionally”? Because not every organization is good, just as not every destruction is evil.

To illustrate, I will cite a case described by Kozyrev’s assistant. Once Kozyrev drew his attention to an interesting phenomenon:

“Look how interesting it is. Two days ago I put a bouquet of flowers, and the arrow immediately began to be attracted to it. The bouquet began to wither - the arrow began to repel from it. It turns out that it reacts to living things!”. “I,” recalls the assistant, “went to the nightstand. Indeed the arrow of the device was pointing in the opposite direction from the bouquet. And suddenly the arrow turned toward me. A step to the side - the arrow returns to neutral, a step to the nightstand - the effect repeats…

I told Kozyrev about it. He came over to look at it with interest. The arrow started pushing away from him… So we took turns approaching the device, and the reaction was the same. It was repulsed by Kozyrev, attracted to me. In the end, Kozyrev sighed sadly: “You are young, life is boiling in you, and I am an old man - soon to die like these flowers…” And somehow we laughed merrily because we both understood perfectly well what the arrow was reacting to…”

Kozyrev’s mirrors


Kozyrev’s mirrors are little known, but this invention of the twentieth century can be called a kind of time machine, an attempt to penetrate into the past or the future.

These constructions are called mirrors conditionally. They are mainly aluminum structures made in the form of a spiral, which, according to the scientist, are able to reflect physical time, as well as can focus some types of radiation, like lenses. These radiators can be biological objects. The most common design, with which most experiments were conducted - a mirror sheet of polished aluminum, which is rolled up in a special way - in the form of a spiral in one and a half turns clockwise. Inside this construction a chair for a volunteer and special equipment are placed. A pot-like “helmet” with sensors is placed on the head.



Many experiments were conducted in the early nineties of the last century, in particular experiments on supersensory perception. The results of the experiments are not entirely clear. For example, volunteers placed inside these spirals experienced a variety of abnormal sensations, such as “leaving the body”, telekinesis, telepathy, transmission of thoughts at a distance… All this is recorded in detail in the protocols of research. One of the goals was to study the human abilities to clairvoyance and to train these abilities, to foresee the Future, to be able to look into the events of the Past.

These abilities, according to the study, increased dramatically inside a “room” of curved metal “mirrors”. According to Kozyrev’s theory, inside his mirrors, Time was changing its density, which was the reason for the increase in supersensory perception. The mechanism of action of Kozyrev’s mirrors on human consciousness and time is not yet known and has only just begun to be studied.

The term “Kozyrev’s mirrors” was introduced in 1992 by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.P. Kaznacheev based on the research of N.A. Kozyrev, the designs were made to study the impact on humans of hypothetical flows of “energy-time” reflected by mirrors.

It should be noted that in the known works of Kozyrev Nikolay Aleksandrovich himself, constructions similar to the mirror of his name are not found. Nevertheless, some of his astronomical experiments with a telescope having “mini aluminum mirrors”, as well as astrophysical hypotheses could become a kind of theoretical basis for the creation of these devices. In particular, in the works of N. Kozyrev among the properties of time the possibility of reflection is mentioned: “The possibility of reflecting by a mirror the action of time allowed us to observe the influence of not only laboratory processes”. There are conclusions about the special properties of aluminum: “aluminum coating is an excellent reflector not only of light, but also of time”. Nikolay Kozyrev assumed the transmission of information through time, which explains not only the peculiarities of biological communication, but also a number of not yet sufficiently studied phenomena of human psyche.

Kozyrev’s mirrors find increasing application in the field of space anthropoecology for fundamental studies of functional reserves of the human brain, their disclosure and development at different stages of ontogenesis of the organism.



Time is not just a Program (scenario) of life of a material object or process, it is a fractal program built on the principle of nested cycles of evolution of objects. In other words, it is a program of step-by-step evolution. If at some step it was not possible to completely fulfill the life program, it is taken into account at the next step (at the next incarnation) of the Soul (energy-information cluster) into a physical body.

Due to such fractality of life programs there are numerous nested cycles of evolution of objects. Cycles of various durations - from fractions of a second (e.g. biological cells and brain), to daily, seasonal, annual rhythms. Besides them, there are also more long-term cycles, including those exceeding one lifetime of a material object (this also applies to a human being). The program of its evolution includes the most different cycles - from mini-cycles to hyper-cycles (scenarios). In its turn, even a hyperscenario is a fractal of an even more global scenario…

Life experience, acquired in each incarnation and having passed the “filter” of the energy-information cluster (Soul), enriches the information cluster (Spirit) in one way or another. Under certain conditions (but most often spontaneously) this information about past lives, i.e. about realizations of previous scenarios, can become available to our consciousness.

The program of the Information World and its implementation in the Material World may differ significantly. The reason for this is external and internal factors that give the life cycle of an object or process additional fluctuations. Such interferences can disturb the higher plans, and the realization of the Life Program (if you wish, the destiny of this or that object) can significantly deviate from the outlined one. Is it possible to reduce the influence of such disturbances on our life, on its duration and quality? It seems that yes. In any case, experience shows that some positive correction is quite possible. It will hardly allow us to go beyond the limits of the original Program of Life, but it is quite possible to realize it more effectively. Such correction can prolong active life, as it concerns both physical body and consciousness of a person.

In the first case, the body is saturated with additional vitality. As a result, metabolism is improved and premature aging of the body is inhibited.

According to the Vedas, the primary Life Force of all things is given by Time (in other words, the Program of the information world). Apparently, this non-material energy exists by itself, independent of people. Ancient sages believed that the Life Force, or simply Force, can be accumulated, spent and moved in space. In addition, it can strengthen or weaken the energy of material objects, including living beings. By directly influencing people’s subconsciousness, it can affect their psyche, cause them emotional uplifts, insights, “enlightenment”, open additional reserves - like clairvoyance, telepathy and so on. This mysterious Force can also give a person additional energy, heal from illnesses…

Therefore, the life force has been the basis of various healing systems since time immemorial. If to give a short definition, the Force is an invisible and all-penetrating world substance capable of generating, storing and transmitting Energy and Information over distances. Its source is the subtle, so-called etheric, energies of the Material World. But Force is not just a subtle energy, but an energy carrying the corresponding Program of the Information World. Apparently, it was the properties of the Life Force, calling it Time, that N.A.Kozyrev studied for many decades. It was called in different ways. In Chinese philosophy - Qi or Chi, in Hinduism - Prana, in Judaism - Ruach, in Christianity - Holy Spirit.

In the second case, the resonance interaction of a person with his personal Information cluster (Spirit) and, consequently, with the whole Information Space is improved. The result of such a tuning is a timely and natural correction of the control program of the organism coming from “above”, the inflow of additional creative energy of Time, and therefore additional life force.
Hence a simple advice to those who want to live longer and more interesting: to constantly search for new information, new knowledge, especially stimulating creativity, to read more, to travel, to communicate with interesting people…. With new information we receive additional life force.


While I’m getting ready to give a little more information, I invite you to the thread for our veh



time blowing!




U know I always thought I wish I can pause time and work on myself, but then I realised that was meditation. Lol


guys, I updated the information in post 2 from my PDF file
there is a lot of text, but these are important and interesting things, perhaps you will be interested in reading and understanding this concept more deeply

in this post thoughts and reflections of scientists about this concept


Sounds epic. It’s on my list.


Absolutely Stellar!
Thanks Captain and Ugninis! :slight_smile:


Wooooow I love it! I had somehow an intention to propose a time related project but I was constrained by lack of time, how ironic!


Wowww :green_heart::star2::green_heart::star2:


Why do we have such attractive fields released before possible sale (I’m saying Easter…) coming…? My wish list keep growing, it’s hard to pick which one I’d like to buy most


Do not hurry :wink:
you can buy it at any Time :hourglass_flowing_sand:


woah, today on my way to work I was thinking about something similar, synchronicity is just crazy today!


miraculous moment bro :grin:



Time, Dr Freeman?


Do time really exist?


at least in the scientific world - yes :slight_smile:

What do you think about this? :slight_smile:


human construct


One of my favorite description posts on the forum.
This topic is where I hang out.