A twist of Energy and Time šŸ•

what I know personally, time as we used to perceive it does not exist at all.

There are external rhythms and internal rhythms, where ā€œtimeā€ is a soliton-holographic process,

so, objective time is just a virtual program, and subjective time depends significantly on the work of consciousness, so roughly speaking, this field can ā€œincreaseā€ the amount of time - so time stretches, flows slower relative to ā€œordinaryā€, not such a conscious perception of time as internal rhythms.

What I mean is that to begin with, you should probably test the field, highlight some of the more memorable effects. Then, in different situations, when playing the field, simply create the necessary intention. Verbalization is not necessary - ā€œcontrolā€ energies are in any case connected with our consciousness.

you can use it if necessary, at will, situationally. :slightly_smiling_face:

for example, when you need extra energy ;)



For example, I am stuck in the traffic, hoping to get out of it sooner
Would this field work by tweaking to suit my needs?
Iā€™m very curiousā€¦
Iā€™m planning road trip, of course we want to have enough time fun time
And we want to minimize driving time, right?
I wonder if we can use that wayā€¦


i use this gem intuitively. it boost everything very inteligently. my ā€œtriggerā€ to use it is when i should be doing something quickly and this something is not pleasant. works like a charm, i loop it as long as i need to get job done. it has profound ability to integrate the mandalas i wear.

another ā€œtriggerā€ i use is when i have this hungry feeling of needing time. or this anxious feeling of not having enough time.

it is like the missing component of energy work till now. trully one cannot without it.

it is like having time and energy as your own ally. super strong support.


yes, these effects were also described in the reviews, and they are possible :)



Awesome, itā€™s so cool we can play around with the field, tweaking and tuning it to our situational needs! This something Iā€™m looking forward to and will probably help with energy mastery.
And very clear about how to tweak the field with our consciousness. For me personally I find that speaking an intention out loud puts some more conviction and power behind it. But in theory I should be able to achieve the same effect with just thinking it.

Well, then this is exactly what I need. This is going to be my new best friend, you got me sold! Had to look up what a soliton-holographic process is though :see_no_evil:

Iā€™m going to wait until next sale to get this because with this field I can afford to wait, after all I will have ā€œall the time (and energy) in the worldā€ haha :smiley:

PSA: The next sale should start somewhere around next week as confirmed by Sammy himself so for those of you who have been eyeballing this field, your bank account will thank you if you can hold it out just a little longer haha


Thank you for sharing your experience and confirming that this field has everything I was looking for!

Have you ever tried out the ā€œSlow down perception of timeā€ field?

If so, how would the time stretching effect compare to this new gem?


never trusted me to try this audo. for the new one i can say it makes your time and energy your servant.


does it work for generalized anxiety?

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The All Purpose Anxiety Removal - Audios - Sapien Medicine (enlightenedstates.com)
this fields is more suitable for you :slightly_smiling_face:


i have all of them already :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

thanks for the prompt reply!!


should i get this or Bioenergetic Crystal Essence.

For me, i always been the person who is always saying if i can go back, and i always am fillied with regret of not taking action in the past.
But i feel like BCE will work better on me and will help fields ajust to my energy system at a much faster rate

also has anyone tried to pair, twist of time and some sort of alchemical revision, i dont think it would do much, but i think its worth a shot


Perhaps you yourself answered the above question :))
it wonā€™t take you back in time in a literal sense, thatā€™s not the purpose of this audio

individual combinations of different products are always good - they give individual effects that are difficult to imagine
but this is the userā€™s personal path - and thatā€™s right, I think

if you still focus on this - then Bioenergetic Crystal Essence :slight_smile:


Lol, i purchased this, when i close my eyes, i get a sense of buzzing, but not buzzing more like moving back and forward, anyway am pairing this with soul conntiumm and cant wait to see the effects. It will be crazy.

Yeah i know, it was just trying to explain that my inablity to take action in the past makes me want to get this field. Ur 2 second comment was intresting espically about the different periods of history, and how different cultures had a view on timing and its effect on luck and success


Very interesting and I find myself in similar situation and struggling to figure a way outā€¦

do share your perspective


any chance this could make time go faster haha , work can drag on sometimesā€¦


I think it comes from monotony and boredom
in your case it will help you be more energetic and productive :wink:


Try Speed Up the Perception of Time


Will you expand / share more of your results now you have a little time with it :wink:

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really good field, boost everything, days flow.