Abnormal bleeding

Hello everyone! Hope everything’s going well for you.

I need advice regarding my main concern atm: My period strangely hasn’t stopped yet, I have been bleeding for two more weeks. I have already made an appointment with the doctor, but I’d like to listen to some Sapien fields in the meantime.
The problem is: I’m not sure whether I should listen to the estrogen booster-ovary regeneration one as it might cause more bleeding? I don’t see how the Regulate Hormones (reduce DHT and testosterone) one would help as it only focuses on male hormones and I don’t think these are the responsible hormones for my abnormal bleeding (correct me if I’m wrong please!)
If that helps: I have a pattern of irregular menstruation, I have acne and I might have PCOS. I used to have severe period cramps as a teen, thankfully it got better.

I’m very worried and any kind of help or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Have a good day :sun_with_face: :heartpulse:

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No. Def not the estrogen one.

Listen a few times the Progesterone one. It will help reduce and or stop the excessive bleeding.

And these 2

Female Reproductive System Regeneration (Patreon Premium)

Reproductive Rejuvenation
And check this one

The Womanly Woman

And just keep an eye in the ion levels.


Great advice from lunamoon

Spotting and or irregularities regarding bleeding in a cycle are linked to low progesterone. So that audio I think too will definitely help.

But ofc the doctor opinion and eventually exams will tell more about your case specifically.

I hope you recover soon!


I had some issues a few years back and I think it’s best to go to the hospital if you can. If you loose too much blood then you’ll need transfusions etc. Get well soon :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


Hi there, thank you so much for all of your responses!! I am deeply grateful to everyone of you. I’m going to listen to these fields immediately. How much should I listen? 2-3 times or more?
Thanks again, I’ll update soon~

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I think it’s enough


Thanks a lot! I listened twice and felt better immediately.


Very good to hear that :heart:

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i had the same two years ago. i went to the doctor. she said everything looks ok, she gave me progesterone (which i didn’t take…, i listened to the field).

but after some days i got a test result that it was a fungus infection. with medicine it was back to normal after few days.

i think it’s good to get it checked.

get well soon!


Hi there! Thanks a lot for the helpful replies :yellow_heart:
My doctor said it’s nothing too serious, I’m taking progesterone and listening a bit to the field too (I’m being very cautious because I think I worsened my case in the beginning of the abnormal bleeding when I listened to the wrong fields…Maybe I should just stick to the endocrine system rejuvenation field in the long run…)
Still waiting for the blood test results.

Thanks again for the help! If you have any advice concerning hormonal imbalances, please share!

I’m so happy and grateful! Sending lots of loving, healing energy towards all of you :heartpulse: