About Conceptual Thinking

Hello @SammyG and @Dreamweaver , I have been practicing conceptual thinking using the article posted by Dale Power in the website. Attached a link at the bottom.

I was practicing in a wrong way before. In the first step to practice, the article says this.

Start by finding a simple object. Look at it and close your eyes after a moment of getting a feel for it.

With your eyes closed (or open when you are getting more advanced at doing this) think about the object, but, don’t say the name of it or describe it with words in your head and let go of any pictures that are (will!) be generated if they try to pop into your head.

Try to make it simply the idea of the object.

When you have this as well as you are able, try to hold the concept steady in your mind.

This will firm up your ability to communicate to your subconscious self while at the same time help you learn to notice when you are slipping into your old though patterns.

I have understood it wrong. Instead I tried to picture a shape without saying its name in my mind. After reading the article again I came to know that I should not think about the name and as well as the visualization of the image too. This seems confusing.

  1. How can we think about the shapes, without the name and or number?

  2. If for example, I am seeing a shape in my open eyes, say a circle. When I close my eyes and wanted to think or in the article’s sense, feel about the object, how should I do it?

An example would suffice for this first step of lesson. I also hope that your replies and the steps will be helpful for others to learn about Conceptual Thinking. FYI, I came to know from Samuel that the Animal Empathy field and the IPF item can be used to make a Subconscious bridge to think conceptually. But I would like to know the basic Idea, a concept or a method to think conceptually. Like a basic math proof, which states how the entire formula going to work. With knowing the idea behind it, I feel the Animal Empathy or the IPF field can work even better, as we have the basic understanding of it. Thank you.

Link to the article


The problem with describing this is that we literally move beyond words here.
Instead of arguing about the shapes, I suggest something else.
How about practicing with consumables? I mean things like drugs, fruits, chocolate etc?
I do this and it works very well. It is also way more fun and you get immediate feedback if you do it correctly, because you will feel the effect of the substance thought about, if you manage to grap its concept


Images will be generated in your mind, and that is okay. You can practise letting go of them, and it will probably be imperfect at first and require perseverance. Words or images may come up often, and that’s perfectly fine. Try to simply let go of them and move your focus beyond them each time they are generated.

Have you ever been to a place which feels breathtaking or magical? How about the feeling of a party or a large gathering? Or the feeling of a memory of an important time and place in your life?

When we have a feeling of a place or a memory, it’s not capturable in images or words alone but something beyond that. Conceptual thinking is similar to that level of feeling.

You can try to feel objects while you’re listening to Animal Empathy/Telepathy. Try to engage your subconscious with the energy of the audio while you are doing this as it should help you be in a state of conceptual thinking.

Doing this while listening to the audio will help build the pathways in your brain faster, as actively doing an activity you wish to learn builds the neural pathways faster.

You can also try listening to Superhuman Genius and BDNF twice daily before practising as they will generate a lot of potential for your brain before doing a brain-related task.

The IPF item and Memory (being remade for Teespring) item will probably help with this process as well.

It will not feel like the usual type of thinking you might be accustomed to, and it may not even feel like what you might picture as “thinking” at all, so try to let go of your expectations of how conceptual thinking is meant to feel when you’re doing it correctly.

That’s a great idea! I do this too, and it is a rather fun practice.

You can even grasp the concept of something you’ve never tasted and experienced before.

It could be a good way to practise, then test your accuracy afterwards.


Yes, absolutely. But I got to admit, when I do this, I ask my dragon to fill me with the corresponding energy, while I think of the concept, or rather most of the time, taste and smell of it.
I know its cheating haha.
I’m still just practicing. Most of the time I don’t get the concept right either, then I focus like 80-90% on physical attributes and the rest on the concept.
Doesn’t matter, what’s important is to get a feeling for it and enjoy it.


That’s a great way to experience conceptual thinking quickly.

I wonder whether the dragon servitor could be asked to fill you with the energy/concept of “conceptual thinking” and teach you.

in fact you can teach it new things or let it observe energy or magical working so it would be able to do it as well. Being created from energy it has a very intimate understanding of the inner workings of energy and would be able to observe and learn almost any kind of energy working.

Conceptual thinking is a kind of energy too.

It may know how to access the energy of conceptual thinking very easily. Perhaps it could observe the energy of the Animal Empathy/Telepathy field as well.

Being guided by what you enjoy is one of the best ways to learn anything. :slight_smile:


I just came across an idea when I watched a video of Jordan Peterson talking about Egyptian Gods.
Mythology basically is exactly that: conceptual thinking.


Thank you guys for your reply. I clearly understand how it works. But my question is how you feel. I understand about how I feel when I am in a religious place or arena, same goes to a really calm place too, can feel how it is to be in home. But most of the time in those places our other senses take major part like smell and imagery, the feeling of air and so on. Like they all combine to make you feel that place and I feel the conceptual feeling is diminished at the very most part.

Same goes to feel an object like a ripe apple, a food that we love, and so on. Even in that case our senses makes us to differentiate between the one prepared by our mom and one had in a restaurant. I can understand the energy of these people might differ. Also at that point of differentiating that who prepared our food, not only our senses like smell and vision take presedence, there comes other cognitive senses like intelligence which differentiates the person, hope which differentiates our belief and so on.

The aforementioned senses are learned by us from many parts of our past life. The problem I feel is humans are highly cogntive beings. They not only have senses with their sensory organs. We basicly develop other senses like belief and Intelligence, which helps to cognitively sense things in a different way. We people can also have unique senses which differentiates others from a little margin. Psychic senses are an example.

It is all good when we asked to combine all our senses to analyse a particular set of data by our mind. But I feel the same is not true when you wanted to analyse with a single sensor (physical or mental). Now Imagine a chef who is capable of making a food similar to your mom’s, he is extremely good that he replicates 99% of the food. You cannot differentiate the food prepared by your mom and the chef if your eyes closed. Because the chef might have prepared a slightly different food in appreance but tastes the same. Also you cannot differentiate if you are not allowed to smell. The same goes for the taste. We have to combine all our senses to know much more of our cognitive knowledge.

Even if we combine all our senses, there are few mental cognitive senses, just for humans, like belief, without it we cannot make a conclusion. We have to belive that it is made by our mom. Either by vision or some means. So our superior senses are all good when we combine all our senses together.

But for conceptual thinking, there is only one sense, that is different. I mean you are allowed to only feel it. This is similar to the scenario I mentioned earlier. Making a cognitive knowledge with only one sense is difficult. At first we need the cognitive knowledge about how it should be interpreted. Then we need rigorous training. There are people with some sensory disabilities, who are very much able to live a normal life. This started with helping them use their particular working sensory organ best. Then by some years of training they can live without using their particular non functional sense. I feel the same goes for the conceptual thinking.

But I have been asking Samuel and Dreamweaver about the starting phase. About how they feel objects. I can understand that people find many ways here to use the audio field , an item, a thought form etc. As it may boost and help to learn quick.

But I feel the basics should be learned by us in a proper way with our own efforts. Thus not only helps to understand the knowledge we gain but also helps us to teach future generations. I have started this thread , after requesting Samuel , mainly to help people learn about conceptual thinking. The basics of them. So that many people might learn or teach in future.

I understand that people have different way of learning. But I learn things in a way like asking how things are created, why they are created and as a single person how can i create it on my own. Eventhough i cannot create on my own, this gives me a basic understanding , which in turn helps me to transfer this knowledge in ease. I don’t want to learn something important in a shortcut, and live knowing that I have acquired the said knowledge. I always wanted to learn and transfer my knowledge. Here I am just mentioning my point of learning. Please don’t take it personally. There may be people who might expect to learn stuffs and do on their own. It might be helpful for them too. Once again thank you for your advices. It is very much grateful to see you people put utmost effort and knowledge to help me and others.


That’s a great idea! I enjoy reading your posts about this, and it would be great if many people are able to learn or teach in future. What did Samuel and Dreamweaver advise about the starting phase?

I think it may help not to try to experience conceptual thinking as equivalent to a single new sense of the same type. Perhaps try not to think of it as “only one” sense you are straining to learn, nor a new sense.

Rather than that, it’s a sense of a different type which your subconscious mind already has and uses, and it feels very different to access. When I try think of it from the perspective you’ve described, I notice that I use more of my conscious mind rather than accessing conceptual thinking.

Conceptual thinking is something you are already doing, at least subconsciously.

From the article in your first post:

The subconscious mind doesn’t think in words and seldom thinks in pictures. Instead it uses concepts, raw ideas, to rapidly process huge amounts of data about you, your world and what is needed for survival.

The conscious mind normally uses words and pictures to process information and make plans.

Since there is a language gap between these two parts of what should be a single unit, problems ensue. In fact most problems that people have in life can be linked directly back to this divide in information. Either because the mind is working against itself with the two parts both trying to make what it believes is a good decision or because needed information is not shared clearly between the two parts.

The subconscious mind already uses concepts and raw ideas to process information all the time, so it may be a common misconception that hinders progress to think it’s a new sense to chase after.

Conceptual thinking should be an experience already accessible to everyone in some manner, although learning how to tap into it intentionally or hold a concept for a length of time could be new.

It may be a bit difficult to describe how to think conceptually due to this language gap between how our subconscious and conscious work.

The way a person might be accustomed to sensing things consciously is an entirely different “language” from subconscious senses, even though we are always already thinking in both ways.

Attempting to describe it in words can become rather conceptual because the “language” of raw concepts is rather different from the “language” our conscious minds use to understand things, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible to learn the basics somehow.

You might find the following article’s description and practice technique helpful:


There is one thing that you should learn if you wish to be really effective in your psychic work. How to think purposefully on a “subconscious” level. (I know, I know, if you are thinking on that level and able to be aware of it and direct it, then it is not subconscious? We run into some language problems here though, so please bear with me.)

You do this all the time of course, think on that level, I mean. After all, it is the fundamental way that your brain works. For our purposes though, it is really more of a matter of becoming aware of a certain kind of though pattern. Once you get it down you will be able to leap ahead in your ability to interact with the world in a psychic manner, receptively and effectively.

The primitive levels of the mind

On the deeper, some might say more primitive, levels of our minds, we do not use words to think. We do not even use pictures overly. The thoughts of the deep subconscious mind are expressed as ideas, pure concepts, a “knowing” that has no words or need for words. On this level the pictures are without color, even though you will “know” the color if you think about it, the shapes are fuzzy and without the sharp delineation of our normal thought patterns. The most standout feature though is that there are no words.

So in principle the basic technique we need to learn is simple. All you have to do is “know” something, say what your target is and what you wish to happen to it, and hold that thought. In practice most people can’t even capture the idea of what to do, much less form a conceptual thought and hold it. The main problem is not one of ability, but rather a clear understanding of what it is they are trying to do.

Here is an example.

A good friend of mine and I had gone over the idea of conceptual thought several times. She was certain that she understood the idea and could do it with no problem. When she tried to affect the roll of a pair of dice though, she kept coming up with the same results she normally got. (About twice what chance would account for.)

Finally in frustration she asked me what she was doing wrong. (Actually she kind of yelled the question at me?) It turned out that as a very verbal person that thinks in words as a matter of course, she was actually “chanting” at the dice mentally.

“Well, words are ideas, right? I mean you can’t have and idea without a structure to hold it can you?” She did not seem happy when I told her that you can.

With a bit of work though she finally got the technique down. “It feels very weird. When I am getting it right, it is like I am almost unaware of what I am doing?” Her numbers on the testing shot up almost instantly, more than doubling the previous levels.

Very visual people have a similar problem. It is very easy for them to think that a picture, which is worth a thousand words after all, is the same as a basic concept. In a small way they are right. Humans are so very tied to visual understanding that we use a more primal part of the brain to understand what we see, at least in part. It is one of the reasons that visualization is so effective in making changes in ourselves and the world around us. Pictures though, still carry other information and associations than we may intend, this causes even the best image to be fuzzy and unclear to our subconscious mind.

What is the secret?

So the big “secret?” If you wish your powerful and psychically active subconscious mind to clearly understand your wishes, the thoughts you must use will be rather unclear to your conscious mind!

My feeling is that the best way to know if you are being successful is to use regular testing. I generally use two six sided dice and try to make them both come up the same number. The odds of them coming up the same are 1 in 36. So if you are testing often you will know if you are having solid and consistent effects. When you learn to incorporate deep conceptual thought into your practice you will find that you double or more your beginning numbers. Four times chance is a normal result.

Being aware on this deeper level will also cause your raw intuitive level to shoot up rapidly. It seems, at this point at least, that all intuition starts at this level. When you remove the tendency to distort and imagine what you wish to exist, which simply does not happen at this level, as your subconscious mind is not imaginative in nature, your ability to access a whole host of psychic abilities will open up.

This one, basic technique, is not the only thing you can do to increase your overall skill level of course! It is however one of the most important skills you can learn, when it comes to making real and powerful changes in your life.

It takes time, honesty with yourself and effort to learn to think on these deep levels well. It is essential though, if you really want to use your psychic abilities to the fullest. It is worth the effort.


@uial . Thank you for your reply upon the sense of conceptual thinking. I do agree with you that they are one of the basic senses and we are using it unaware that they exist. But as I said to find them or being aware of them and fine tuning them is difficult. The single most difficulty is to first being aware of them, ( The basics). Once we are aware, it depends of the learning potential and the determination of one self to fine tune it (this part is easy depending on the individual).

The article you have posted gave me little insight, but not all together. Yes I have asked Samuel that I am going to start a thread and requested him to teach the basic stuff here. Probably they are busy right now. I am going to tag them again and if they are free they might reply. Thank you once again for your effort @uial on helping people around here. You do it everyday, taking time and helping others understand things.

@Dreamweaver and @SammyG Kindly reply us. Also while doing so please help us by providing some examples to try upon.

Thank you.

PS: Sorry for late reply. You have took time and have written a long reply. So I wanted to read it completely, understand it and to post a reply. So I did so when I was free.


I’m not quite sure my answer will be of any help but I did it like it was described. Search for any obejct picture it in your mind with the eyes closed after that let that picture “fade” but keep your intent on that obejct don’t think that you want to forget it or that you’re not interested in it anymore or something like that. That could happen if you let it “fade” after that just try to feel where this information this feeling of this object appears in your brain. This should be the subconsious mind. (dunno if you’re already energy sensitive or not but I guess it could help). If you know where this is you can hold your intent on that area and after some time you’ll naturally pick up the energetic information from a object or whatever you’re focusing on.The other thing you mentioned is your own perception of said thing. (Difference between meal from mother and meal from other person etc.) Thats also mentioned in some article you can’t get your own “false” perception (ego) in the way of this information. And like uial said after some time it didn’t feel like I learned some new language it was more like I just finally picked up on things that I percieved already anway but was unaware about it.


Wow, I’ve got to say that I love all the posts in this thread! Great discussion so far. Quite honestly, @Jonno , @Thomas & @uial said most of what I would say really. They are right on the money with everything but I’ll add some more to the discussion.

Conceptual thinking is the ability to strip down thoughts to their essence. And their essence boils down to feeling. Energy. What precedes a thought in its full form is the intention of that thought. What precedes intention is the energy association you have of what you intend to think about. Without words to describe things, we only know what things look like and feel like to us. And if we’re deaf and blind? Then all we have is feeling to go off to categorize the world around us.

Conceptually thinking about objects can be a little more difficult yes. So I would suggest starting with things that cause emotional reactions. Within the memory of the taste of a certain brand of tea, you know what it feels like. That is conceptual thinking in itself. Remembering how you felt in a very dramatic moment in your life is tapping into the concept of that moment. Everything, even moments, have their essence.

So start practicing conceptual communication by tapping into emotions. Easy. Things like love, sadness, joy, achievement. If you have trouble just feeling it right away, think of a moment in your life where you strongly felt one of these things, and then strip away that moment and just feel the feeling of the concept. Learning to do this is important because if you want to create fields that make you feel a certain way, then you should be able to feel the things you want to program your fields with.

Now, it gets a little complicated when we get into objects but it really just takes daily practice. You can hold on to an item… for example an apple and focus on it for about a minute or so. Focus on how it feels on your hand. Really get a feel of its texture and weight. Taste it in your imagination too. The way an apple tastes. Then place the apple down and close your eyes. And focus on all that you just felt a few moments ago. Focus on what the apple feels like. You should easily be able to get the concept by then. You keep practicing with objects around you, can begin to then practice without having to hold the object and just thinking about it instead.

I have to also note that practicing conceptual communication can be really difficult if you don’t know how to silence your mind and focus on one thing for an extended period of time. If you don’t, your mind will quickly wander and you’ll lose the concept very quickly. So I highly suggest that you learn to silence the mind first.

When you do, you can also practice ‘samadhi meditation’ which is a form of meditation where you become one with an object you focus on. You do this by simply focusing on an object with a silent mind for an extended period of time until your mind sort of blends in with the object. If you are able to do this, you tap into the object and will certainly feel it energetically. This is a form of tapping into something energetically but… is a powerful practice for conceptual thinking. You’re training your conscious mind how to feel things things energetically which makes it much easier to think and communicate conceptually.

I’ll leave the rest for the course but quite honestly for conceptual communication, the course will mostly go over practices and the more suitable order to go about them if you’d like to master it. Between me and the others here, we’ve covered a lot of ground on what conceptual thinking is… especially considering it’s so difficult to describe lol. And no, it’s not necessary to completely learn for the course.

I personally didn’t get conceptual thinking for a year or so myself. I work closely with dream but only because I do doesn’t mean I have secret access to shortcuts in learning these kinds of things. He tells me the same thing I tell everyone. Practice is the only way you’ll learn these kinds of things. You keep trying something, your subconscious will eventually get your intention and help you ‘get it,’ even when all feels hopeless with weeks to months of trying. We just all have the habit of doubting ourselves and then giving up after failing time and time again.


Thank you for your detailed explanation. It helps. I can see that I need much focus and also feel that I need to practice meditation side by side. The steps are clear. I will start practicing now.

Also if you or Dreamweaver happen to read a book which explains stuffs in little detail, kindly recommend few. For working with conceptual thinking and energy sensing. It would be helpful for me to know the theory and some practice and also helps me gain more knowledge.

I feel the course would take time, hence I will indulge myself in books and practice for a while in these curfew. Thank you.


does your dragon understand words ? thank you

Aha, now I see also the logical reason why it is the feeling that is the key to manifestation. Why it is the feeling that has a much larger impact on the success of the manifestation than the image or the affirmation.

It is because feelings are “much more conceptual” than images and words and therefore better understood by the subconscious mind and translated into reality :hugs: :partying_face:


A thought or image is oftentimes (always?) limiting in some way depending of one’s own perception. A feeling contains everything that can contribute to that feeling, even things one haven’t considered, and therefore everything that lead to the wanted manifestation.


I think this is probably the most abstruse subject matter in this forum.
Personally, I’ve never tried conceptual thinking in spiritual categories, and I haven’t started the course yet. So the following are purely my personal views, and has nothing to do with the existing teachings in the field.
When we are talking about natual numbers to count things, it’s easy to visualize the exact number of objects in our mind. But when the number get large, say 1 million, we still know what one million is, but we don’t need to invoke a clear, vivid, detailed mental image to understand the concept of one million. The same goes to elementary arithmetic. When we were young, we started by counting physical things around us to get the idea of number, addition and substraction. This works on 2+2=4, or 13+5=18, etc. But eventually our mind has grasped the idea, and let go of the counting and visual hints, directly memorize arithmetics rules to do count large numbers. Eventually we don’t need :hamburger: :hamburger: on the left hand and :hamburger: :hamburger: on the right hand to realize there are :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger:. We do 2+2=4 instead. 2 is not :hamburger: :hamburger: and 4 is not :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger: But we are sure and confident about 2+2=4 This is because the concepts of 2, 4, addition are firmly grasped by our mind.
The most intuitive concepts are mathematics concepts. Because they are concepts par excellence. But when it comes to other non-math concepts, we are always intermediated by our five senses, emotions, feelings, etc. Thus it is very difficult to do concept thinking outside math. And that is what philosophical (not folk esoteric) metaphysics is dealing with.
I hope this does not digress too far away.


There are undefined concepts as well.
Perhaps this example helps.

Other than mathematics, a million dollars, is a combination of concepts
a large ‘worth’ or sum.
That’s one defined concept in there
dollars meaning the concept of money
also well defined and in there

This is a not so clearly defined concept also, in there within the words of ‘leave it up to listener’s imagination’
all these defined and undefined concepts are amplified in the correct measure naturally by a person speaking it.
so it will have different meanings when spoken by different people.
the meaning would be a different measure of the same concepts that make it up.
(there are a lot of other concepts that make it up of course, just used some as and example)


Thanks Captain for further explaining for better understanding :grinning:
Indeed, most concepts are not defined at all, or they are complex. Math concepts are exceptions in that they are well defined on the get go.
So, from your expaination, at least we know at least three factors that contribute to concepts being not clear to our mind.

  1. undefined concepts
  2. combination of concepts
  3. pragmatics of language used to refer to a concept

All the old links dont work for some reason. Is there still a link for this?

It happened sometimes before and shows error. But I think Sam fixes it everytime. Wait for a while

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