About LOVE - Dating & Relationships ❤️

I think there is a difference between forgiveness and giving another chance.

I can genuinelly let go of all the grudges and wish you all the best for your life and at the same time cut all the cords and burn all the bridges and escort you away from my reality bubble, but I did indeed forgive you!

Holding grudges steals an absurd quantity of mental power


What about when you wish to keep the person in your life? But it’s just a certain way of acting that hurt you

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What about…remembering or reframing your power and the power of choice when you feel that way? When those nagging thoughts and feelings arise , maybe just remembering that you have autonomy over the situation and you made a decision to try again and to see where that decision takes you. You can always change your decision again when new information comes along. But maybe it could be about trusting yourself.

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Is it that important? In a relationship, values and ideals tend to align over time. I mean those that weren’t since the begining.

But if they don’t, and it is something that important to you, that is a deal breaker.

On the other hand, people always have good reason for their behaviour. Not changing something even for a loved one, is a give away that they probably have been forced to act the opposite way in the past. Which means, they are asserting their freedom.

Since it is a freedom issue, pushing it isn’t going to help. You can remind them about this, but since it isn’t something they don’t want to face or release fully but need to feel in control of, they may take a while or not try to fix it at all.

But really, pushing it never works. Having them talk and express how they feel about it while showing understanding (instead of just disagreement and expecting them to change) can be transformative enough.

This is a reminder to myself, don’t take anything personal.


Thank you for that, also a reminder to myself, just thinking aloud :

Sometimes when people live through others’ expectations, experiences and accomplishments instead of their own…

they learn in their relationships that when they try to hold onto someone very tightly, it tends to push them away. Control is not the same as connection.

When loving someone fully, surely you want the best for them. That involves helping them create a strong foundation (roots) from which to understand their own strengths, values, potential, and resilience.

This sincerity creates a lasting bond.
The more we connect, the less we correct.

Life is dynamic. Everyone is on their own journey.
Be grateful for the time you have together. And let them chart their path.
True love and connection always remain…




I havent seen that movie!!

And i already know ill cry lol

i frikking love that song, so on point!

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Watch that movie and don’t be afraid to cry, dear Lunita! :smiley:

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Me afraid of crying?

I cry thinking i might cry :joy: my tears are always ready damn sensitivity in my eyes, i think i need to have them checked :stuck_out_tongue:

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you are such a force of nature… :laughing:

however, returning to the image you published and which I reposted, it says many true things; sometimes there are these very deep connections that live and must remain in other timelines, which resist the blows of the Dream fields :wink: but which have some reason to exist and when you observe them they seem so close in time despite being tens of years apart.
This topic is very interesting and surprising at the same time

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They be pushing hard still lol

One day we will be coming across other “us” evrerywhere…

Going to the supermarket:

“Oh look at me over there, what ugly outfit i chose for that life of mine…better i hide, cant take more or her transcendental questions”

“Hi, neighbor… no please DONT date that person, his other him is trying to date me in this one and i dont want to, he keeps saying i make him nostalgic for something he doesnt know why yet”



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Yes every now and then, but it must be said that there could also be the competition of some Dream (Soul Tribe) field that I had spammed some time ago to ensure the right partnership at work.

But beyond this there are some who really go beyond time, space…
Here is a song by a very famous singer in my country that expresses this concept (unfortunately no translation).


I saw this on Instagram and can’t stop thinking about it. Since it has to do with the topic, tadah, my two cents on what is important.


Love it!!

I might have only noticed the spaghetti…

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There’s something important that should be said:
I’m going to the supermarket… What kind of ice cream do you want: chocolate, vanilla or stracciatella?

Also… if he has to take care of a hamster, tell him to bring it along with a DVD movie, popcorn and sushi :upside_down_face:

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A girl came into my life. I think she’s my karmic soulmate. Can anyone enlighten me on this subject? I am experiencing very strange traumas. Is there an area that can help with this issue? I have been keeping semen for 1 year, I am on nofap. I am experiencing kundalini symptoms. I haven’t eaten anything for 2 days. I can’t get this girl out of my mind. I can’t focus on any fields. I can’t speak when this girl is in front of me and my heart is shaking. I’m not sure that she is my twin flame or my soulmate. I’ve been listening to and meditating on a lot of love fields lately. I’ve been having strange dreams and synchronicities about this girl. I feel like a superhero and when I talk to this girl, it’s like I go to a different dimension. There is an extraordinary sexual attraction between us. Other people can notice our skin harmony from 20 meters away. I can smell this girl’s sweat from 3 meters away. I’m thinking of running away from this girl and removing this girl from my life, but at the same time, I don’t want to live without her. I think I’m losing my mind.help please

haha you are so frikking cute :joy:

but i agree :grin:

Tell her all of that and she yours :beers: