About LOVE - Dating & Relationships ❤️

Love it!!

While we evolve and grow and specially free ourselves from the imposed ideas, concepts, duality, collective egregores etc, Astrology is still very intertwined in Us real or not, Ancient knowledge or just Us feeding it, still manages to affect Us.

Imo a transition from believing something strongly, to just being completely detached and open minded is by letting info and “rules” interact with Us in a more fluid approach, thar is the easiest way to navigate this (however you wanna call it) Life/Simulation/Matrix.

And since when it comes to Love and Relationships its not just Us in the dynamic then its fun to take a peak at the different aspects people MAY behave depending on their sign. First of all love is love and the heart wants what the heart wants and also when its meant to happen it does no matter what signs both are :woman_shrugging:t2: but lets talk about it.

majority of people mostly pays attention to the Solar Sign and tries to find compatibility according to that one, when it should be more necessary to check what is the Moon Sign, since The Moon sign tells us how the person “feels” and expresses the emotions.

A person could be very sharp, organized and together under their Sun sign if for instance is an Earth one but have the emotions all over the place, feel very intense almost child like if their Moon Sign has strong presence of Water signs, and so it could literally feel like 2 completely different people within the same person. You might be inclined to pursuit one that seems having the characteristics of their Sun sign, not knowing at all that the same person behaves totally different when in a relationship, at the end is only once you are already dating them or even deep in the relationship that the differences start surfacing.

Your Moon sign in astrology represents your emotional self and inner instincts. It’s determined by the position of the Moon at the time of your birth and influences your emotional reactions, habits, and subconscious needs

Lets check how each sign feels and expresses feelings depending on the Moon Sign.

If you dont know what your Moon Sign is, you can check it here: (Tropical System)

Moon Sign Calculator – Catherine Best



Sidereal/ Vedic Chart:


Moon in ARIES

Aries moons are characterized by their straightforward and impulsive approach to emotions.
They have a natural tendency to express their feelings openly and directly without holding back. This often leads them to address issues head-on, seeking immediate resolutions rather than dwelling on their feelings for too long. Their impulsive nature can be both a strength and a weakness, as it allows for authentic expression but may also result in hasty decisions. In their emotional journey, Aries moons prioritize action and confrontation as their preferred means of dealing with emotional situations.
When confrontations occur, you can be too quick to fight back. This impulsivity can sometimes leave others in shock—so it’s vital to learn how to control your emotions as well as your reactions.
You’re an all-or-nothing kind of person, especially when it comes to relationships (both romantic and platonic).

Moon in TAURUS

Taurus moons are known for their emotional depth and stability. They tend to store their feelings deeply within, making them slow to adapt to change and often resistant to letting go of emotions inversely it can even lead to holding onto grudges for an extended period. These individuals find a sense of security and comfort in their emotional connections, valuing the stability and constancy of their relationships.
Their steadfast and reliable nature makes them loyal and dependable friends and partners, who prioritize long-lasting, meaningful connections in their emotional lives.

Moon in GEMINI

Gemini moons are masters of emotional compartmentalization. They have a knack for segmenting their feelings, allowing them to handle various emotional situations separately. This adaptability is a key trait; they can swiftly adjust their emotional responses based on the context or the people they are interacting with. This approach can help them navigate complex emotional terrains and adapt to changing circumstances, making them effective problem solvers.

Moon in CANCER

Cancer moons are highly attuned to their emotions and have an innate ability to connect with their innermost feelings. They store their emotional experiences deeply within, often resulting in a reservoir of feelings. Their strong nurturing instincts make them exceptionally caring and empathetic, readily providing emotional support to others. However, this emotional depth also renders them sensitive, as they can be deeply affected by both positive and negative experiences.

Moon in LEO

Leo moons are known for their expressive approach to emotions. They tend to store their feelings in a grand and dramatic fashion, often seeking attention and validation from those around them. Their generous and warm-hearted nature makes them openly share their emotions, wanting to be the center of positive emotional experiences. They thrive on recognition and appreciation, often wearing their hearts on their sleeves, making them passionate and charismatic individuals who enjoy being in the spotlight and creating memorable emotional moments.

Moon in VIRGO

Virgo moons are highly analytical when it comes to their emotions. They tend to overthink and dissect their feelings, often leading to self-criticism. Their pursuit of perfection can make them self-demanding. However, this introspective approach also allows them to seek practical, efficient solutions to emotional challenges. Virgo moons value self-improvement and are dedicated to refining their emotional responses and relationships.

Moon in LIBRA

Libra moons are deeply driven by a quest for emotional equilibrium. They tend to store their feelings, carefully considering the best, most diplomatic way to express them. Their approach is rooted in their pursuit of fairness and justice, and they are relationship-oriented, prioritizing harmony and balance in their interactions. This often means they’re sensitive to the needs and emotions of those around them, fostering cooperation and compromise in their relationships. Libra moons are skilled at finding the middle ground and making choices that promote emotional stability.


Scorpio moons delve deep into their feelings and can be quite secretive about their true emotional experiences. They’re known to hold onto grudges and intense passions for extended periods, making their emotional reactions strong. Their lives often involve significant emotional transformations, as they are not afraid to confront the depths of their inner world, emerging with a newfound sense of wisdom and resilience.


Sagittarius often choose not to take their emotions too seriously, preferring to maintain a lighthearted perspective. When faced with intense feelings, they may seek distraction through new experiences and adventures. Their natural curiosity and thirst for exploration lead them to focus on the bright side of life, allowing them to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations.


Capricorn moons approach their emotions with a strong sense of discipline and self-control. They tend to be stoic, often repressing their feelings and prioritizing practical solutions over emotional expression. This practicality and composure are their coping mechanisms, allowing them to maintain a composed exterior even in challenging times. Their structured approach to emotions serves them well in maintaining a steady and reliable presence, but it can sometimes limit their ability to fully engage with their inner feelings.


Aquarius moons prefer to analyze their feelings objectively, often adopting a rational perspective. This analytical approach can make them seem aloof or not very emotional to others, but it’s their way of navigating complex emotional terrain. They often prioritize the collective good and may detach from personal emotions in favor of a more universal perspective. Aquarius moons are excellent problem solvers, relying on reason and logic to address their feelings, and are known for their innovative and forward-thinking approach to emotions.

Moon in PISCIS

Pisces moons are exceptionally sensitive when it comes to emotions. They have a profound capacity to absorb and store feelings deeply, often blurring emotional boundaries with others. This empathetic and compassionate nature allows them to connect on a strong level with people’s emotional experiences. They’re naturally in tune with the unspoken and the intangible, making them great sources of emotional support. However, their sensitivity can also make them vulnerable, as they often feel the emotions of those around them deeply, resulting in a heightened sense of empathy.

  • Moon in Aries
  • Moon in Taurus
  • Moon in Gemini
  • Moon in Cancer
  • Moon in Leo
  • Moon in Virgo
  • Moon in Libra
  • Moon in Scorpio
  • Moon in Sagittarius
  • Moon in Capricorn
  • Moon in Aquarius
  • Moon in Pisces

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I would love to be there indefinitely :heart_eyes:

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Break the walls


For those who have experienced real love, how does it feel to love and be loved?

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When I think of love (of all varieties) it all seems to point back to someone filling you up so much that you can’t help but give that light back out to the world. Love reminds me of inspiration. Whether it’s your parents or your lover, it’s someone pointing a light at you through words and actions implying “you matter” and then so it is.

But those are just my thoughts :green_heart:

I’m sure it gets obscured and blurry with things like narcissistic personality disorder and such


What a lovely way to look at it. :heartpulse::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Real Love is one where you can show up being REAL, exactly who you are, and in the same way you welcome the other person just like they are, without masks or judgment, but with an open heart to build a balanced union where the main focus are the positive traits in each one, while being an inspiration or a source of encouragement to work on the flaws.

A love that does not disappear after the honey moon phase is over

One where both parts are willing and commited to meet half way, recognizing and understanding that no one is perfect and that obstacles and challenges are part of the growth within a relationship and see them and face them as an opportunity for expansion individually and together.

One that does not run away when the path gets rocky, or when one of the 2 is facing a set back in life.

One that focuses on stablishing a strong foundation of a caring friendship, mutual respect and understanding of the differences from the very beginning with bases that should be protected at all costs. The same energy and values it started with should continue through thick and thin.

One that offers full trust through a window of mistakes without judgement so long as the mistake did not have a malicious intent

One that offers consistency and open communication of anything one or both feels like expressing.

One that is never in a competition, instead you feel encouraged, supported no matter how crazy or absurd your dreams may sound, offers perspectives, helps finding solutions, but at the end lets you decide and respect your decisions, even if the risk or losing is there, and if it happens, the support stays the same without judgment.

In the quest of finding or offering true love one should not only look for this or that but also know what Real Love is NOT as well.

We should never ignore the early signs
We should not romanticize conflicts
We should never try to be someone we are not just to win/keep/get back ANYONE.
We should never stay waiting on someone to change or to see our value

Real Love does not/is not:

-Includes endless promises with high expectations
-fills personal emotional voids
-demands change in order to continue
-threatens to be over if the initial hype is not there all the time
-inconsistent, one day full in, next week unsure/cold/quiet
-cut wings, stops personal growth, demands sacrifices

But also, real love is one that knows when to leave, when to give space, when to choose themselves if, going on separate ways is absolutely the last and best solution, at the end we came here alone, and we are leaving alone, which means we came to have a personal path and human experience, and tho is through the shared space and moments with others where we trigger the highest deepest growth, we still stand alone the last day.

So no, real love does not have to last for ever, it just has to be REAL while it lasts.




That is true when you date emotionally immature people.

Sadly, very common (both genders)

Luckily not everybody.


I’ve been falling in love very often lately. I fall in love with a girl almost every week. Some girls are so smart, I’m helpless about this😔




What has changed lately that youve been falling in love frequently?

Maybe you are getting more sensitive and open to admire things in girls you werent before?

Or maybe you are going through a transformation where the shadow, wounds and voids are surfacing and you have been unconsciously trying to fill those gaps so you dont have to face them alone?

Maybe you let them know your core too soon?

Being honest and upfront about who and how we are from the start is important, but we also need to protect our heart, we dont have to share every single detail about us, our life, how we love etc.

Its not about lying, its about releasing it slowly as we see it worth of showing our vulnerability, there are too many love predators out there, users, narcissists, serial daters etc.

So the “smart” part happens when they see fast how to get to your heart quickly, what you want to find in others, what you havent had, what is lacking in your life, what you like to hear etc

So they give you just that then you fall in easily.

And when that happens is because what i suggested earlier, there are holes within that you are hoping to fill through someone, and that is not a good idea my friend, that will always cause disappointment and grief.

Start filling up those holes yourself.

One by one, so when you date again you are whole looking to share your wholeness with someone whole as well.


The answer might be my heart chakra crystals and the Adonis NFT that I recently started meditating on. Since this is not a topic about NFT, I will spam this page, sorry hahahehe😁 .

that’s right, I know I’m starting to change, when I see and watch some of the girls, I feel like crying

Yes, and I feel that I have enough love and affection even for such people. Infinite compassion… It’s not their fault… Everyone deserves love…

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Well, you summarized it like a physics formula. This is how it happens.

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No problem.

Thats what it is for. To share and discuss all about, we can learn from everybody’s knowledge and or experiences.

Its great, you are getting more sensitive and your heart chakra is widening, expanding, its normal to feel love for any and everyone, its part of the process, romantic love will always be the main trigger to unleash and or learn deep real love for others non romantically and for ourselves, romantic love reaches the core of the heart and from there it blossoms in all other forms.

Take one day at a time, there is so much we learn about us, our childhood, family, society etc when the heart is open, its a whole world in itself that has been kept until the moment it opens.
As much as it shows us how deep we can love it also shows us what holes we have, what love we didnt get or havent gotten etc so we rapidly want to expand it and give it freely trying to fill the gaps and we think we just want to give, but in reality we want others to fill it for us because if there are holes it means those parts of the heart never got that love before and once we know how good it feels we give it expecting to receive it back.

And when we dont receive it back the holes feel heavier, more empty and it hurts so we continue looking to get the love we give but it only works temporarily, the minute someone stops, the heart sinks where the holes are.

And it continues until we, fill them ourselves. And when someone comes and loves us, the heart radiates bigger yes but when that person stops loving us, the heart remains the same. Because it fills and refills with our own self-love. Thats the one we have to protect.

I agree, and we could certainly inspire them love, but until they learn on their own how to love themselves they will suck the love of others and crush it when it overwhelms them because they dont know how to love, and unless you are strong to see their ways and not let them engage you in their game, you will always fall prey.


As I understood what you said, I felt like I was experiencing the “Smart Mental Coach” feature mentioned in the NFT description. I am grateful for your enlightening warnings and guidance about love relationships. I will probably read it many times😁

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You are very welcome!!

And keep sharing with us whatever you feel comfortable with

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Thats how you heal a broken heart. Focus on the mind first. Strengthen it and the heart can heal, maybe not as fast but “easier” for sure.

Best field to assist the process, the hardest part, the first days after a break up

Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence

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When the time is not right, or the person is not right, or the dimension is not right or wait wot?

Something is just not right lol

Oh… daaang.




Or woman… for the ones interested in women

:blush: and continue working on ourselves, we gotta be ready right? :bug::butterfly:


How do you forgive people that hurt you in love lol
Where do you find the strength to give people another chance and how do you move on

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