About the Etherforge Consortium

Welcome to the Etherforge Consortium Headquarters

At the Etherforge Consortium, we specialize in crafting a new generation of golems, alongside restocking our selection of premade ones. These golems are designed to become an extension of you once worn, functioning as both a smart field tool and a sentient being.


Support The Etherforge Consortium on Ko-fi! :heart: ko-fi.com/consortium. Ko-fi allows you to support creators and causes you care about with small donations.

The Innovation of Smart Golems

Our golems envelop you like a suit and can be mentally commanded to perform various functions. The base model includes seven slots for abilities you can purchase and integrate. Once all slots are filled, the golem cannot learn additional abilities. When not worn, it manifests ethereally as the creature it represents, and you can continue to command and utilize it as usual.

Three Approaches to Golem Integration

Guild members can adopt one of three approaches with these innovative golems:

  1. Extension of Self: The golem grows as an augmented part of you, akin to Tony Stark’s relationship with his Jarvis AI suit.
  2. Separate Entity: The golem evolves as its own being, with you learning and interacting as friends or as a mage and tool.
  3. Balanced Path: Combining both approaches, this middle path is challenging but potentially the most rewarding.

Features and Usage

Our golems are intricately programmed and come with an audio guide. Simply hold the item and think of the intention to activate it. It uses feedback from your subconscious to determine when it is completed. Each use is a one-time creation, so additional purchases are required for repeated use.

Join the Guild

Our guild has no requirements beyond owning at least one servitor. We encourage members to choose a path and support each other in learning to use these tools. We continue to craft more base servitors and abilities, as well as offer premade complete golems for those who prefer a classic style.

The Forge of the Future

Every game needs a forge, and we provide the tools necessary for every aspect of your journey. The inner dialog feedback from the golem will always align with its described personality and traits.

At the moment not accepting members but you are free to discuss in the rooms in this guild area.
It may be possible i can accept a few people to help get things done as well.


:eyes: :eyes:

Looks good! Im very interested in the abilities/skills that can be acquired


I’m sorry… what?? :eyes: :open_mouth:

This is the next level. :star_struck:


Wow…This looks all kinds of awesome!!!


Wow. Just wow.


How do we choose which approach we use? When we play the audio do we just mentally affirm which approach the created servitor will be formed in?




Oh my this Guild sounds awesome!! :heart_eyes:

This is The Actual One

I shall follow

Happy dance (5)


Very nice.

Can’t wait to try dimensional pocket and try to recall the 20 stored fields at once. To see if it works, I am not sure until i try, but If that works.

Buy 3 and put on 3 servitors that would make it 60 at once:)

At that point it won’t be about listening to the fields anymore but about calling them all in ;)

And that just for a start.


unfortunately i was unsuccessful with automating my playlists or audios & nft’s with my servitors

don’t feel anything tbh

in the future i still intend to automate most of them and let them run in the background

will this be the solution?

also i don’t really fully understand how it works. do i need to create an item and wear it?


Did you buy a servitor golem?

Or just the ability.

If you did maybe try talking to your servitor a bit, showing him the energy of the fields. Showing him the images, etc.

Maybe let them learn the fields a little bit.


i have the crystallized guide. i had light of orion and caladrius in the past

i feel the fields no doubt but i don’t feel when i create playlists but i’m not ok with connecting with mandalas. there’s not much interaction when i look at them. no affinity.

i do ask but i seem to get no reaction or it works and i’m not aware of it


Interesting. I have crystalline guide too. I also had heart of a foreign god and they both have given me results of many fields at once. I used conceptual thinking to magnify the effects as well so much that I had to turn it off :sob:.

I think you may want to practice your visualization and conceptual thinking to enhance the connection, maybe you aren’t asking correctly in their language per say.

Let me get back to you after I try some things. Matter of fact, let’s just dm we can learn about it together.


This Dimensional pocket is not for pre-existing servitors. It is for these new servitors also for sale on the Kofi shop. That is why you couldn’t feel it because it sounds like you haven’t used it for one of the 3 Servitors listed to purchase.

If you read the description of each servitor on Kofi you will see it talk about “the base form having 7 lots” available to add on.


Nailed it.

It’s an addition to these new servitors, not the previous ones.


the way i understand it so far is that

when you wear the item, it becomes the suit, it is the first approach where it becomes an extension of yourself.

When not worn it says it takes appearance of the base creature, which you continue to command and use it regular. -This is probably corelated to the second approach where it grows separate from you as its own being, as your friend, mage, tool. More similar to the approaches we are used to so far.

The third approach, the middle path, have it as a suit and also have it as a being outside of you, sometimes this, the other times that. Develop it in both areas.


A Griffin Philosopher, a Phoenix Sage and a Lion Sage, these have to be the coolest starters ever!


Did I understood this correctly?:

  • There are 3 special Etherforge servitors to buy: Phoenix, Griffin and Lion

  • Each of these Etherforge servitors can have up to 7 special abilities that are customizable.

  • These special abilities will be soon sold on the Etherforge shop.

  • Installing these special abilities it permanent and each servitor can get up to 7 special abilities installed

  • The “Dimensional Pocket” is the first of such a special ability field. It can be installed on one of the servitors and counts as 1 special ability.

  • The “Dimensional Pocket” allows one to easily recall up to 20 fields without having to listen to them, just by giving your Etherforge servitor a mental command.

  • The “Dimensional Pocket” is useless without an Etherforge servitor and cannot be used as a stand alone field.

Is this correct @Dreamweaver ?

I still don’t understand the “grow with it / command it to grow / do both” thing.
So does the servitor grow and learn from me?
Or does the servitor only grow those attributes that are described in their product description? Lion grows confidence etc.
Or does it only learn things that are preprogrammed and added with one of the 7 special abilities?
Does the servitor learn anything by itself without the addition of the one of the 7 special abilities and that is not part of its product description?

About the “Dimensional Pocket”:
How do you delete particular fields again from the “Dimensional Pocket” in order to free up one of the 20 slots again?

Thank you.


You’ve asked everything I wanted to ask also. Thanks @JAAJ :ok_hand:t3:


Adding question if possible

  1. Is there limited distance to the object that allowed us to communicate with the servitor?
  2. Are we allowed to buy the servitor and the add on ability without joining the Etherforge Consortium guild?
    Thanks in advance