You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help
Here’s a recap of what was said about the dimensional pocket in the Etherforge thread. You may find some answers, @Nytor.
To store the fields in the dimensional pocket, is it enough if I say the field name? I can play the audio, but many nfts I have are mandalas with no audio.
Honestly i would play the audio, its always better to have a solid representation at the start, it can change as you learn better later on.
Like there can be new effects or differences ‘growth’ of the abilities in time, as with normal growing evolutionOr will all 20 effect me as long as I wear the item?
no its in a pocket, a sealed one.
Would it also be possible to ask the servitor to play the fields in the dimensional pocket for someone else? For example, for healing purposes?
About using the pocketed fields:
So once all the 20 dimensional pockets are fill with your audio fields . Does all these audios start working immediately or do i have to command and tell my servitor to play " The Eternal . " ? And for such audios as the " Plasma Flaunt " where it is to strong to play all day / Do you need to tell your servitor when to stop playing it ?
Its smart so id say if you dont tell it to imbue u with a field all day it won’t.
Correct me if im wrong
it is,
but you both have get that… sync point, if you understand what i mean
learn each other, to talk better
About adding NFTs and complex fields to the pocket:
one finished product is complete in itself (nft, audios, image, emotion) and can be used as +1
regardless of complexity.
About making a gigantic library with several pockets:
It doesn’t seem anyone has asked the question, directly, “can I buy 7 of this ability and use all 7 on one servitor?”.
Yes it would work like that…
but why tho…
Its like making a super large suitcase.
About servitors remembering fields stored once in a pocket:
Also, once I show a servitor a specific field/energy, even if I remove it later from the dimensional pocket, It will still remember it if I ask it to add it back right?
In other words, I won’t have to play it for the servitor again right?
experiment and see
About servitors multitasking:
1 more question i asked my griffon to simultaneously run multiple fields from the dimensional pocket and i think it works wanted to ask if thats possible or if my mind is running in circles.
it can grow and develop and get better at what it does and the tasks it can handle at the same time.
a question, @El_Capitan_Nemo , could The Tower of Power NFT be one of the 20 fields, and through it, to have access to all our owned fields when we wear the servitor item?
a pocket inside a pocketgive it a try.