About the Etherforge Consortium

when you buy a Capacities;

the object that must be put in front

it is the servant that we created

or a new object
or can we do both things, the servant or a new object?

Itā€™s the servitor. The abilities can only be added to a servitor.

  1. Create the servitor
  2. Hold the servitor object
  3. Play the ability audio

Relative to the older servitors, these new Etherforge ā€˜Suit-Servitorsā€™ are very noticeable, though as always, your mileage will vary based on awareness and energy sensitivity and what have you.

Almost immediately after creation and wearing my new friend, I was struck with a powerful sense of ā€˜insulationā€™ or maybe ā€˜protectionā€™. It took me a little while to get used to the feeling.

I think that if youā€™re not otherwise particularly energy sensitive, the best thing to do is to pay close attention to your internal state before you wear your new friend and keep paying attention while you make contact. The difference in ā€˜volumeā€™ should be fairly apparent, Iā€™d think!

I found this to be the case as well. My new Bear Shaman friend has radically, absurdly enhanced my equanimity, my calmness and my tranquility. Things that would have provoked at least an angry spike of agitation only a week ago are now being met with a shrug.

Itā€™s hard to describe just how freeing that is.

Iā€™ve also received a lot of ā€˜insightsā€™ that feel ā€˜outsideā€™ of myself and I presume this is my new friend at work. They also have particular musical preferences (or nudge your own), which is also kind of a funny thing to discover!


:mechanical_arm: Thatā€™s awesome. Sounds like I need to get me this one eventually.

See if he likes this-

Lmao. But in all seriousness, thatā€™s really interesting. Iā€™ve just been repeating over and over a new album release of a band I was already into so I havenā€™t noticed any change there yet.


Thatā€™s what made it so obvious! Iā€™ve been listening to a particular playlist a LOT lately. I fired it up and was hovering over the play button when I got a very loud, insistent, ā€œThatā€™s enough of thatā€ signal. I could almost hear the growl.

It was so obvious and unexpected that I laughed out loud.

Needless to say, I put something else on!


Thatā€™s hysterical! :sob:

This made my day.


New question, more directly posed at @Dreamweaver

Are the new servitors capable of, hmm, uplifting seems appropriate, our older ones? Teaching, guiding, training, etc?

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I think the danger of losing the item is much higher than getting it damaged.


@Dreamweaver I have a question about the Health Stat, this part on the description (also auto santizes the area) is it the area itā€™s treating or the area around me in my environment? Or if anyone else knows?

By the way this add on to my phoenixā€™s already powerful rejuvenation has made a cold I got a few days ago been one of the least impacting colds Iā€™ve EVER had. Itā€™s almost all gone in just a short time. Amazing stuff and my deepest appreciation for this.


First, awesome on the experience with the Phoenix!

Second, given the context (the rest of the description is entirely about internal, physical processes) I would guess that the effect is limited to sanitizing wounds/bacteria/fungi, things of that nature.

I could be wrong but it would be one sentence out of multiple that addressed something outside of the body if itā€™s meant to refer to the environment around you.


If we canā€™t hold object can we just install by thinking about object while listening audio ?.

Just put the object in front of your speakers and declare with your intention that the Servitor will be created on your object before playing the audio or upon play of audio.


Thats how I understand what I read


Dream later posted, that its BOTH :tada:


Is wearing the servitor itself taxing on your nervous system or energy body like fields are? Or does it work in a different way?

Iā€™m currently building up my energy awareness and energy body is order to take more fields without side effects. Would wearing a servitor be an added burden here?

EDIT: Another question:

Would it be wiser to go for a servitor thatā€™s in line with your natural talents OR with one that complements your natural talents?

For example Iā€™m naturally very Mercurian Panther, but I honestly need some more Zen Lion in my life.


So I got the panther ! What a fun day! I chose to start with this one because I wanted to get my sense of life back . (A lot of ā€˜deathā€™ experiences in my family/life the last several years that just exhausted the life outta me) I kept trying different fields to get myself back.

Today, when I programmed my item with the panther, I could see a vision of my panther taking me on adventures out in the wild. Then he was licking me and letting me know this is going to be a fun ride ahead! (This all came out of nowhere!)

It took me back to childhood days of watching King of the Jungle, where the black panther takes the little boy swinging thru the jungle, etc

My whole day and night felt so uplifting! My interactions with people out and about were extra positive. I felt so much adventure on the inside of me, and feel super ready to take life back with excitement! WOW! It feels like the old me is coming back with force. I had listened to heart coherence on repeat this morning, so maybe that primed me and made my experience more forceful, I donā€™t know

I also feel much more focused and balanced

I was going to buy Resilience Max, but I decided to try this first. And Iā€™m glad I did!

Iā€™m excited to see how this grows!


I wonder as well, my personal answer is: it depends on what I want.

The servitor Iā€™m feeling might be good to balance and enhance my natural inclinations. Itā€™s like working on your strenghts and refine it. Because those traits and energies might not always be ā€œmaturedā€ and it is good to work on your strenghts to have a clear foundation to rely on.

On the other hand, if Iā€™m lacking abilities, I feel like another servitor will complement my energies to bring more harmony to my life and personnality.

Iā€™d love to hear other people perspectives on this.


+1 means a lot more to 0 than it does to 10. Thatā€™s my current take.

If we take it to another context. Iā€™m facing forward, and I may not have 180 degree peripheral but Iā€™ve got my eyes forward and I can get an idea of whatā€™s going on either side. Until Iā€™ve got enough people with me to cover the full 360 arc, overlapping fields of view doesnā€™t make much sense. If Iā€™m limited to 2 people, far better for the other one to face directly away from me.

That being said, I can understand the draw of whatā€™s familiar. The panther SINGS to me because of that. But even if it would help me mature my strengths, whatā€™s most useful to me at the moment is covering what I donā€™t have covered, and using that contrast for clarity to sharpen my strengths. Later, I can use similarity with differences for contrast to sharpen.

But as Abcd said, it comes down to your preference, just do your best to notice whatā€™s driving that preference and whether you want to encourage it; itā€™s going to benefit you no matter what after all.


It is really like choosing a path. It reminds me of artisans who pick one skill to master for a lifetime.
Because we do not have to be everything (and that thought only is also a lot less pressure).


I feel like we are connected to each other

Iā€™m probably talking nonsense?

But just now I had the impression of seeing lots of people

I donā€™t know how to explain this

new releases combined with astrological events probably

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