About the Etherforge Consortium

could it be possible
that those who bought the griffin

tells me about the effects it produces

can you tell us about it please

So theoretically with the pocket dimension, we can imbue ourselves with with the effects of up to 20 fields of our choosing at once; and have them ‘playing’ for however long we want, with way more specific instructions, such as play all 20 at once but only this field for a specific time, play all 20 fields for 3 hours etc, play all 20 fields overnight

So if we wanted to we could constantly be ‘playing’ 20 fields at once for long periods, to save massive time, Plasma Flaunt, Max Heal, Smart Stem Cells, The Eternal, etc through pocket dimension ability on servitor?

Yeah but it will f*** you up i am experimenting with brain fields etc and well i am drained with 8brain fields + tejas and resillience max.

I mean u can try for yourself but imo if you wanna be productive through the day dont have more than 3 running at the same time maybe more depending on the combo for example negentropic jing chi plus shen won’t take resources like running a healing field or brain fields with boosters.

Just my opinion.


if these new servitors are much more intelligent, maybe we can ask them to play the optimal amount for each one, while maintaining full presence and energy for living on the daily


Playing a lot of brain fields at once would defiantly cause strain, our awareness comes from our brain and your exposing it to 8 different fields, affecting your perception of reality.

I pretty much loop fields 24/7, so I’m sure I would be fine. Most of my field stack is around maintaining physical healing health + Internal Alchemy, so nothing too strenuous. Although I have no brain fields, I’m sure if I did it would have some side effects.


I’ve never used servitor before… Is it true that if the object where the servitor adheres to is damaged or lost, then the servitor also is damaged or lost?

The servitor isn’t damaged afaik but getting them to move, permanently, to another object is argued over.

Credit to @Thomas for linking that post from SammyG the first time.


I have a question, buying the base server without additional ability works the same, can I work with the base aspects of the phoenix until I can buy more abilitys?


Moving servitors seems to be a feature that folks would like the option to have…

Maybe it’s possible for @Charlie.0 to forge a tool (audio) that people can pay for that allows folks to move these servitors… in case the original servitor home gets worn down (or if it gets lost or something).


Yes, I’ll add this one to the faq

Added, and its “ability only” equivalent question.


Thank you :raised_hands:t2:

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Thanks for the reply. This is helpful.

Now, come to think of it, nothing lasts forever… I think I have an opinion on this issue now.


No, nothing lasts forever, but a decent stainless steel pendant/ring/bracelet is likely to last most your life.

The issue isn’t so much with things lasting as it is with our care and attention. If you’re consistently aware of how you handle one specific object and its place in space, you’d never lose it. If you regularly clean/oil/seal wood, it never rots. Etc.

Easier said than done, for sure.


About the creating process.
Did you guys loop the field for 20 minutes (or is it 20 mins long?) or played it once and then waited for 20 minutes?
Did you hold onto the item the whole time or let go after the initial command?
Probably gonna create one soon :D


So the instructions are specifically to hold the object to set intent, as you listen to the audio - implying no death grip necessary during item creation, and then wait 20 minutes for the servitor to finish settling.

Remember, you’re not limited to 1 play-through of the audio, you’re limited to 1 successful servitor creation; meaning if you mess up, you can just do it again. In fact, you can do it as many times until you feel you’ve done it “right” because it’ll only actually work once. Whether it worked the 1st time or the 100th time or somewhere in between, only one servitor is getting created, so you can OCD into oblivion over the ritual of it or just believe it the first time by following the steps loosely.

So in bullet points:

  1. Hold the object to set intent
  2. Play the audio
  3. Do whatever for 20 minutes
  4. Enjoy your servitor

I asked the question to Captain directly if playing it a few times is enough and he said yes. I believe even one play should be enough. I did 3 just to be on the safe side.


For those who’ve had the older non-NFT servitors. How is the initial feedback? Are we still operating on belief at first (for those of us not rocking some of the higher psychic functions) or are you getting immediate signs?


I never had the patience to keep training and working with the old ones. I always ended up abandoning them. These seem much easier to work with and super OP. They feel more automatic. I feel like I’ve been transformed into the archetypes automatically. They just get stronger when I ask consciously to activate and merge with/integrate their traits and characteristics. I haven’t got any of the add on abilities yet.

• People (especially women), have been treating me much differently as well. In a good way. Confidence and presence are through the roof. Even men are extra respectful.

• My voice has gotten so much deeper too. I’m guessing that’s from the Zen Lion, not the Griffin.

• The physical energy and vitality I had the first couple days was insane. It’s gotten more subtle but I’m also not at 100% because I’m weaning down off of a med.

• As far as the mental effects of the Griffin, it’s hard to say exactly the shift I’ve experienced. Definitely more mental control and balance but I have brain fog from weaning down from this med, so the effects are kinda being distorted a little.


can’t speak to older non-NFT ones, as little experience…but an immediate noticeable effect today was I had zero reaction dealing with work. Typically, for a Monday morning it’s me having a sinking pit feeling in my solar plexus area but today, but after activating Lion zen last night, I might as well have logged into a Sims game when I logged into work today, felt very detached and whatever craziness was going on, I felt I could handle it. :muscle: :muscle: