About the Etherforge Consortium

sorry there may be some learning I guess.
but these are just completely different.

I know there would be 101 people here who always hardcore doubt or speak some garbage whenever i write anything.
But there is nothing like this at all that exists.

But take that with a grain of salt,
I usually always say something like this but it feels like shouting to an empty room.
alas i also know there isn’t anybody who would be able to actually tell the difference.
Its a slow realization really, because here, people assume all is on equal footing.
Then another 10001 think they can actually copy it and resell it.

anyways, it bothers me no longer.
I understand this is just how humanity is.
I used to be a naïve over caring person lol.

Now i shall just chill out in my guild and no longer care.

bacteria tends to grow in wounds easily, it will auto sanitize it.
you can do that to the environment if you wish also.


yes it can be a wonderfully rewarding path.
I am at a loss at how to really sell or describe the idea when it seems so alien to people.


Thanks for your answer :mount_fuji::star::love_you_gesture::pear::sparkles::dove:🪬


I’m going to buy the griffin and mix it with the lion, I hope it goes well.
I’m hesitating where to buy a Capacites directly,
we are so good with our servants,
I encourage you to buy one.
I have never felt so good,
I talked about it around me, (to those who believe that)
I thank you
It’s so classy what’s happening to me,
I no longer have any worries in my head


Chat GPT bro always helps :muscle:


it is amazing how much bad things we experience is artificially projected into us by the outside.

its good to be free


I’m not going to tell my life story,
but even if it’s been a short time since I carried the lion,
to be at peace with me,
It brought peace to my family,
I realize that my relationships with my sisters have become healthier over the past 2 days.
we no longer worry,
I have the impression that she feels my inner peace
and we can speak normally.


The more sensitive we are empathically, the more we have to deal with these external projections, traumatic emotions and other forms of energetic trash most of which is not even our own 🥲 !!!

And I can confirm this from personal experience as I am highly empathic myself, so I can only imagine what someone like You who is Super-Sensitive to Energies has to go through :sweat:


I read many times each of servitor descriptions but still can decide which one will help the person who is controlled by black magic.

Asking for family members as becoming clear that thy behavior is influenced by b. m

Like family member who I know 20 years and know this person behavior, start to insult with words like crazy and just behave odly in many ways

Which servitor will help the most so that Infected people have peace and can’t be control anymore.


Magic stat ability has plasmafied voodoo detangled auto shield.

Auto shields with a base of voodoo detangled whenever energetic danger is sensed.
(also plasmafied!)
can use the voodoo detangled ability thorugh hands as well
(just a suggestion)

Zen Lion’s Protective stuff is this:

Moreover, the energetic servitor acts as a protective force. Much like a lion guards its territory, the servitor shields the person from negative influences and potential harm. This protective aura can manifest as an enhanced intuition, where the person becomes more attuned to potential dangers and can navigate away from harmful situations. The servitor’s energy can also repel negative entities or energies, creating a safe and harmonious environment for the person to thrive in.

Griffin and Protection:

At the same time, the griffin’s attributes of strength and vision bring a powerful protective energy. The lion’s strength within the griffin imparts a sense of inner power and courage, enabling the person to face challenges with unwavering confidence. The eagle’s vision enhances perception, allowing the individual to see situations from a higher perspective and anticipate potential obstacles. This combination of strength and foresight creates a protective aura, safeguarding the person from both physical and metaphysical threats.

The protective nature of the griffin also ensures that the person feels secure in their pursuits. The combination of strength and vision creates a sense of stability and assurance, allowing the individual to take risks and explore new avenues without fear. This security fosters an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish, as the person feels supported and protected in their endeavors.

Bear Shaman on Protection:

The bear’s protective nature also provides a sense of security, shielding the individual from negative influences and harm.

The shaman’s wisdom and the bear’s protective nature create a sense of trust and respect in social settings.

I think Lion has the most protective effects based on what is written. Right next Griffin and then Bear.


Thank you @veh :+1::+1::+1: alright will do Lion :lion:

Yap im listening voodoo detangle days now on the loop maybe that crazy situation where one family member insulting me like no tomorrow yesterday is detangle process.


I think I actually have a issue with ocd lol. Funny you said it like that good insight.
Thanks for your post will do like that.


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Ay, ain’t that the truth. Let’s keep breaking the chains :chains: :muscle:t3: :brain:



the lion works great

  • Exorcism YT dream seeds

No need to apologize, I was genuinely curious :slight_smile: Thanks for answering!

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I try many times is helping to extend but with servitor I believe will be much better can’t wait to get paycheck :lion:

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Would anyone be able to share examples of how they might use the magic stat please?


Best servitor for Success in your craft ?
I’d love to work with a servitor who can work with me as content creator and musician.
but I’m just not sure which one to go with. :upside_down_face:

I want to say Mercurial Panther or Griffin Philosopher (also has eloquence factor, which is great for a musician) due to their mental abilities. Hard to choose. But it of course depends what that craft is as well.

The Phoenix also could be helpful too due to its ability to remain resilient and rise from the ashes despite failures and setbacks.

I’d keep reading the descriptions and contemplate what fits best with your specific craft.


Do you want your craft to be successful or do you want to be successful at your craft? Are you trying to fuel creativity or success?

Just spitballing, but of the available keywords you have to work with from the servitor descriptions, which state fuels what you’re after? Are you more successful, historically, when you’re at peace, or when you’re going with the flow?

If you want it all, figure out which will help the most first, and then save up for the other. I’d be surprised, though it’s not impossible, if one servitor can cover every aspect of muse and success for most.