About the Etherforge Consortium

I’d keep reading the descriptions and contemplate what fits best with your specific craft.

Will do. I’ll wait to see how other have enjoyed those specific servitors.
Thank you !


I think I’ll try the Panther or the griffin and then just give my testimonial from that either way I feel I’ll be happy with my decision lol.

Thank you.


New ability


This counts as +1 ability to your servitor -1 Slot Space +1 intelligence +1 Knowlege

Only for servitor installation

This is the sleep state ability.
Servitor will acquire skill and knowledge to regulate and help clear your sleep patterns and i dare say perhaps gain a measure of control over it. You can use it to put you to sleep, set it to automatically wake you up. Clear mental grogginess. Get your sleep sorted and working for you. you can use this ability on others, servitor will be able to handle working on two people at the same time as this has that added ability already built in. All modular for your plug and play (also sweet dreams guaranteed!) may be with you in dreams, its possible. To create simply play the audio in front of your created item. that’s it. wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.


Cool ! i guess i don’t need an alarm clock anymore now i’ll just tell my servitor to "wake me up at 7:00am " LOL :joy:


Please share your best tips and sites for getting good quality items to put the servitors on :slight_smile:

What items are you guys using? :ring: :gem: :medal_sports: :watch: :key:


I put Phoenix Sage on my wedding ring :joy:


Tungsten Carbide rings on Amazon are pretty affordable and really last a long long time.

Tungsten carbide on the other hand is one of the hardest, most durable metals with which jewelry is made . Tungsten carbide is scratch resistant, will not bend, and will not tarnish.

Just a thought, that’s what I put my phoenix on.


I use Picturesongold.com. Fast shipping in the US. I’ve received mine as quickly as two days. Search ‘Dog Tag”. As low as $29.99 USD for the stainless steel, color engraved. I don’t love the chains, but I have two good stainless steel chains and I just change out my tag periodically. I only wear one tag at a time.

I’ve gotten at least 20 tags made from this company.


Since it says you can use it this ability on other people . i wonder if you can use for crying babies and toddler to go to sleep. But i’m thinking of using on my upstairs neighbors who likes to watch tv loud late at night


only Terrestrial animals & Aerial animals?

I wonder if there will be aquatic animals servitors like megalodon ,white whale


There have been plenty of great affordable items suggested. Some come with downsides… Cheap “gold” or “silver” items have low grade additives that aren’t healthy to be in contact with for extended time. Tungsten is great but if you are wearing it as a ring and your finger swells it’s quite the fiasco to get it off (risky for folks who work with their hands).

All that said if budget is key those are great.

On the other hand if absolute quality, uniqueness, and bespoke work is desired(including custom and antiquity alloys), as well as mythographics and shape forms that support the fields you want to apply, I’ll humbly put Ritualis in for consideration.


I’ll be making a number of the guild rings and have done Totemic work with Dream the last few years. Definit isn’t cheap, but then you get what you pay for.


Also probably important to point out that @metaphystwolf is the only external vendor that survived the purge. What, precisely, that means, only dream and metaphystwolf know. But I’d imagine it’s at least a pretty solid stamp of approval.


I don’t tend to keep up with affairs in detail but if I survived a purge that’s news to me and I’m happy to still be here :sweat_smile:


It is.

Who wouldn’t want a psychic goldsmith around ?
Especially now with guilds and all.

Also a direct partner of Dream on multiple creations:.


lol, @metaphystwolf hopefully this isn’t hugely insulting, but I just imagined you, as a psychic blacksmith, on something like Forged In Fire and the episode never airing as a result xD

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I wonder if paracord would count and if you could direct it to the flexible saw that’s usually wrapped in it. Pure curiosity mind you.

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Would a wooden ring be suitable?

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Anything is suitable. It’s a matter of preference, permanence, portability, and how discreet you want it to be. If a wooden ring meets those requirements for you, go for it.

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He actually works with me.
He isnt working against me or using the mass of resources here as his own personal back pocket.
and there is clearly a give and take and supportive nature.

Its pretty obvious to me, this is how a symbiotic relationship with the forum is.

Not sure why its so hard to see though.
But hey people be petitioning Sammy to bring them back or something apparently they do actually believe this is their own personal space.

Then I shall only have to take more action/s of course