About the Etherforge Consortium

Yeah, was thinking a bit between those two, while Phoenix being the favourite, just I am curious what experiences do others have with that.

Not sure if it wasnā€™t touched upon already, didnā€™t see that, but perhaps can it work with other abilities as well? Like would it add up together?

I think the other abilties are more skill sets than the servitors gaining more power (to heal, for example). Once a servitor has learned a particular set of skills, thereā€™s no point in it learning it again.


Nice to see you back again @Saan :slightly_smiling_face:
Long time no see, hope you have been keeping well :pray:t3:


Thanks, itā€™s nice to be back and see how the forum and Sapienā€™s work is evolving :slight_smile:

I hope youā€™ve been well too :heart:


Just obtained the Lion Sage. Feels awesome, I had this sensation of a ^roar^ and then calmness. :slight_smile:


@Charlie.0 Iā€™ve read this whole thread and i didnā€™t see this question.

Letā€™s say I buy the phoenix servitor, add the dimensional pocket as a skill. In one of the dimensional pocket slots, I add an NFT (no audio) i.e Wu Wizard which is a servitor also.

Does that work? How will the Phoenix work with older servitor? Does the Phoenix direct or power the older servitor for us? they work together?

Sorry, I hope that makes sense. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve explained it correctly.


New servitor! Things are getting even more interesting!!


Is the price of the Shorse correct? $35.99, itā€™s way cheaper than the other servitors

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Only comes with one ability slot, itā€™s a budget option.


This a smaller base ā€˜starterā€™ type, depending on your budget.
New to these types of specialities? just wanna try it out?
then these starter editions are just what you need.
Having only one upgrade slot.

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Offering ā€œstarterā€ servitors is indeed a great idea for lower budgets or testing that new kind of servitors ā€¦ or getting right now one of those new servitors while waiting to get the perfect vessel for the more expensive ones :sweat_smile: :innocent:

Thanks, @Charlie.0 :heart:


From the theming of releases lately, it would seem Captainā€™s doing everything he can to make sure we have a running start, this feels like more of the same a continuation of that same energy.


In way, but they all have their own flavor and flair, so everyone can find the one (or ones ^^) that speaks most to their heart without missing much :+1:


For sure. To clarify, I wasnā€™t speaking disparagingly or negatively. On the contrary, I think itā€™s wonderful. Mostly I was just noting that seems to be the thread tying all these strands together.


My brainā€™s been on high gear since I discovered the Etherforge Consortium last weekend. Iā€™ve now digested all the hype, and I just want to say Thank you @Charlie.0. For creating this Etherforge and these new golems. For opening for us a new realm of endless possibilities. For making it so fun (the gamification of it all, the Shorse ^^, ā€¦). And thank you for that new dynamic on the forum, it gives it a new and refreshing energy :heart:


I asked Chat GPT to make images of The Zen Lion :slight_smile:

Maybe this one could represent how the suit could change depending on which abilities are installed.

Energetic Signature Storage Ability - Reflecting an ethereal library with floating energy symbols.


Im scared of losing my item ,

if I lose it will I have to buy another one ?

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yes mate, its a one time creation.


could I not just connect to my servitor without my item tho?

i do with my other servitor

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