About the Etherforge Consortium

lol, is this not how ‘that other’ consciousness operates?


Care to elaborate?


Unity consciousness vs “that”?
Idk lol

what is unity consciousness? I don’t know what “that” is referring to.

Is there an idea here? Is it more of a dividing/rallying sentiment?

I got the impression the comparison was christ/unity consciousness vs self, the self being applied from a 3rd person inclusion “them/they/that”. Unity vs other.

Haha this is the cutest analogy

Also it makes sense lol

I want fries now.


And another one! Ability!



they seem to have lost there heads somewhere lol


Are the servitors intuitive enough to draw from whatever fields are at their disposal in the dimensional pocket when asked a general question?

For example, If one has fields like Your Energetic Being and Tejas Alchemy in the pocket, can the owner simply say “please give me more energy” and have the servitor draw from the appropriate fields contained? Same for say a physical field such as The Muscle Roar and asking “Please help me put on 5 pounds of muscle within 4 weeks.”


Maybe they can do that right from the start, but, if not, they can probably learn.

I’d suggest describing the fields to your servitor when you add them to the dimensional pocket, and what you’d like to use them for.

You can also ask your servitor to get to know the fields by using them on you and by studying their effects on you. They could do so at different times and in different situations, to better understand what would be useful for you and when.

To help them until you think they’ve got the hang of it, you can suggest to them the fields that would help for your requests.


Great ideas. Thank you :pray:t4:

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Are the servitors personal or can you make one and give it away?


Feels like they’re personal for the creator (to me at least). But you could always gift a fresh copy of the audio field to someone and give them instructions on how to create the servitor, I bet!

Correct me if I’m wrong, of course.


According to captain:

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Has anyone asked this question yet? If you buy multiple of the same ability (not the dimensional storage which captain answered yes, say the health stat) will it stack? Like if you have 2 health stat on the same servitor will you enjoy a noticeable increase in health/regeneration along with a +4 resilience as compared to just 1 health stat? Asking because there was no stacking for owning multiples of the same nft

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Look at that majesticfabulousiwowness


Their head IS Maoshan.



So I got the shorse…

Started connecting it to an item. Not sure if I fully did do, as I wasn’t using the audio and was “interrupted” by some neighbors during the process. Didn’t quite check for completion. I could feel the suit integration and the noiselessness, could also feel presence when not in suit. Placed item aside in a bookshelf at communal space.

Next day someone cleaning had picked it up and now item is displaced.
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