About the Etherforge Consortium


You can try connecting with your servitor remotely and asking him for help in locating the displaced item in which heā€™s stored. I have the Lion Sage and heā€™s very good at finding displaced items, maybe the shorse will help you out with it as well!


Maybe not the most helpful thing to mention now but to keep in mind. Donā€™t put things you own in a communal space. Individuals can be smart and respectful. People can be pretty dumb and disrespectful or thoughtless.

Ask the shorse for guidance to wherever it is, instruct it to make your right hand warmer for ā€œyesā€ or ā€œcloserā€, and to make your left hand cold for ā€œnoā€ and ā€œnot closerā€ and then play ā€œgetting warmerā€ with it until you find it.


Tried connecting with the purpose of item location, just now.
Checked the shelf of the bookshelf where I left it. Wasnā€™t there.
Checked the bottom shelf. Was there.

Whatā€™s funny is that the day before I had checked these locations and item was missing. I guess today someone must have returned it? I used a dog tag chain for the itemā€¦so nothing unordinary.



It is beyond my comprehension what the motivation for this was.


Fr, I wouldnā€™t leave any possession (even normal items without fields or servitors) in a communal space unless I no longer wanted it


There were several topics that may have been asked on, commented on. I guess it defaulted to personal property and security. Was interested in the ways of interaction/connecting, and was kind of hoping someone would go in the direction of golem - beingness.

Anyway, I guess not as much good experience with communal living for some.

A suggestion.
A new ability Shielding 3.0+smart cloaking+on/off cloaking can be done by mental commandsā€¦

The protections on the griffin feel really strong.

I used to avoid this one area of my neighborhood cause it has a known ā€˜bad energyā€™ building/portal on itā€¦ And recently Iā€™ve felt totally fine walking that block. itā€™s been saving me time to not have to avoid it.


@Dreamweaver if you have the time could you let us know the answer to this question for those of us considering doing this? :sweat_smile: + if getting 2x health stat on the same servitor

  • zen lion purchased :ballot_box_with_check:
  • dimensional pocket purchased :ballot_box_with_check:
  • health stat purchased :ballot_box_with_check:

Soon I will buy The Magic stat.

I have the Magi pendant, is it useful to have it additionally? I wonder because it takes up one slot out of the 7.
Maybe if the servant learns this skill he can also work with my Magi Pendant, I guess.

I think my pendant for the zen lion will arrive around the beginning of July. It will take time because it was shipped to France to a friend and then it will be transferred to where I am currently, on an island.

Iā€™m thinking about the 4 placements that will remain. Iā€™m tempted to take two more dimensional pockets and leave two others for future new skills.

It would be really cool to have a dimensional pocket version that could hold even more field. An unlimited version ideally :infinity::grin:. Or different versions on storage capacity. 50, 100, 500 etcā€¦
Of course the price would be higher than what is currently offered .

I made a list of fields that I would like to store with the servant. Currently I have 52 fields.

I would like to add other energies such as energy portals, fragrant energy fields, places loaded with energy (forest, waterfall, church, etc.) and future energy fields which will be offered on the site.

I could buy a second servitor dedicated to dimensional pockets. Which would make 140 storage locations available and modifiable at any time.

The main idea is to work independently with a large quantity of energy fields with the servitor , to have as little technology when I go on a trip to remote areas without electricity without modernism . No need for a device to broadcast energetic audios .

A single energetic objectā€¦ my the zen lion pendant

In summary it will have the capabilities of:

  • improve my health and increase my life expectancy
  • help for with my spiritual evolution ( symbiosis with my ego,increase in vibration level, chakras, removal of subconscious limits and energy blockages)
  • help for manifest my wishes and desires
  • assist with energy care for people
  • improve my social interactions
  • protect myself from negative energies and improve environmental energies
  • help improve my cognitive and psychic abilities

No rush lol. For the past few days I have been completely addicted to Etherforge domains ,passionate is more appropriate :star_struck:, the limit of possibilitiesā€¦ your imagination :grin: .

I will be patient and wait for new skills and perhaps new servitor to be offered. New ideas will come :relieved:


did you try this and if so, was it successful?

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i havenā€™t got any servitor yet, focused on Sapien Shop for the momentā€¦

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i suppose you can do it,
but i have no idea why you would.
the one ability is technically all you need.


i havenā€™t gotten the health stat yet as Iā€™m waiting for my vessel to place the shorse in (gonna use the shorseā€™s slot for health, havenā€™t decided on my lion yet) so maybe Iā€™m thinking too much haha. Really appreciate your reply capt! As for why, I was just thinking about how potentially op we can increase our healing and regeneration abilities to, the maximum upper limit I meant as especially since, as compared to the eternal this one doesnā€™t require as much active engagement from how I understand it given the servitorā€™s presence


(Since itā€™s not any related to this thread, it belongs to another thread. Unless you meant 7-field servitor for your physical enhancement)


New starter servitor


Got myself the Griffin Philosopher with Dimensional Pocket hereā€™s what iā€™ve decided to do with this:

Ongoing Field that works whenever a limiting belief springs up in my being.
Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0
Ongoing Field that works whenever a negative perspective springs up.
New Perspectives
Ongoing Field that works whenever my ego is resisting the change.
The Malleable Ego

KINETIC QUASI CRYSTAL: Total of 2 hours a day at best possible times until itā€™s engulfing my entire being in that pattern. Then maintain that pattern overtime.

As much as I can safely handle per day:
Vibration of:
Divine love

As much as I can safely handle per day:
Minor Blueprint of Power
Imaginarium Divine
The Blueprint of Life

infused whenever itā€™s best for me:
Transmutation and MicroCosmic
Supreme Grounding +

The Magnetic Male
The Magnetic Lady
The Golden Glow
The Goat
Merry Maker

infused onto me 24/7 along with infusing every moment (past present and future) of my life with the energy:
Alchemical Revision of Innocence
Alchemical Blueprint of the Past
Alchemical Revision of Guilt


So have you asked the servitor to automate these functions, and turn the fields on when it senses these things?

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