About the Etherforge Consortium

That’s the intention I’ve set yes.

Its a being, with awareness. Its within its capacity and since it becomes a part of ‘me’ it knows when I would require such fields.

This is how I understand it and what feels right


Nice, keep us posted with your experience :ok_hand:t4:

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is that not overwhelming? or does the dimensional pocket help with overwhelm

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“Anyone who wishes to see a wolpertinger in its natural habitat must either be a beautiful young woman or be accompanied by one. This is because the shy wolpertingers are known to have a weakness for female beauty.” :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Everyone has their own limits, and all the limits can be overcome in time.

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New & Interesting Ability!

Energy Projection: Advanced users might be able to project absorbed energy as blasts or waves, adding a ranged component to their capabilities. :cloud_with_lightning:


OK, so how do you guys incorporate more than one of these Smart Servitors? I have read that many of you have at least two.

I bought Panther about 4 days ago and added an ability. Then I bought Phoenix 2 days ago.

I am unsure how to wear them now! Should I wear one Servitor at a time, and put the other in my pocket whilst the one that I’m wearing does it’s magick?

If I wore both at once would the Suit that I wear reflect the attributes of both? Would I appear and behave as a Fiery, Feathered Panther? :grin:


I’m wearing 3 lol.

One won’t last forever as it’s imbued onto a threaded bracelet. It’s crazy because the energy is so great that the fibers of the thread have started to wear a little. Prior to that the bracelet had had no issues on my wrist for 3 years straight. Anyhow, just a cautionary note to imbue your servitors to solid ideally metallic objects.

But going back to the topic of multiple servitors, I don’t see it as an issue. Personally it’s like I have a council of wise beings guiding and helping me. Also I have given different servitors different abilities as well as different fields on their dimensional pockets. More costly of course but these are long term allies that will grow, learn, and evolve with you.


Thats happened to me aswell haha wow , didnt think it was because of the energy


Yes, I felt the need to imbue these beings onto solid jewelry, for sure! I’m glad that I did that!

The heat alone from Phoenix entering my birthstone ring was incredible! My ring still heats up when I put it on. Sometimes it will cool, then heat up again. It never did that, before!

Panther was much more subtle. I felt as though I had not done something properly when I first imbued my bracelet with her. She was quiet for almost a day. Now I realize that she and I are somewhat alike in nature, and we were simply watching each other for a time waiting for the other one to leap first. She finally leapt when I wasn’t expecting it, and she is incredible!

So, you are comfortable wearing them at the same time? How does the “Suit Aspect” of wearing the Servitor feel to you when the wearing is composed of more than one?

Is there a feeling of “Overlay” of the suit when you wear all 3? I felt this overlay aspect, and was not sure what to make of it. I didn’t wish to diminish one or the other Servitor.

We know that Captain has made these Golems highly intelligent and completely next generation from his descriptions. So it only makes sense that they can recognize and adapt to one another, even welcoming one another, to create a powerful team. This aspect is beyond exciting in possibility!

Just, how do we wear them? Is it as simple as putting on the items and letting the Servitors Entangle their energies in the most efficient way possible?

I was simply curious how all of you were doing this.


Yes I believe so.

Definitely this.

I speak to them like they are all a part of my personal legion.

I think there is a subtle but palpable energetic load on the system. Like wearing heavy armor, but eventually that armor makes you stronger as you adapt.

It’s funny you bring up that question because I was definitely fatigued this week but I also had been automating brain wiring fields from one of my servitors so it could have easily been that.

But yes, I think there can be a brief period of adaptation. From there they just continue to learn your body-mind matrix and learn your patterns


(post deleted by author)


Yes, I will have solutions for keeping him in my life forever.


They are communicating with you; you just aren’t aware of it. Try the following steps:

  1. Communicate with them when you’re in an alpha or Theta state, such as before bed or just after waking up.
  2. Pay attention to your thoughts. They might be sending messages.
  3. Communicate with them daily, with strong intent and without doubts.
  4. Meditate with one of them in mind, sending messages while in a meditative state.
  5. Listen to animal empathy/telepathy.
  6. Get the new field - the arcane potential of clairvoyance or the blueprint of psychic mastery.
  7. Work on your throat energy center.

Good luck


Hi, I think a new gen servitor with echolocalisation ability would be super cool, like a bat or whale. :call_me_hand:

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The griffin servitor has been with me protecting me, encouraging me, and healing me through the health skill.

Dimensional pocket has been working absolutely marvelous the last 2 days I really took the time to work with it. I tested it with brain field boosters as it’s the easiest way for me, and they’re very potent.

I can see the griffin get more and more powerful overtime, he’s mastering his craft, and unlike me, he doesn’t need a “break” lol.

These servitors are really dedicated to you, like they genuinely desire to have you transcend cycles and elevate. It’s very fun to behold and experience.


:tada: Woohoo!

Alchemists for the win! :fireworks::sparkles:🧝‍♀


Oh god… it broke already ffs :cry::sob: can u guys still feel the energy of this , I think im just gonna put it in a baggie


To be honest i wouldn’t recommend anything with hand bracelets or beads with these new servitor. You want something sturdy and lasting and especially since we use our hands alot our jewelry tends to get caught in it