About the Etherforge Consortium

will it still work tho?

I don’t see why not. So long as you have all of the beads. Just keep them safe within a pouch

Whenever my threaded bracelet wears out I plan to keep it either in a pouch or wrap it in copper wire or something of that nature. Not ever letting my Zen Lion go! It’s still very powerful


im only refering to if you wear them as they seem to get caught in stuff since we use our hands alot.
But it’s up to you as i was just making a recommendation

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I agree with you. I was referring to his question

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Be looking like a Picasso in the Astral but will work.

:sweat_smile: soorrry i couldnt help it.


A question to the Craftman Himself Mr Dreamweaver.

Would our beloved servitors benefit from playing a stack of fields for them?

I am thinking about things like Kinetic Quasi Crystal, Energy Accumulator, Torsion Field, maybe some vibration Risers ecc


If I use dimension pocket, i.e. 20 fields, connected to the one slot in Shorse, is that fine? I wondered if it would work best with only one ability like health stat

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It just depends on the slot size of the ability. So dimensional pocket = -1 slot so it’s fine since the ability itself still fits.


Yes, I see. Thank you


Just got reminded of this older anime series < Magi > where the characters inside it who conquer dungeons will gain the support of the Djiin/Spirit overseeing the tower. These beings will then be bound to a vessel much like the concept of our etherforge servitors, and similarly the users can activate their vessels to transform, often in a set of outfit based on their djinn which grants them special powers. The favourite character in it, Sinbad, has 7 djinns while our base servitors have 7 slots.



a centaur would be interesting, to give the noble horse a noble being to carry: man.
It could benefit from the great force, speed and high intelligence of the horse, and be a master manifestor with the perfect focus and energy to send the arrow to the goal, thus manifesting our wish into being, creating our desired reality for us


I have been wearing a bangle since 16-17 years. It was bigger for my hands when I was little. Now it fits me completely but I can’t take it off my wrist as I literally grew wearing it all the time.
Now, can I still make the being on the bangle without taking it off? How would that affect the growth of the being? Would it become too sabotaging if I can’t give it any space to explore? Can it still learn to do that even if I don’t take the bangle off? This would be my first servitor being so just curious :P

Yes, you can use the bangle for servitor.
It doesn’t affect the growth because servitor is an ethereal being, but connected ‘through’ bangle to us. We can even use a 1/2 inch coin or crystal etc. so size here isn’t a concern.
The most important part with servitor is Communication. The more I and Servitor become One the better it can perform the tasks.


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I think it will only be installed in one bead.
There isnt any way to really ‘cheat’ the system.


Can’t it be migrated? Or accessed through a psychic link?

These servitors are very good at remote contact - you do not have to carry the item on your person to work with them. But you do have to carry the item in your energy field to get the “living armor” effect. :slight_smile:


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the question is which one lol :grin:



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