About the Etherforge Consortium

(This question has been answered already and no we cant.)

Or maybe i missread ill read it again.

Edit: I did missread.

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I think itā€™s worth seeking clarity on this question :relaxed:

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Yeah, most of the questions around this have been framed as ā€œcan I use the ability multiple times from a single purchase?ā€.

It doesnā€™t seem anyone has asked the question, directly, ā€œcan I buy 7 of this ability and use all 7 on one servitor?ā€.


Yeah it seems so.

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Hey @Baya my question was actually a bit different

The original question was referring to a single purchase, and re-using it for multiple slots or servitors

My question is asking about buying the same ability multiple times and using it in multiple slots on the same servitor


It was also answered as a no (at least for pocket dimension)

Genuinely, if you can find the response from Captain (Iā€™ve read each) that specifically responds to buying Pocket Dimension multiple times and applying it to the same servitor, Iā€™ll drop it.

But either my brain is playing tricks with me, or the question was never directly asked.


No it was not. The original question was only in reference to buying it once


Ok, maybe i misunderstood :slightly_smiling_face:.


Yes, each pocket is use ONCE only

But Iā€™m referring to buying seven separate, different pockets and using each one to fill each of the seven slots, thus spending $144*7 = $1008 on seven pockets to fill the seven slots on a single servitor

This is still unclear to several of us here


One servitor can only have one dimensional pocket. Meaning you can only use 1 slot for it. Donā€™t go buying 7 dimensional pockets unless you want to have it on 7 of your servitors.

And anyhow in that case why not just get the Tower of Power thatā€™s way more cost effective than buying 7 pockets lol

Edit: I was wrong about the servitor can only use one slot for the dimensional pocket as Cap clarified, oops lol


There are some of us who would like further clarity on this, as the questions that were asked previously were either referring to something different, or asked ambiguously

Please guys, stop trying to shoot my question down

Just trying to seek clarity here


my friend, not trying to shoot your question down, just telling you itā€™s already been answered

use only once not only means you can use once off a single purchase but also implies you only use this once for a single servitor, regardless of how many purchases :+1:

edit: I was wrong lol

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Itā€™s still ambiguous to me, as it is for a few of us others here.

At least where I live, the phrase ā€œuse onceā€ is always used in reference to a single item purchased, not for multiple separate purchases


right but you have to also go back to the question asked, the question asked was can a servitor have multiple pockets and the answer to that is no


How about we wait and see if Captain Nemo answers the question? You think it was answered. Others donā€™t. No matter how well intended, and Iā€™m sure it is, the repetitiveness of the assertion/denial makes it spam at this point.


But he didnā€™t explicitly ask about buying multiple separate pockets, or using a single one for all the slots

Which is why the question is ambiguous

Iā€™m just seeking further clarity here. Please, Iā€™d like to ask this without having to continuously justify this.

There are several of us here who also want this clarity


Also, Captainā€™s answer ā€œuse once onlyā€ actually implies that he may have understood the original question to refer to someone purchasing a single pocket and trying to use it several times.

Hence why he advised to ā€œuse once onlyā€

Which is why I wanted to ask the clarifying question, explicitly referring to separate purchases being ā€œused onceā€ each time on separate slots on the same servitor

Hopefully this makes sense, and I donā€™t think it hurts to seek this clarity, especially if others are curious as well


This sounds so cool! I will be procuring one of these creations in the near future.


Honestly, I think itā€™s different.
here the functions are established and predefined and work super fast
itā€™s 100 percent; effective
like an anti-virus, which only has a number, which only works for one person.
but it does everything automatically.
the updates (the 7 options,) working without too much effort.

the tower of power, some people bought it and resold it, they didnā€™t have the patience, you have to be patient and work with it, I think itā€™s like arc an light, you have to be patient and persistent and then you are happy,
we choose what we want to do with it.
I think that everything is simpler here, and we are in a guild, we have the same interests, we have the choice, 3 servants with predefined functions, but everything is faster and simpler
the 2 functions are different.
I prefer the guild, I could be wrong, but hey, itā€™s great to have the choice.