About the Etherforge Consortium

Little breakdown of some aspects of each servitor, but not limited to of course.


Resilience and Renewal

  • Draws upon the Phoenix’s regenerative energy to overcome setbacks and challenges.
  • Instills an unyielding sense of hope and perseverance.
  • Ensures that every setback is an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Enlightenment and Self-awareness

  • Enhances capacity for introspection and self-awareness through the sage’s wisdom.
  • Encourages reflection on experiences and learning from mistakes.
  • Provides valuable insights into personal behavior and the world.

Continuous Personal Growth

  • Promotes a relentless pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement.
  • Inspires deep curiosity and a lifelong commitment to learning.
  • Prevents intellectual stagnation by continuously renewing the drive for understanding.

Emotional Healing and Balance

  • Heals from emotional wounds and traumas using the Phoenix’s energy.
  • Offers guidance and perspective for processing emotions through the sage’s wisdom.
  • Ensures clarity and serenity, free from the burdens of past hurts.

Spiritual Advancement

  • Guides towards enlightenment and self-realization.
  • Helps connect with the higher self and explore deeper spiritual practices.
  • Ensures a continuously evolving and expanding spiritual journey.

Physical Well-being

  • Contributes to a sense of vitality and rejuvenation through regenerative powers.
  • Improves health and increases physical resilience.
  • Provides insights into maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Social Influence and Leadership

  • Enhances the ability to inspire and lead others.
  • Makes the individual a beacon of hope and guidance.
  • Fosters meaningful and impactful relationships.
  • Supports and inspires others, fostering a community of mutual growth and understanding.

Overall Benefits

  • Combines principles of rebirth and enlightenment for a powerful transformative influence.
  • Empowers the individual to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom, strength, and grace.
  • Leads to a more balanced, enlightened, and fulfilling existence.


Mental Acuity and Clarity

• Heightened Critical and Strategic Thinking:
Enhanced ability to think critically and strategically.

• Deep Contemplation:
Encourages thoughtful analysis and deep contemplation.

• Effective Decision-Making:
Wisdom ensures careful consideration and insightful decisions.

• Innovative Problem-Solving:
Promotes effective problem-solving and innovative thinking.

Protective Energy

• Inner Power and Courage:
The lion’s strength imparts a sense of inner power and courage.

• Enhanced Perception:
The eagle’s vision allows for seeing situations from a higher perspective and anticipating obstacles.

• Protective Aura:
Creates a protective energy safeguarding from physical and metaphysical threats.

Leadership and Bold Action

• Courageous Action:
Encourages decisive and bold actions.

• Decisive Leadership:
Combines strength and foresight to foster decisive leadership.

• Balanced Actions:
Ensures actions are thoughtful and strategic, not reckless.

• Inspirational Leadership:
Leads with strength and intellect, inspiring confidence and respect from others.

Effective Communication

• Eloquence and Clarity:
Philosopher’s intellect brings precision and impact to speech.

• Persuasiveness:
Enhances ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively.

• Improved Interactions:
Leads to better personal and professional interactions.

• Authoritative Communication:
Conveys insights and decisions with authority and wisdom, fostering collaboration.

Personal Growth

• Quest for Knowledge:
Promotes continuous learning and self-improvement.

• Intellectual Curiosity:
Encourages exploration of new ideas and experiences.

• Challenge Existing Beliefs:
Drives the person to challenge and expand their horizons.

• Secure Exploration:
Protective nature provides security to take risks and explore new avenues.

Creativity and Innovation

• Stable Environment:
Sense of stability and assurance to foster creativity.

• Supportive Pursuits:
Allows for taking risks and exploring new ideas without fear.

• Flourishing Innovation:
Creativity and innovation thrive in a secure environment.

Social Connections

• Deeper Connections:
Enhances ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

• Approachable and Authoritative: Philosopher’s wisdom and griffin’s presence make the individual both approachable and authoritative.

• Attraction of Meaningful Relationships: Likely to attract supportive and enriching relationships and partnerships.

• Fulfilling Social Interactions:
Leads to harmonious and fulfilling social interactions.

Overall Empowerment

• Balanced Existence:
Empowers the individual to navigate life’s complexities with wisdom, strength, and clarity.

• Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Thriving:
Promotes a balanced and empowered existence across various aspects of life.

• Harmonious Blend of Qualities: Combines mental acuity, strategic insight, protective strength, and courageous action for overall well-being.

The Zen Lion


Heightened Confidence and Empowerment:

• Infuses the person with a feeling of invincibility.

• Leads to more assertive behavior and bold decision-making.

• Acts as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

Calming and Grounding Influence:

• Enhances inner peace and balance.

• Encourages calm and composed responses to stress and challenges.

• Promotes measured and thoughtful actions over impulsive reactions.

Improved Focus and Meditation:

• Promotes mindfulness and present-moment awareness.

• Enhances concentration and decision-making abilities.

• Facilitates deeper meditation and access to inner wisdom.

Protective Force:

• Shields from negative influences and potential harm.

• Enhances intuition to sense and avoid dangers.

• Repels negative entities or energies, creating a safe environment.

Increased Physical Stamina and Health:

• Boosts energy levels for accomplishing tasks and physical activities.

• Promotes overall well-being and vitality.

• Balances energy to prevent burnout and maintain body-mind harmony.

Enhanced Social Interactions:

• Commands respect and admiration from others.

• Increases charisma and magnetic presence.

• Attracts positive relationships and connections.

• Improves social dynamics in personal and professional settings.

Overall Transformation:

• Combines strength with serenity for a harmonious balance.

• Fosters confidence, protection, mindfulness, and physical vitality.

Transforms both inner and outer worlds for a life navigated with wisdom, power, and grace.

The Bear Shaman

Personal Strength and Resilience

• Enhances inner strength and endurance through the bear’s attributes.

• Instills a sense of groundedness and stability.

• Provides unwavering confidence and determination to face difficulties.

• Offers a sense of security and protection from negative influences and harm.

Spiritual Wisdom and Insight

• Enhances intuition and understanding of the inner self through the shaman’s spiritual wisdom.

• Encourages introspection and self-awareness.

• Guides personal and spiritual growth with clarity and compassion.

Emotional Healing and Balance

• Combines the shaman’s healing powers with the bear’s nurturing qualities.

• Helps process and release past traumas.

• Heals emotional wounds and fosters peace and balance.

• Provides comfort, support, and guidance for holistic emotional health.

Connection with Nature

• Cultivates a greater appreciation and understanding of the natural environment.

• Encourages a more grounded and harmonious existence.

• Helps the individual feel in tune with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world.

Inner Power and Spiritual Energy

• Strengthens physical and mental power through the bear’s attributes.

• Offers tools and techniques for harnessing spiritual energy via the shaman’s practices.

• Empowers the individual to achieve goals and aspirations.

• Utilizes both physical abilities and spiritual insights to overcome obstacles and manifest desires.

Social Interactions

• Enhances the ability to connect with others on a deeper, more meaningful level.

• Fosters trust and respect in social settings.

• Makes the individual a source of strength and guidance for others.

• Attracts supportive and nurturing relationships.

• Encourages building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships.

Balance between Action and Contemplation

• Harmonizes the bear’s active and powerful nature with the shaman’s reflective and meditative qualities.

• Ensures the ability to take decisive action when needed and reflect for insight.

• Promotes a well-rounded and holistic approach to life.

• Achieves both physical and spiritual aspirations.

Overall Benefits

• Combines physical strength, spiritual wisdom, emotional healing, and a deep connection to nature.

• Empowers the individual to navigate life’s complexities with resilience, insight, and grace.

• Leads to a more balanced, enlightened, and fulfilling existence.

The Mercurial Panther

Adaptability and Resilience

• Dynamic Adaptability:
Navigate changing circumstances with ease and grace.

• Resilience:
Handle uncertainty and change without becoming overwhelmed.

• Thriving Amidst Change:
Turn challenges into opportunities for growth and development.

Strength, Agility, and Stealth

• Powerful Presence:
Panther’s attributes bring a sense of inner power.

• Confidence and Poise:
Move through life with confidence and assurance.

• Strategic Approach:
Combine stealth and adaptability to make well-considered moves.

Heightened Awareness and Intuition

• Enhanced Perception:
Panther’s keen senses and mercurial adaptability heighten awareness.

• Informed Decisions:
Pick up on subtle cues and changes in the environment.

• Quick Thinking:
Sharpened mind fosters quick thinking and anticipation of challenges.

Personal Growth and Learning

• Flexible Mindset:
Mercurial nature encourages openness to new ideas and experiences.

• Continuous Learning:
Prevents stagnation and promotes self-improvement.

• Balanced Growth:
Panther’s strength grounds growth in self-confidence and inner power.

Emotional Resilience

• Calm and Composed:
Panther’s demeanor helps maintain emotional balance.

• Stress Management:
Remain centered and composed in stressful situations.

• Effective Under Pressure:
Approach challenges with a clear mind and steady heart.

Physical Well-Being

• Vitality and Robustness:
Panther’s agility and strength enhance physical health.

• Inspiration for Physical Activity: Encourage engagement in activities that improve agility and strength.

• Efficient Recovery:
Mercurial adaptability aids quick recovery from physical setbacks.

Social Connections

• Charisma and Engagement: Panther’s charisma and mercurial adaptability enhance social skills.

• Navigating Social Dynamics:
Easily connect with others in diverse settings.

• Building Relationships:
Foster a network of supportive and enriching connections.

Overall Empowerment

• Balanced Existence:
Combines adaptability, strength, awareness, and emotional resilience.

• Thrive Amidst Change:
Navigate life’s complexities with agility, confidence, and grace.

• Dynamic and Fulfilling Life:
Leads to a more balanced, dynamic, and fulfilling existence.

The Shorse

Enhancement of Drive and Ambition

• Infuses unyielding determination to pursue goals.

• Instills a fierce sense of purpose and direction.

• Enables unwavering focus and continuous progress toward success.


• Ensures easy navigation of obstacles and changes.

• Promotes continual push towards success despite challenges.

Grace and Power

• Provides physical and mental endurance for prolonged efforts.

• Ensures efforts are carried out with fluidity and finesse.

• Combines relentless drive with harmony and balance.

Freedom and Independence

• Encourages breaking free from limiting beliefs and constraints.

• Fosters a sense of liberation and self-empowerment.

• Enhances confidence in making independent decisions.

• Leads to a more fulfilling and self-directed life.

Decisive Action

• Sharpens ability to make swift decisions and take immediate action.

• Ensures opportunities are seized and challenges are swiftly overcome.

• Combines relentless pursuit with dynamic action.

Physical Vitality and Stamina

• Inspires engagement in physical activities to enhance strength and endurance.

• Promotes overall physical health and energy.

• Supports a lifestyle of physical fitness and mental resilience.

Continuous Personal Growth

• Fosters a relentless drive for self-improvement and mastery.

• Encourages setting ambitious goals and striving for excellence.

• Promotes balanced and sustainable personal and professional growth.

Social Influence and Leadership

• Enhances ability to inspire and lead others.

• Fosters a commanding and charismatic presence.

• Cultivates respect and admiration in social settings.

• Encourages leadership and motivational capabilities.

• Attracts supportive and empowering relationships.

Holistic Empowerment

• Combines relentless drive with graceful power.

• Promotes personal freedom and decisive action.

• Fosters an environment for thriving in all aspects of life.

• Empowers navigation of life’s complexities with determination, elegance, and independence.

• Leads to a more dynamic, empowered, and fulfilling existence.


Absolutely love him. Feel so calm and confident. The vitality is pretty absurd too. Got a personal record climbing Mount Hood today. 3hr42m to the summit and back down… I still felt like I could go for a run afterwards and am currently chugging away at tasks and work in a relaxed zen like way :slight_smile:


Amazing! Looks like you found a fit

My Phoenix fits me like a glove

It’s my fiery Ironman suit

First day back in the gym after a month out due to a massive & painful life upheaval. It literally pushed my ass here. It’s working on all of the life messiness too, well it’s “making” me work on it all with a much much needed sense of power and alchemy



Love to hear it bro :muscle:t3:


Guys now i don’t have to spend hours listening to field audios anymore . Now i can just have my servitor learned and play it for me. This is the new Evolution and i’m so excited to see some more abilities in the coming weeks or months. I can just be at work and just command my servitor
" Play Productivity Powerhouse " . Captains a genius!!!


Facts though.


What if person A instal.servitor for person B but person B don’t know that is installed on item what thy wear ?
Will servitor still do all good stuff for person B ?

Listening audio and thinking of the item of person B should theoretically work , right ?.

If person. A install servitor for person B on item what thy wear can person A instruct servitor to play xxx field for person B?.

Person A did instalment still is possible to communicate with servitor even if other person B wear the item. ?.

Thank you


i would think it still works as long as you instruct the servitor who it’s for .


Hoping given they are single use, these can be gifted :)

This servant feels so beautiful❤️


Agreed! :slight_smile:


Really having a hard time deciding between the Phoenix Sage and the Griffin. I can’t get either right now, but it’s almost like planning out what you’d do if millions of dollars ever fell in your lap, ya know?


Yes it would work like that…
but why tho…
Its like making a super large suitcase.


Are there fundamental differences between the dimensional pocket and Tower of Power (NFT), aside of the restriction?


Thank you! This is the answer I was looking for… this will help me plan out and organize slots in the future.

Having a larger selection of fields to pick from will make it easier to make many separate “stacks” or playlists of fields without having to continuously add/subtract fields from the original allotment

Would it also be possible to ask the servitor to play the fields in the dimensional pocket for someone else? For example, for healing purposes?





Also, once I show a servitor a specific field/energy, even if I remove it later from the dimensional pocket, It will still remember it if I ask it to add it back right?

In other words, I won’t have to play it for the servitor again right?


experiment and see


1 more question i asked my griffon to simultaneously run multiple fields from the dimensional pocket and i think it works wanted to ask if thats possible or if my mind is running in circles.


it can grow and develop and get better at what it does and the tasks it can handle at the same time.