Advanced Healing

Use the search. It’s there.

You may have to switch browsers. Or access Gumroad with something other than your phone. But it’s there.

So do I.

where to download this field from?

You purchase it on gumroad and then you receive email that directly linked you to download the audio

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how to purchase it? link is not working

I don’t believe you can purchase it. I don’t see it on Gumroad, which means that this field is not for sale at this present time. That may change in the future.

In the meantime, you might be interested in the recently-released The Plasma Flaunt, which might accomplish similar results as this field.

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I want to get the advanced healing but tis not fur sale

it is available at the ES store:

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U cant buy it. Try yourself

you need to write to Sammy
I think they will process some purchases directly with you


I have written to Sammy, waiting for his response, is he normally answering questions in his inbox ?

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Yes, but it takes some time. He runs the business and their various sales platforms as well as this forum, maybe more so with Cap’n’s withdrawal from the forum. It’s the busy holiday season, and he has a life.

I’m sure he appreciates any patience that you extend to him.


Has anybody purchased medical fields directly ?

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There was a direct invoicing program (see Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields for that background). As you can see, that thread has been closed because that invoicing program has officially been closed.

A few forum friends have since reported that they were able to purchase, even though the program has officially been closed.

tl;dr: The intention seems to be not do direct purchases/invoicing. You can take your shot and see what you get, keeping in mind that we’re on the eve of a holiday. So, you might want to be patient in waiting for a reply for the favor you’re asking.


Well, only in July (or was it August) I did it, through email invoice, after contacting Sammy, but I understand it was a general exception back then, it was only for a short time. I don’t think now you can do that, but I’m not Captain or Sammy, so I don’t know.

Yeah, the program closed after your purchase. And, when the program was announced to be closed, the statement here on the forum from Cap’n was that, if a field was not posted on one of the official Sapien sales sites, that field was no longer offered by Sapien.

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Oh darn

I really wanted the advanced healing field.

Well, you could try and ask for a favor…

…or you could use the money you were going to spend on Advanced Healing to buy the PONR that you were asking about yesterday? Solves some of your money situation, doesn’t it?


Ill use the ponr stack i think, and JAAJs money stack.

Cause ive got the time, should I ask someone for that favor ?

Edit: This is crazy, I actually had a dream that I bought the plasma flaunt last night. Wth

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Plasma Flaunt? The evolution of fields such as this? The most up-to-date, comprehensive, general healing that Sapien has released to date? Good for you!

(Um, I thought you already had :wink: : )