Advanced Healing

Has anybody purchased medical fields directly ?

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There was a direct invoicing program (see Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields for that background). As you can see, that thread has been closed because that invoicing program has officially been closed.

A few forum friends have since reported that they were able to purchase, even though the program has officially been closed.

tl;dr: The intention seems to be not do direct purchases/invoicing. You can take your shot and see what you get, keeping in mind that we’re on the eve of a holiday. So, you might want to be patient in waiting for a reply for the favor you’re asking.


Well, only in July (or was it August) I did it, through email invoice, after contacting Sammy, but I understand it was a general exception back then, it was only for a short time. I don’t think now you can do that, but I’m not Captain or Sammy, so I don’t know.

Yeah, the program closed after your purchase. And, when the program was announced to be closed, the statement here on the forum from Cap’n was that, if a field was not posted on one of the official Sapien sales sites, that field was no longer offered by Sapien.

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Oh darn

I really wanted the advanced healing field.

Well, you could try and ask for a favor…

…or you could use the money you were going to spend on Advanced Healing to buy the PONR that you were asking about yesterday? Solves some of your money situation, doesn’t it?


Ill use the ponr stack i think, and JAAJs money stack.

Cause ive got the time, should I ask someone for that favor ?

Edit: This is crazy, I actually had a dream that I bought the plasma flaunt last night. Wth

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Plasma Flaunt? The evolution of fields such as this? The most up-to-date, comprehensive, general healing that Sapien has released to date? Good for you!

(Um, I thought you already had :wink: : )

Yeah Its kinda strange i would dream about something like that.

Yes youre right i have

Maybe you’ve been making your decisions (the ones we’d talked about yesterday)?

Is it not possible to pm you ?

Will it be anytime soon available to buy?

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My sister has breasts cancer and spreads over to the liver and some other body parts now, this Advanced Healing with the cell voltage can really helps in cancer cases, cancer patient needs consistently create new healthy cells to replace the cancer cells. Reall need this… @SammyG can you please let us purchase this again as soon as possible? My infinite gratitude !

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How smart are stem cells? (

Max Heal Potion – The Sapien Shop

These are much better upgrades to old AH.

Smart stem cells is a different way to heal, and Max heal Potion has that in it, but individual fields might be for some purposes more effective, I have both of them, but still would like the Advanced Healing one.


Likewise man

Hopefully an updated one if Cap sees fit!

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Is there a reason you want this one over plasma flaunt? It seems that plasma flaunt is the most advanced “smart” healing field at the moment, but apologies if I am incorrect.

Advanced Healing good field.
+++ milivolts after good combo.


Lol, must have overseen your reply, sry.

I didn’t say I want that over it, just wanted that as well. Now I have plasma flaunt, but will wait till this is available again, these all together might have very good synergic effect.