Advanced Healing

It depends upon the cause of the allergies. It can help some people with some types of allergies and is possible it may heal them over time.


I have been thinking if it would make a big difference to add the Advanced Healing field to the stacks of audio that I have been playing for my mother who fractured her arm and leg. It is over a month now and she is still finding it very painful.
She had her leg operated but her arm wasn’t operated due to her age.


@TCS That’s a great idea. Try adding the new Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal field as well. Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement and The Flow of Jing can also help with healing as well as strengthening marrow and bones.


Just did a read through of this thread. Surprising how effective this audio is, with people evening being able to heal scars. I have a few that could benefit from that… :-)
What I haven’t seen anyone mention in this thread is, does it work for healing things like dopamine or androgen receptors? Or for fixing sleep (which usually comes down to certain hormones)?


I bought it but honestly have not seen any success with it. I am affected by fluid retention in my legs and inflammation. I did all clearing daily before using it, but no success IMHO. Subconscious dissolver, Block removal , entire Chakra cleansing.

Yes, it can be of help with healing all of those things as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Some people have experienced improved sleep quality and posted in other threads. I’ve noticed a much better sleep when I loop Advanced Healing as well.

Here is a thread about Advanced Healing and brain chemistry:

Here are a few posts by @Maoshan_Wanderer in other threads:


How long have you been looping it? And have you noticed any changes in your skin (removed blemishes, clearer skin, etc)?

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At this point, I loop Advanced Healing alone most nights, sometimes adding Anti Aging!! I am waiting for “yet another” haha dog tag to arrive - Advanced Healing - at which point, I plan to wear it while sleeping.


Yes, I’ve noticed healthier skin after playing the audio. I’ve looped it inconsistently for a couple of months. It works well synergistically together with Eternity and the Anti Aging audio.


Does it improve the condition or completely heal it?how long does it take to see effect?

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Raymond Grace is still around ?


I want to remind you all, this works with your natural body, but in a very amplified way.
If you aren’t due to genetics able to heal certain things, it works with you, so it wont be able to do things you aren’t naturally able too.
Most humans have around the same range of healing potential and abilities, but genetic inheritance also plays a role in how you heal.
Some may heal with more scar tissue than others, some experience hyperpigmentation in damaged areas etc.
this increases your own natural ability a lot, but of course this takes a toll on your body stores, there is only so much I can supplement with energy, I know a lot a people would have you think that you can create amino acids and minerals out of thin air. But its not how the body works, at least its not something I am aware of.
(of course I always welcome the opportunity to learn more and I may be far unqualified to say state this, but I try to work with what is possible for the human body) I really cant understand how people think they can create nutrition out of thin air.
You have physical body, if you want physical effects you have to work with the physical process.


Dreamweaver blessings. In my case my main reason for purchase is to assist in healing my body form retention of fluid and swelling. I drink ample water and take magnesium and the recommended vitamins. Am I wrong in assuming that advanced Healing was going t help me to heal this?.

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it is not a normal process to be like that, your body will try to heal from it.
I think certainly it will help in the process.
But its for healing. (for example, its far easier to destroy cancerous cells than to ‘heal’ them, its literally not your cells or 'pro-life or pro-body at that point)


Thanks for replying. However, I am not sure what you are getting at in response to my post (is it that what I am asking for isn’t possible)?

Yes :) Talked to him a few months ago!

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(inflammation is part of a process of healing, because inflammation for one, signals stem cells to respond, I think definitely from damage it will help.)
But I don’t know what exactly is the problem you have :slight_smile: that causes it.
I am just saying a few things may not be helped, like active destruction of cancer cells, or things your body doesn’t want to heal.
Not personal to you of course, just in a more general way.


Any comments as to more specifically healing dopamine or androgen receptors?


You are clearer now. My teachings point to the fact that some part or parts of me may not want to heal. A resistance for some reason. This happens. Any suggestion to have that or those parts be of one accord to facilitate healing.

Awesome, glad he is still around.
I know we lost slim spurling.