Advanced Healing


Try the Fat to Stem Cells for a couple weeks, see how it goes, then go for the Advanced Healing.


I asked sapien what the advanced healing field actually heals. Meaning fatty liver , leaky gut ,all kinds of organs or just cuts and skin damage…

He replied this:
" Hello, it heals whatever needs healing.

That’s what it helps, everything that needs healing"

So I think it literally can heal everything that you can think of.

To my personal expericene:
I feel it’s very strong. I get symptoms of better liver function and lower estrogen and higher testosterone .
But also dark circles under my eyes ,which indicates tust ot takes a toll on my body in some way probably the detox system .
Definitely powerful it is !


I don’t sleep much, but after using Advanced Healing, my need for sleep has doubled! Clearly its doing something…


It’s very strong. I feel it’s best with some food as it can use your stores to really quickly!
Also I feel a little less energetic right after listening …


I love this! Such a great indication! :blush:


Great idea ! I will do it . Its perfect as my main problems are gut related so the charged water will get there immediately.

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Is this on Patreon? I tried searching but nothing came up. Maybe I’m searching incorrectly.

It’s on Sapien’s gumroad -


How do you charge water?

@TheElixir Here is the method:

  1. Place a plastic cup (or paper cup or glass) near or on top of your laptop or your speakers
  2. Make sure water is about 75% filled in a cup
  3. Play Sapien Medicine frequency x 10 (make a playlist or loop and leave it to play and affect water)
  4. Observe that water is creating ripple or
    vibrating effect
  5. Now drink that water

Note: Make sure that water is vibrating otherwise the process is not working.
Plastic cup (because of thinnest) needs less speakers energy to vibrate.


I’ve been listening to Advanced Healing overnight for the past couple nights, and when I wake up, my eye is severely dry and throbs. Anybody else have any experiences like that or might be able to explain what’s happening?

Not sure if I should listen to it overnight, but it should be OK. The AH on the dog tag could only be worn for a few hours, but this is supposed to be formulated a bit differently, I think

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Niiyoru. In my infant stages last week I tried with various stacks and remembered one day being barely able to keep my eye opened, thought it was just fatigue. I remembered someone mentioning Advanced Healing was powerful, but never attributed this tired feeling to it. Well last night I experimented with it alone , looped twice. I was out and gone and before that I was fine. Usually play it in the morning when i awake did not today and have been up for the last 6 hours comfortably. I would say not overnight and looped too many times.


Yes, I also fall right asleep! I was thinking maybe just 2-3 times, but I wanted to be sure that what I was experiencing was from AH. Thanks!


Do you do this with the Advanced Healing frequency?

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:O that’s a really good idea!! You can use it for any audio!! And I found out from someone the other day that they do it with dog tags. I think they said the put the tag in the water? Or maybe it was just near it. Someone else also said that they use a copper bottle instead of a plastic bottle and got really good results. But yes, using AH with the Cup Method is a good idea!

I’m wondering about doing for a topical application. Charge the water, and then apply it to your body. @anon2456476 @uial thoughts?


@3Tulsi That might have been a post of mine the other day. I’ve placed tags against the side of a glass of water or tea. I often leave two of the dog tags held between two glasses for an hour or more, after first playing Water Charger 3-4 times to clear any negative/junk energies, and the energy of the field feels quite strong in the liquid.

It probably doesn’t retain the information perfectly, as sammyg said in the Sapien Cup Method thread, but it has more than enough of an effect.

I find that it helps me become accustomed to a new morphic field faster as well, dissolving some of the limitations preventing me from accepting the energy.

Advanced Healing is great with the cup method. I charge water or tea with the audio version often. Even 3 repeats already has a strong effect. It has a much stronger effect for me than listening to the audio alone.

If I overuse the audio I feel dehydrated, dry and a bit exhausted. I’ve gotten a headache with some throbbing when I overused it too. It sounds like you might have had a similar experience. I wouldn’t listen to it overnight personally as I feel it would be too taxing, but it may be perfectly fine for someone else to use overnight.

I think that would work well. I’ve done this unintentionally when I spilt some water that had been near my speakers. It carried the energy of the field I had been playing and gave me some more of the effects. :slight_smile:


How loud does the audio have to be to charge the water? Would a phone suffice?

And wouldn’t wearing the tag be more effective than charging water with it? I’m trying to learn more :grinning:


I think it wouldn’t have to be very loud, especially if the water is near the speakers. Sammyg said that the fields travel about five feet in the General Discussion thread:

I keep the volume at the regular volume that I would use for listening. A phone should be fine.

I find that wearing a tag and charging water with it each have slightly different effects, so I like to do both.

Charging water with a tag helps me accept the energy better, increasing the effects for me and dissolving some blockages, especially if the field is new to me. I also find it helps me assimilate the field better after using the Field Booster on a tag.

As our bodies are comprised mostly of water, perhaps drinking the water helps the field assimilate better by carrying the field to the water within our bodies.

It also helps to charge water when I’m trying to get the effects of more fields from tags but already wearing my personal maximum of five tags.


@uial WHAT

WHAT WAS THAT LAST PART :flushed: he says, his eyes opening wide with excitement, gripping the virtual keyboard of the phone for dear life

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Sapien Spa??


Charge a gallon or so of water with Advanced Healing, fill a tub, and bathe in it.

I wonder about doing a fast with charged Advanced Healing, Ascension, or Self-Realization series. This charging the water is what was discovered in The Hidden Messages in Water