Advanced Unlimited Energy / Pendant of Magi

Can someone tell me please the differences between these two?


easy bro

pendant of the magi is energy related = morphic fields work better, more energy aviable, you dont get tired easy

unlimited energy = your body is at high top perfomance always = fields could work better but most of all you wont need coffee, you would be always at high performance, better lifitng in gym, always the best power output your body can have

magi tag = get it for more energy for fields and energetic work
unlimited energy = get it for everyday life so you won’t be tired, prolly even have more energy in your body

but both combined would be awesome, you would never have energetic problems and always be at high performance

(if I am wong I will go and cry in the corner because of shame)


Advanced Unlimited Energy is for the body more to have physical energy through the day

Magi Tag is for the mind = Energy works, manifestation…


Is this pendant the upgraded version of APE?

No, its the upgraded version of “Unlimited Energy” tag. But it sounds like it has been totally done over, not “just” added to.
The Enhanced APE does have an energy component, it increases your energy by a certain %, as well (But to less a degree. than the new tag or even U.E.) and increased endurance, decreased fear, increased healing, also protection etc. I dont remember the % off hand. (Like, 300%, 400%). Its a nifty tag. :grin:

I own both these tags U.E. and E.A.
I usually put on E.A. in the morning, take it off in the evening unless I’m on a brain stack day, then I put on that tag (brain tag). If I need to go out I always have my E.A. on


I think an item as potent as the Magi Pendant is not fully understood.

Yes, it stores energy and passively helps perhaps increase the capacity of the wearer to use more fields/tags. But that is just one use.

But it’s major use is in consciously using all that energy in spells, rituals, psychic work etc., or to direct it towards healing, learning, etc. I use it during my weekly rituals using the Srichakra and it takes that to an entire new level. Try using it with radionics, spell work etc., and you will notice massive upgrades.


What’s your experience with UE

I actually dont use it (U.E.) too often, only when I need that extra boost. Like when I feel like crap and I REALLY NEED to be somewhere/or get something done, and cant postpone it again. Then I put it on and it helps. I’m glad I have it on hand. I’ve never worn it all day, just until I get done what I need to do. (Which usually takes several hours) When I get home, I take it off and hang it up, upstairs.


Oh. Is it because it gives you too much energy if you were to keep wearing?

Also in general how does it feel like after wearing it.

Does anyone wear magi pendant overnight ? Is it ok wearing it while sleeping?

Is enhanced ape available to buy?

No, not at this time. It may/may not be bought back.

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Well I’m an older gal and my health is “fragile”. So for me I dont want to possibly overwhelm my body (there is a price to pay afterwards for that). Besides the E.A. (Enhanced A.P.E.) already increases my energy.


The question is… How do you use the Magi pendant?

When can I buy this advanced unlimited energy pendant again?

It is currently out of stock

You can use it passively and actively.

Just wear it, experience more energy - that would be the passive way. Some folks (includes me) have reported that just wearing this pendant increases their capacity to wear/use more fields than they usually can.

But that is just scratching the surface. The real magick of this Field has more to it. You can intentionally gather specific types of energy in this tag. For example, I had done a certain ritual for a deity which took 8 hours and the place was buzzing with electric blue energy. I could gather that energy in my tag so I could use it later. I also sometimes collect energy from moonlight, sometimes during rain and thunderstorms (and earthquakes though you have to be careful here), and use it later to redirect this energy for healing, upgrading vibration, manifesting outcomes, etc.

The word “Magi” or “Magus” has the clue. When doing ritualistic magick, psionic work, astral work, manifestation, etc., this is a big boon - one can easily utilize this significant source of energy to do all such workings. Or, use it for simple things like healing a pain, clearing a room, etc. by intending to redirect the energy from the tag.


Yeah there’s the passive side (just wearing it) but how do you actively engage it when it comes to rituals and magick. Do you just speak to the Magi tag and ask for it’s support the same way with the intercession tag?

Do you know where I can find info on how to use this Magi tag so I can actually practice magick? I just don’t know how to actively use it as you say put it…